Script: export Purpose: Creates an compressed exportable tar file of the GIPSY sources and/or GIPSY binaries for all architectures for export. Category: MANAGEMENT File: export.csh Author: K.G. Begeman Use: export.csh [-b] [-s] [-t tapedevice] [archs] -b export binaries. -s export sources. -t tapedevice export to tapedevice. Default export to GIPSY export directory. archs architectures to export. Default all available architectures will be exported Description: The sources are stored in $gip_root/export/src/gipsy-src.??? in files of 0.5 Megabyte each. The binaries are stored in $gip_root/export/"arch"/gipsy-bin.???, also in files of 0.5 Megabyte each. The $gip_root/export directory should be a link to the gipsy directory of the anonymous ftp directory. The gipsy account must have write priviledge to the gipsy directory of the anonymous ftp account. Updates: Oct 29, 1991: Document created. Aug 10, 1999: JPT, also create gzip'ed tar file for sources. May 4, 2007: JPT, compress utility replaced by gzip.