(The research group)
Our group has been supported by NOVA, a Vidi grant, a European Research Council Starting Grant, and currently by a Vici grant (as part of the Netherlands Innovative Research Grant Scheme)
Tjitske Starkenburg (PhD Student)
Hao Tian (PhD Student)
Jorrit Hagen (PhD student)
Jovan Veljanoski (Postdoc)
Lorenzo Posti (Postdoc)
Maarten Breddels (Postdoc)
Hans Buist ("Dynamical modelling of stellar streams in a cosmological setting", PhD Thesis 2015)
Giacomo Monari ("The dynamical effects of the bar on the Galactic thin and thick disks", PhD Thesis 2014)
Maarten Breddels ("Orbit-based dynamical models of Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies", PhD Thesis 2013)
Carlos Vera-Ciro ("The Local Group in LCDM: shapes and masses of dark halos", PhD Thesis 2013)
Else Starkenburg ("Galactic archaeology in and around the Milky Way", PhD Thesis 2011)
Facundo Gomez ("Milky Way archaeology and the dynamical signatures of mergers", PhD Thesis 2010)
Alvaro Villalobos ("Simulations of the formation of thick discs in galaxies", PhD Thesis 2009)
Yang-Shyang Li ("Local Group galaxies in a LambdaCDM Universe", PhD Thesis 2009)
Giuseppina Battaglia ("Chemistry and kinematics of stars in Local Group galaxies", PhD Thesis 2007)
Martin Smith (Postdoc)
Laura Sales (Postdoc)
Teresa Antoja (Postdoc)
Robyn Sanderson (Postdoc)
Shoko Jin (VENI Postdoc)
Former members: