Source code for kapteyn.shapes

#!/usr/bin/env python
# PURPOSE: Provide methods to plot polygons, ellipses, circles
#          rectangles and splines. For the area enclused by these shapes
#          the flux can be calculated, plotted and/or saved to disk.
# AUTHOR:  M.G.R. Vogelaar, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
# DATE:    April 25, 2010
# UPDATE:  April 25, 2010
#          Nov 28, Changed transformxy routine so that it can also
#                  work with maps with only one spatial axis.
#                  Changed toolbar output to messenger() which is
#                  a method of the Annotated image object.
#          Sep 07, 3013  Adapted for Maatplotlib 1.3
# VERSION: 1.1.1
# (C) University of Groningen
# Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
# Groningen, The Netherlands
# E:
.. highlight:: python
   :linenothreshold: 1000

Module shapes
This module defines a class for drawing shapes that define an area in your
image. The drawing is interactive using mouse- and keyboard buttons.
For each defined area the module :mod:`maputils` calculates the sum of the intensities,
the area and some other properties of the data. The shapes are one of
polygon, ellipse, circle, rectangle or spline.

The strength of this module is that it duplicates a shape to other selected
images using transformations to world coordinates. This enables one to compare
e.g. flux in two images with different WCS systems.
It works with spatial maps and maps with mixed axes (e.g. position-velocity maps)
and maps with linear axes.
The order of the two axes in a map can be swapped.
.. autoclass:: Shapecollection

Utility functions

.. index:: Sample points on an ellipse
.. autofunction:: ellipsesamples

from matplotlib import __version__ as mplversion
mploldversion = mplversion < '1.2.0'

from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.pyplot import show, figure, get_current_fig_manager
from matplotlib.artist import Artist
# VOG 17-07-23 Does not exist anymore. Copied code.  from matplotlib.mlab import dist_point_to_segment
from matplotlib.widgets import Button, RadioButtons
from datetime import datetime
from kapteyn import tabarray
if mploldversion:
   import matplotlib.nxutils as nxutils
   import matplotlib.path as path
from kapteyn.maputils import AxesCallback
from sys import stdout, exit
from kapteyn.mplutil import KeyPressFilter
from numpy import pi, array, dot, zeros, sin, cos, asarray, hypot, matrix, concatenate
from numpy import equal, nonzero, amin, arange
from numpy import min as Amin
from numpy import max as Amax
from numpy import nan as NAN
# Import a number of functions with scalars as arguments
# These are faster than their numpy counterparts
from math import cos as Cos
from math import sin as Sin
from math import atan2 as Atan2
from math import sqrt as Sqrt
from math import radians, degrees
   from gipsy import finis, anyout
   gipsymod = True
   gipsymod = False

__version__ = '1.1'

# Allow the use of these keys for resize the screen (f) and plot grid lines (g)
KeyPressFilter.allowed = ['f', 'g']

def button_setcolor(btnobj, c):
   Purpose:    Change color of button
    btnobj     The button
    c          A color
   btnobj.color = c
   btnobj._lastcolor = c
   if btnobj.drawon:
Button.setcolor = button_setcolor        # Global

def rotate(x, y, pa):
   # Rotate (x,y) at angle pa wrt. center (0,0)
   x = array(x)
   y = array(y)
   pa_rad = pa*pi/180.0
   sinP = sin(pa_rad)
   cosP = cos(pa_rad)
   xr = x * cosP - y * sinP
   yr = x * sinP + y * cosP
   return xr, yr

[docs]def ellipsesamples(xc, yc, major, minor, pa, n): #----------------------------------------------------------------- """ Get sample positions on ellipse Algorithm from 'Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics' by Rogers and Adams, section about 'Parametric Representation of an Ellipse' Many methods which calculate sample positions on an ellipse suffer from a reasonable sampling near the positions where the curvature of an ellipse is large. The method we use, finds more sample points near the end points of an ellipse where the curvature is large while the increment between sample points along the sides of the ellipse where the curvature is not large, is small For an ellipse centered at (0,0), semimajor axis a and semiminor axis b the parametric representation is given by:: x = a * cos(th) y = b * sin(th) 'th' is the parameter and it represents the angle between 0 and 2*pi One can derive a recursive relation:: x_i+1 = x_i cos(dth) - (a/b) y_i sin(dth) y_i+1 = (b/a) x_i sin(dth) + y_i cos(dth) dth is a step size in the angle th. It is equal to 2*pi/(n-1) n-1 is the required number or unique points on the ellipse and therefore an input parameter. The routine returns a result which is empty when either a or b is zero. The shift of the origin and the rotation of the ellipse can be combined into one matrix:: | cos(a) sin (a) 0 | | 1 0 0 | T = |-sin(a) cos (a) 0 | | 0 1 0 | | 0 0 1 | | xc yc 1 | Finally the result is computed with:: X, Y, dummy = (x, y, 1).T The result is a polygon which describes the maximum inscribed area for the given ellipse parameters (Smith, L.B., "Drawing Ellipses, Hyperbolas, or Parabolas With a Fixed Number of Points and Maximum Inscribed Area," Comp. J., Vol. 14, pp. 81-86, 1969 :param xc: Center position of ellipse in x direction :type xc: float :param yc: Center position of ellipse in y direction :type yc: float :param major: Semi major axis in pixels :type major: float :param minor: Semi minor axis in pixels :type minor: float :param pa: Position angle in degrees :type pa: float :param n: Number of sample points :type n: int :Notes: The 'classical' method involves the calculation of many cosine and sine functions. This method avoids that by using a method which calculates a new sample based on the information of a previous sample. However, we didn't find a way to do this properly using NumPy. The classic method is very suitable to do implement in NumPy and is therefore faster than the algorithm here. But the sampling is better and we can do with less samples to get the same result. """ #----------------------------------------------------------------- a = abs(major); b = abs(minor) # Make it a bit more robust if a == 0 or b == 0.0: # Empty list if one of the axes is 0 return list(zip([],[])) dth = 2*pi/n cosdth = Cos(dth) sindth = Sin(dth) # Rotation matrix pa = radians(pa) cospa = Cos(pa) sinpa = Sin(pa) R = array([[cospa, sinpa, 0.0], [-sinpa, cospa, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) # Translation matrix Tt = array([[1,0,0], [0,1,0], [xc, yc, 1]]) # Composed matrix T = dot(R, Tt) # We reserve three elements for one position. The last value is 1. # This is necessary to be able to apply the rotation-translation # matrix to the positions xy = zeros((n,3)) xy[:,2] = 1.0 m = array([[cosdth, -a*sindth/b, 0.0], [b*sindth/a, cosdth, 0.0], [0,0,1]]) # Start with the point at the end of the semimajor axis of the unrotated ellipse # that is (x1,y1) = (a,0) xy[0] = a, 0.0, 1 for i in range(n-1): xy[i+1] = dot(m, xy[i]) xy = dot(xy, T) # Rotation and translation of the result return xy[:,:2]
