Function: GgiPlotFrames Purpose: Obtain a number of pixmaps e.g. for movie loops. Category: USER-INTERFACE, GRAPHICS File: ggi.src Author: J.P. Terlouw Use: #include "ggi.h" ident plotter; int requested, obtained; obtained = GgiPlotFrames(plotter, requested); plotter - the associated plotfield element. requested - the desired number of frames. obtained - the number of frames actually obtained. Description: GgiPlotFrames tries to create a number of X11 pixmaps ("frames") of the same dimensions as the plotfield element. These can then later be used to store and retrieve plots. in a fast way, e.g. for implementing a movie loop, making an animation, etc. The pixmaps can only be created after the plotfield element has been opened at least once. It need not be open anymore when GgiPlotFrames is called. Related documents: GgiPlotCopy.dc2, GgiPlotDest.dc2, GgiPlotRecord.dc2, GgiPlotShow.dc2. Updates: Jan 25, 1999: JPT, Document created. Mar 8, 2000: JPT, Document changed. Mar 9, 2005: JPT, Document changed.