Header: ctype.h Purpose: Declares ANSI C functions for testing characters. File: ctype.h Author: K.G. Begeman Use: #include "ctype.h" Defines: isalnum(int c) isalpha(c) or isdigit(c) is true isalpha(int c) isupper(c) or islower(c) is true iscntrl(int c) control character isdigit(int c) decimal digit isgraph(int c) printing character except space islower(int c) lower-case character isprint(int c) printing character including space ispunct(int c) printing character except space or letter or digit isspace(int c) space, formfeed, newline, carriage return, tab, vertical tab isupper(int c) upper-case letter isxdigit(int c) hexadecimal digit int tolower(int c) convert c to lower case int toupper(int c) convert c to upper case Warning: System dependent. At the moment implemented for ALLIANT, CONVEX, DEC ALPHA, DEC ULTRIX, HP 9000, IBM/RS6000, SILICON GRAPHICS, SUN and VMS. Updates: Apr 8, 1990: KGB, Document created. Jun 8, 2009: JPT, Linux now includes from system