def cubicspline(xyu, nsamples): """ ----------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Give a set positions (x,y) as control points, calculate interpolated points which span cubic polynomials between those control points. Parameters: xyu: Unscaled sequence of positions (x,y) usually representing a user defined polygon nsamples: Number of spline interpolation points in each segment A segment is has two control points as start and end point. Returns: Unscaled interpolated data including the control points. As a polygon the interpolated data is not closed so the last point is not equal to the first. Notes: -Cubic splines, Mathematical elements for computer graphics, 2nd ed., Rogers & Adams -The algorithm calculates internal tangents but it needs two additional tangents for the first and last control points. Here we force smoothness by setting these to tangents to the same value. which is the tangent corresponding to the first segment. -Internally, the data is always scaled in the range [-1,1] Examples: x = [0,1000,2000, 3000, 2500, 1200, 800] y = [0,1000,-1000, 0, 1000, 1800, 1700] xy = zip(x,y) nsamples = 100 xy_spl = cubicspline(xy, samples) ----------------------------------------------------------- """ np = len(xyu) if np < 3: return None # Not enough control points to do anything xymin = Amin(xyu,0) xymax = Amax(xyu,0) scale = float(max(xymax[0]-xymin[0],xymax[1]-xymin[1])) if scale == 0.0: return None xys = asarray(xyu)/scale x, y = list(zip(*xys)) x = list(x) y = list(y) x.append(x[0]) # Close polygon y.append(y[0]) xy = list(zip(x,y)) np += 1 # A vertex was added, increase the counter x1 = array(x[:-1]) x2 = array(x[1:]) y1 = array(y[:-1]) y2 = array(y[1:]) t = hypot(x2-x1,y2-y1) # Chord approximation tk. Note that t[0] is t2 in Rogers & Adams M = zeros((np,np)) M[0,0] = M[-1,-1] = 1.0 # Add outer parts of matrix R = zeros((np,2)) # Initialize matrix R in R&A (eq. 5-15) for row in range(1,np-1): # Fill matrices M and R col = row -1 t_first = t[row-1]; t_next = t[row]; M[row,col] = t_next M[row,col+1] = 2.0*(t_first + t_next) M[row,col+2] = t_first x1 = xy[row-1][0]; x2 = xy[row][0]; x3 = xy[row+1][0] y1 = xy[row-1][1]; y2 = xy[row][1]; y3 = xy[row+1][1] R[row,0] = 3.0 * ( ((t_first/t_next)*(x3-x2)) + ((t_next/t_first)*(x2-x1)) ) R[row,1] = 3.0 * ( ((t_first/t_next)*(y3-y2)) + ((t_next/t_first)*(y2-y1)) ) # Here we need the tangents of the first and last point # Assume last point is not equal to first point, i.e. if # data is polygon data, then polygon is not closed P1 = (x[1]-x[0],y[1]-y[0]); Plast = P1 #(x[0]-x[-1],y[0]-y[-1]) R[0] = P1 R[-1] = Plast Ptan = matrix(M).I * R # Internal tangent vectors # Here we create the sub-divisions in a segment. Take the number of samples in # each segment the same. The idea is that the user increaser the distance between # control points on polygon parts that look like straight lines. Less spline # points are needed to interpolate those segments. # The alternative is not implemented. The alternative is to calculate samples # that are equidistant on all segments. ta = array(list(range(nsamples)))/float(nsamples) ta2 = ta*ta ta3 = ta*ta2 F = matrix(zeros((4,len(ta)))) G = matrix(zeros((4,2))) F[0] = 2.0*ta3 - 3.0*ta2 + 1.0 F[1] = 1.0 - F[0] F2 = ta*(ta2-2.0*ta+1.0) F3 = ta*(ta2-ta) for seg in range(np-1): F[2] = F2 * t[seg] F[3] = F3 * t[seg] G[0] = xy[seg] G[1] = xy[seg+1] G[2] = Ptan[seg] G[3] = Ptan[seg+1] Pspline = F.T * G if seg == 0: v = Pspline.copy() else: v = concatenate((v,Pspline)) if scale: # Rescale to original size v *= scale return v class Poly(Polygon): def __init__(self, frame, framenr, active, markers, x0, y0, type=None, acolor='y', spline=False, **kwargs): # Either initialize object with one marker at x0, y0 or # initialize with a sequence of markers copied from an existing object. canvas = frame.figure.canvas self.canvas = canvas = active self.frame = frame self.framenr = framenr self.kwargs = kwargs self.shapecolor = acolor # Color when active self.edgecolor = 'r' self.shapetype = type self.epsilon = 20 # A distance in display coordinates Polygon.