Function: GgiInset Purpose: Ggi element for specifying set, subset and box information. Category: USER-INTERFACE File: ggi.src Author: J.P. Terlouw Use: #include "ggi.h" ident element; int opcode; element = GgiInset(opcode, ...); ... is a variable argument list of which the elements depend on the value of opcode. The following variants exist: - create the element: element = GgiInset(ggiCreate, name, inset, box, message); char *name - user input keyword for set name char *inset - keyword for set, subset char *box - keyword for box or NULL char message - explanatory message - delete the element: (void)GgiInset(ggiDelete, element); ident element - element to be deleted - find existing element, given set name keyword: element = GgiInset(ggiIdent, name); char *name - user input keyword for set name - set dimensionality: element = GgiInset(ggiNdims, element, ndim); ident element - element to be modified int ndim - initial dimensionality - set immediate close after pressing OK button: element = GgiInset(ggiCloseOnOK, element); ident element - element to be modified Description: GgiInset creates or manipulates a pop-up window for specifying set, subset and box information. This window initially consists of an explanatory text at the top, an input field for the set name, input/output fields for set, subset and box, a browse button, close and ok-buttons and an empty area. When the user enters a set name, the empty area will be filled with as many lines as there are axes in the set. Each line consists of a text with the axis name, two buttons for selecting subset- or box mode, an input field and a text showing the range of the axis. If subset mode is selected, the corresponding axis name is incorporated in the set, subset specification, together with the contents of the input field. In box mode, the contents of the input fields is used for the box field. When the user is satisfied with the set, subset and box specifications, the ok-button can be pressed which causes the 'inset' and 'box' keywords to be written. If 'box' is specified as NULL, there will be no box input/output field and box mode buttons. In this case only set and subsets can be specified. In case the dimensionality has been set with opcode ggiNdims, the first 'ndim' axes are preset as box axes and the remaining axes as subset axes. If the set has fewer than 'ndim' axes, an error message is displayed. The browse button causes a file browser to be popped up from which a set name can be selected. Keywords: All keywords beginning with "_GGIIS" are reserved for internal use by GgiInset. Updates: Nov 25, 1999: JPT, Document created. Dec 9, 1999: JPT, Improved internal keyword scheme. Mar 30, 2000: JPT, Immediate close implemented. Jul 11, 2000: JPT, Header button added. Oct 2, 2000: JPT, Missing "close-on-ok" implemented.