Function: GgiButton Purpose: Create a Ggi button element. Category: USER-INTERFACE File: ggi.src Author: J.P. Terlouw Use: #include "ggi.h" ident button; char *keyword, *message; button = GgiButton(keyword, message); button - 'handle' by which element can be referenced. keyword - user input keyword. message - help text which pops up when the pointer stays on the button for some time. Description: GgiButton creates a button. This is a toggle button, when it has been pushed, it stays depressed until it is pushed again, or the associated keyword is set to 'NO' by calling wkey_c(). The associated keyword is set to 'YES' or 'NO' depending on the button's state. It can be read by userlog_c(). The default button's label text is the supplied keyword without the equals sign. Updates: Jan 13, 1998: JPT, Document created.