__init__(self, list(zip([x0],[y0])), closed=False, alpha=0.1, edgecolor='r', picker=5, animated=False, **self.kwargs) if not spline: self.frame.add_patch(self) self.markers = Line2D([x0],[y0], marker='o', markerfacecolor='r', color='r', animated=False) self.frame.add_line(self.markers) self.startmarker = Line2D([x0],[y0], marker='o', markerfacecolor='b', color='b', animated=False) self.frame.add_line(self.startmarker) self.closestindx = None self.x0 = x0 self.y0 = y0 self.area = None self.sum = None self.flux = None self.spline = None if spline: self.spline = Polygon(list(zip([x0],[y0])), closed=False, alpha=0.3, edgecolor='r') self.frame.add_patch(self.spline) if self.set_active(markers) else: self.set_inactive() def copy(self, frame, framenr, x0, y0, xy, active, markers): newobj = Poly(frame, framenr, active, markers, x0, y0, type=self.shapetype, **self.kwargs) newobj.updatexy(xy) return newobj def updatexy(self, xy, x0=None, y0=None): #self.xy = xy # Direct access. Not preferred but still possible self.set_xy(xy) # Just to demonstrate that also the setter and getter can be used x, y = list(zip(*self.get_xy())) self.markers.set_data(x, y) self.startmarker.set_data(x[0], y[0]) if not x0 is None: self.x0 = x0 if not y0 is None: self.y0 = y0 def shiftxy(self, x0, y0): x, y = list(zip(*self.xy)) dx = x0 - self.x0 dy = y0 - self.y0 x = asarray(x) + dx y = asarray(y) + dy return list(zip(x,y)) def set_active(self, markers=False): = True alpha = 0.5 if self.markers: self.markers.set_visible(markers) self.startmarker.set_visible(markers) if self.spline != None: self.spline.set_facecolor(self.shapecolor) self.spline.set_edgecolor(self.edgecolor) self.spline.set_alpha(alpha) else: self.set_facecolor(self.shapecolor) self.set_edgecolor(self.edgecolor) self.set_alpha(alpha) def addvertex(self, x, y, markers=True): xyl = list(self.get_xy()) xyl.append([x,y]) # Append the new position self.set_xy(xyl) self.markers.set_data(list(zip(*self.get_xy()))) self.markers.set_visible(markers) def set_markers(self, vis=True): if self.markers != None: self.markers.set_visible(vis) self.startmarker.set_visible(vis) def set_inactive(self): = False self.set_markers(False) alpha = 0.3 if self.spline == None: self.set_facecolor('y') self.set_edgecolor(self.edgecolor) self.set_alpha(alpha) else: self.spline.set_facecolor('y') self.spline.set_alpha(alpha) self.spline.set_edgecolor(self.edgecolor) def indexclosestmarker(self, x, y): # These coordinates are display pixels! xt,yt = list(zip(*self.frame.transData.transform(self.xy))) xt = asarray(xt); yt = asarray(yt) d = (xt-x)*(xt-x) + (yt-y)*(yt-y) a2 = equal(d, amin(d)) inds = nonzero(a2)[0] i = int(inds[0]) if d[i] > self.epsilon: i = None self.closestindx = i return i def deletemarker(self, indx): xyl = list(self.xy) if len(xyl) == 2: return if indx == 0: del xyl[-1] del xyl[0] if len(xyl) > 0: xyl.append(xyl[0]) # Make polygon closed again else: del xyl[indx] self.xy = xyl self.markers.set_data(list(zip(*self.xy))) def indexsegmentinrange(self, x, y): # Find index of nearest segment if not self.spline: tra = self.get_transform() else: tra = self.spline.get_transform() xyt = tra.transform(self.xy) p = x, y ind = None dmin = None for i in range(len(xyt)-1): s0 = xyt[i] s1 = xyt[i+1] # d = (x-s0[0])*(x-s0[0]) + (y-s0[1])*(y-s0[1]) + (x-s1[0])*(x-s1[0]) + (y-s1[1])*(y-s1[1]) # Criterion