Function: GgiHelpMenu Purpose: Create a help menu Ggi element Category: USER-INTERFACE File: ggi.src Author: J.P. Terlouw Use: #include "ggi.h" ident menu; char *keyword, *label, *message, **labels, **documents; menu = GgiHelpMenu(keyword, label, message, labels, documents); menu - 'handle' by which element can be referenced. keyword - user input keyword. label - label text for menu button. message - help text for menu button and pop-up window. labels - a NULL-pointer terminated list of pointers to the menu entry texts. documents - a NULL-pointer terminated list of pointers to document specifications. Description: GgiHelpMenu creates a menu element which interfaces with a pop-up containing a text editor element (read-only) and some control elements. When a menu entry is selected, the element opens the corresponding document in the text editor. The following menu entry texts have a special meaning. These 'entries' cannot be selected, but they must have a (NULL) counterpart in 'documents'. _LINE separator line _SPACE 5 pixels high blank separator _text text separator ('text' is any text) The document specifications are in the form of a filename optionally followed by a hash sign (#) and a number or text. If only a file name is specified, the whole file contents are displayed. If the name is followed by #n, only a section of the file is shown. In this case sections in the file must be delimited by lines of the form: #begin section n and #end section n The element attempts to find the file in a number of directories, starting in the current directory and then in $gip_tsk/, $gip_doc/ and $gip_sub/. Keywords: All keywords beginning with "_GGIHM" are reserved for internal use by GgiHelpMenu. Updates: Feb 11, 2000: JPT, Document created. Jul 11, 2000: JPT, Use keyword identifiers. Jun 28, 2010: JPT, Fixed problem with Apple Mac OS.