Function: GgiVerify Purpose: Ask the user a simple question Category: USER-INTERFACE File: ggi.src Author: J.P. Terlouw Use: #include "ggi.h" bool result; char *message, *truelabel, *falselabel; result = GgiVerify(message, truelabel, falselabel); message - the text of the question. truelabel - text for "TRUE"-button falseelabel - text for "FALSE"-button Description: GgiVerify creates a pop-up window with the question text and two push-down buttons. Pressing the first button will cause the function to return TRUE; pressing the second button will give FALSE. If NULL is specified for either truelabel or falseelabel, the text in the respective button will be "YES" or "NO". Because this function only returns after one of the buttons has been pressed, the application need not register any handlers to process the user actions. Keywords: The following keywords are reserved for internal use: "VFY_YES=" and "VFY_NO=". Updates: Aug 4, 1999: JPT, Document created.