is the orthogonal distance to a line segment. d = dist_point_to_segment(p, s0, s1) if dmin == None: dmin = d ind = i else: if d < dmin: dmin = d ind = i return ind def dist_point_to_segment(p, s0, s1): """ Get the distance of a point to a segment. *p*, *s0*, *s1* are *xy* sequences This algorithm from """ p = np.asarray(p, float) s0 = np.asarray(s0, float) s1 = np.asarray(s1, float) v = s1 - s0 w = p - s0 c1 =, v) if c1 <= 0: return dist(p, s0) c2 =, v) if c2 <= c1: return dist(p, s1) b = c1 / c2 pb = s0 + b * v return dist(p, pb) def insertmarker(self, x, y, indx): if indx == None: return i = indx + 1 if i >= len(self.xy): # After the last segment you can only append return self.xy = array(list(self.xy[:i]) + [(x, y)] + list(self.xy[i:])) self.markers.set_data(list(zip(*self.xy))) def delete(self): # Remove visible elements self.frame.lines.remove(self.markers) if self.spline: self.frame.patches.remove(self.spline) else: self.frame.patches.remove(self) def inside(self, x, y): # Is this (x,y) position within the polygon? pos = [(x,y)] #mask = nxutils.points_inside_poly(pos, self.xy) if mploldversion: mask = nxutils.points_inside_poly(pos, self.xy) else: polypath = path.Path(self.xy) mask = polypath.contains_points(pos) return mask[0] def moveall(self, dx, dy): # dx = x0-self.x0; dy = y0-self.y0 x, y = list(zip(*self.xy)) x = asarray(x) + dx y = asarray(y) + dy self.markers.set_data(x, y) self.startmarker.set_data(x[0], y[0]) self.xy = list(zip(x, y)) self.x0 += dx self.y0 += dy return self.xy def movemarker(self, x, y, indx): self.xy[indx] = x,y self.markers.set_data(list(zip(*self.xy))) if indx == 0: self.startmarker.set_data(x, y) def allinsideframe(self): x1, x2 = self.frame.get_xlim() y1, y2 = self.frame.get_ylim() if self.spline: xy = self.spline.xy else: xy = self.xy inside = True for x, y in xy: if x > x2 or x < x1 or y > y2 or y < y1: inside = False break return inside class Ellipse(Poly): def __init__(self, frame, framenr, active, markers, x0, y0, type=None, r1=0.0, r2=0.0, r3=0.0, **kwargs): # r1, r2 are extra parameters. For a default ellipse these # represent the major cq. minor axes. startang, endang, delta = (0.0, 360.0, 1.0) self.phi = arange(startang, endang+delta, delta) * pi/180.0 = r3 self.x0 = x0 self.y0 = y0 self.maj = r1 self.min = r2 Poly.__init__(self, frame, framenr, active, markers, x0, y0, type=type, acolor='m', **kwargs) self.updatexy(self.getvertices()) def getvertices(self): n = 200 # Number of sample points on ellipse vertices = ellipsesamples(self.x0, self.y0, self.maj, self.min,, n) return vertices def movemarker(self, x, y, indx): # Move 1 marker at index 'indx' to (x,y) n = len(self.xy) d = n/8 minor = (d <= indx < 3*d) or (5*d <= indx < 7*d) majorpa = (indx >= 7*d) or (0 <= indx < d) major = (3*d <= indx < 5*d) if majorpa: = degrees(Atan2(y-self.y0, x-self.x0)) axis = Sqrt((self.x0-x)**2 + (self.y0-y)**2) if minor: self.min = axis if major or majorpa: self.maj = axis self.xy = self.getvertices() xn, yn = list(zip(*self.xy)) self.markers.set_data(xn, yn) self.startmarker.set_data(xn[0], yn[0]) def copy(self, frame, framenr, x0, y0, xy, active, markers): # First a real copy. The values for the axes and angle are dummy # The position x0, y0 is the New central position newobj = Ellipse(frame, framenr, active, markers, x0, y0, type=self.shapetype, r1=self.maj, r2=self.min,, **self.kwargs) # Then update vertices with 'updatexy which also estimates shape paramaters newobj.updatexy(xy) return newobj def updatexy(self, xy, x0=None, y0=None): self.xy = xy self.markers.set_data(list(zip(*self.xy))) if not x0 is None: self.x0 = x0 if not y0 is None: self.y0 = y0 # We updated the ellipse for the new vertices, but what about the the new # parameters of this ellipse? In fact an ellipse that is transformed for # another image is usually not an ellipse anymore. # So we need to estimate the new parameters. # We require that the center position (x0, y0) remains constant x, y = list(zip(*self.xy)) # x = asarray(x); y = asarray(y) # Assume symmetry and estimate ellipse parameters. # The indices are based on a sampling of len(xy) samples. n90 = len(xy)//4 self.maj = Sqrt((x[0]-self.x0)**2 +(y[0]-self.y0)**2) self.min = Sqrt((x[n90]-self.x0)**2 +(y[n90]-self.y0)**2) = degrees(Atan2(y[0]-self.y0, x[0]-self.x0)) self.startmarker.set_data(x[0], y[0]) class Circle(Poly): def __init__(self, frame, framenr, active, markers, x0, y0, type=None, r1=0.0, r2=0.0, **kwargs): # r1, r2 are extra parameters. For a default ellipse these represent the major cq. minor axes. startang, endang, delta = (0.0, 360.0, 1.0) self.phi = arange(startang, endang+delta, delta) * pi/180.0 self.x0 = x0 self.y0 = y0 self.radius = r1 Poly.__init__(self, frame, framenr, active, markers, x0, y0, type=type, acolor='g', **kwargs) self.updatexy(self.getvertices()) def getvertices(self): vertices = list(zip(self.radius*cos(self.phi)+self.x0, self.radius*sin(self.phi)+self.y0)) return vertices def movemarker(self, x, y, indx): # Move 1 marker to x, y self.radius = Sqrt((self.x0-x)**2 + (self.y0-y)**2) self.xy = self.getvertices() xn, yn = list(zip(*self.xy)) self.markers.set_data(xn, yn) self.startmarker.set_data(xn[0], yn[0]) def copy(self, frame, framenr, x0, y0, xy, active, markers): # Create a copy of the current object. newobj = Circle(frame, framenr, active, markers, x0, y0, type=self.shapetype, r1=self.radius, **self.kwargs) newobj.updatexy(xy) return newobj def updatexy(self, xy, x0=None, y0=None): # Get vertices from another object. Usually these are transformed pixel positions. if not x0 is None: self.x0 = x0 if not y0 is None: self.y0 = y0 self.xy = xy self.markers.set_data(list(zip(*self.xy))) # Now estimate the radius. Note that a circle in the original # system needs not to be a cricle in another image. We make it # a circle by calculating a new radius which is the distance # between the new center and the first sample point on # the circle. xr, yr = xy[0] self.radius = Sqrt((self.x0-xr)**2 + (self.y0-yr)**2) self.startmarker.set_data(xr, yr) class Rectangle(Poly): def __init__(self, frame, framenr, active, markers, x0, y0, type=None, r1=0.0, r2=0.0, **kwargs): # r1, r2 are extra parameters. For a default rectangle these represent # width and the height self.x0 = x0 self.y0 = y0 self.width = r1 self.height = r2 = 0.0 Poly.__init__(self, frame, framenr, active, markers, x0, y0, type=type, acolor='r', **kwargs) self.updatexy(self.getvertices()) def getvertices(self): # Simple initialization with a position angle equal to 0! x = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] y = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # Rectangle counter clockwise. Start at lower left edge x[0] = self.x0 - 0.5*self.width y[0] = self.y0 - 0.5*self.height x[1] = x[0] + self.width y[1] = y[0] x[2] = x[1] y[2] = y[1] + self.height x[3] = x[0] y[3] = y[2] vertices = list(zip(x,y)) return vertices def movemarker(self, xnew, ynew, indx): # The rectangle x, y = list(zip(*self.xy)) dx = (xnew - x[indx]) # Displacement in the rotated system dy = (ynew - y[indx]) # Now get all the vertices and xnew, ynew in the unrotated system centered at (0,0) x = [a-self.x0 for a in x] y = [a-self.y0 for a in y] xr, yr = rotate(x, y, # to unrotated system xrnew, yrnew = rotate(xnew-self.x0, ynew-self.y0, # to unrotated system if indx != 0: # This is one of the resize handlers dxr = (xrnew - xr[indx]) dyr = (yrnew - yr[indx]) if indx > 2: dxr = -dxr if indx < 2: dyr = - dyr xr[0] -= dxr; yr[0] -= dyr xr[1] += dxr; yr[1] -= dyr xr[2] += dxr; yr[2] += dyr xr[3] -= dxr; yr[3] += dyr self.width = abs(x[1] - x[0]) self.height = abs(y[2] - y[0]) else: # This is the rotation handler pa1 = Atan2(yr[0], xr[0]) pa2 = Atan2(yrnew, xrnew) += degrees(pa2 - pa1) # Add in degrees # Now rotate back from unrotated to rotated system x, y = rotate(xr, yr, x = [a+self.x0 for a in x] y = [a+self.y0 for a in y] self.xy = list(zip(x, y)) self.markers.set_data(x, y) self.startmarker.set_data(x[0], y[0]) def copy(self, frame, framenr, x0, y0, xy, active, markers): # User wants a copy of the current active object centered at # position x0, y0. The vertices of the new object are in parameter xy. # Note that these vertices could be transformed pixel positions. # So possible we have different parameters for the rectangle # (width, height in pixels). newobj = Rectangle(frame, framenr, active, markers, self.x0, self.y0, type=self.shapetype, r1=self.width, r2=self.height, **self.kwargs) newobj.updatexy(xy) return newobj def updatexy(self, xy, x0=None, y0=None): # Get vertices for another object. Usually these are transformed pixel positions. # e.g. the active object has vertices in pixels. These are transformed # to world coordinates. Then for a different image, these wcs coordinates are # transformed to pixels again. So with different systems, the flux objects # do not maintain their shape. Therefore the new properties of the rectangle # are estimates only. It allows a user to propagate a shape exactly in world coordinates # and the choice of the exact object is in an arbitrary image (i.e. the image of the # current active object) self.xy = xy x, y = list(zip(*self.xy)) self.markers.set_data(x,y) # Now get all the vertices and xnew, ynew in the unrotated system centered at (0,0) if not x0 is None: self.x0 = x0 if not y0 is None: self.y0 = y0 # The middle of the line that connects the second and third point defines # the angle with respect to center (x0,y0) xpa = (x[1]+x[2])/2.0 ypa = (y[1]+y[2])/2.0 = degrees(Atan2(ypa-self.y0, xpa - self.x0)) # The width and heigth is the distance between corners self.width = Sqrt((x[0]-x[1])**2 + (y[0]-y[1])**2) self.height = Sqrt((x[1]-x[2])**2 + (y[2]-y[2])**2) self.startmarker.set_data(x[0], y[0]) class Spline(Poly): def __init__(self, frame, framenr, active, markers, x0, y0, type=None, r1=0.0, r2=0.0, **kwargs): Poly.__init__(self, frame, framenr, active, markers, x0, y0, type=type, acolor='r', spline=True, **kwargs) def copy(self, frame, framenr, x0, y0, xy, active, markers): newobj = Spline(frame, framenr, active, markers, x0, y0, type=self.shapetype, **self.kwargs) newobj.updatexy(xy) return newobj
[docs]class Shapecollection(object): #----------------------------------------------------------------- """ Administration class for a collection of shapes. The figure :param images: In each image a shape can be drawn using mouse- and keyboard buttons. This shape is duplicated either in pixel coordinates or world coordinates in the other images of the list with images. These images have two attributes that are relevant for this module. These are *fluxfie* to define how the flux should be calculated using fixed variables *s* for the sum of the intensities of the pixels in an area and *a* which represents the area. :type images: A list of objects from class :class:`maputils.Annotatedimage` :param ifigure: The Matplotlib figure where the images are. :type ifigure: Matplotlib :class:`Figure` object :param wcs: The default is *True* which implies that in case of multiple images shapes propagate through world coordinates. If you have images with the same size and WCS, then set *wcs=False* to duplicate shapes in pixel coordinates which is much faster. :type wcs: Boolean :param inputfilename: Name of file on disk which stores shape information. The objects are read from this file and plotted on all the images in the image list. The coordinates in the file can be either pixel- or world coordinates. You should specify that with parameter *inputwcs* :type inputfilename: String :param inputwcs: Set the shape mode for shapes from file to either pixels coordinates (*inputwcs=False*) or to world coordinates (*inputwcs=True*). :type inputwcs: Boolean This shape interactor reacts to the following keyboard and mouse buttons:: mouse - left : Drag a polygon point to a new position or change the radius of a circle or change the minor axis of an ellipse or change the major axis and position angle of an ellipse mouse - middle: Select an existing object in any frame key - a : Add a point to a polygon or spline key - c : Copy current object at mouse cursor key - d : Delete a point in a polygon or spline key - e : Erase active object and associated objects in other images key - i : Insert a point in a polygon or spline key - n : Start with a new object key - u : Toggle markers. Usually for a hardcopy one does not want to show the markers of a shape. key - w : Write object data in current image to file on disk key - r : Read objects from file for current image key - [ : Next active object in current shape selection key - ] : Previous active object in current shape selection Interactive navigation defined by canvas Amongst others: key - f : Toggle fullscreen key - g : Toggle grid Gui buttons: 'Quit' : Abort program 'plot result' : Plot calculated flux as function of shape and image 'Save result' : Save flux information to disk The file names are generated and contain date and time stamp (e.g flux_24042010_212029.dat) 'Pol.' : Select shape polygon. Start with key 'n' for new polygon. Add new points with key 'a'. 'Ell.' : Select shape ellipse. Start with key 'n' for new ellipse. With left mouse button Drag major axis to change size and rotation or, using a point near the center, drag entire ellipse to a new position. 'Cir.:' : Select shape circle. Start with key 'n' for new circle. The radius can be changed by dragging an arbitrary point on the border to a new position. 'Rec.' : Select shape rectangle. Start with key 'n' for new rectangle. Drag any of the four edges to resize the rectangle. 'Spl.' : Like the polygon but the points between two knots follow a spline curve. :Notes: All shapes are derived from a polygon class. There is one method that generates coordinates for all shapes and :meth:`kapteyn.maputils.getflux` uses the same routine to calculate whether a pixel in an enclosing box is within or outside the shape. For circles and ellipses the number of polygon points is 360 and this slows down the calculation significantly. Methods which assume a perfect circle or ellipse can handle the inside/outside problem much faster, but note that due to different WCS's, ellipses and circles don't keep their shape in other images. So in fact only a polygon is the common shape. A spline is a polygon with an artificially increased number of points. :Example: :: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,10)) frame1 = fig.add_axes([0.07,0.1,0.35, 0.8]) frame2 = fig.add_axes([0.5,0.1,0.43, 0.8]) im1 = f1.Annotatedimage(frame1) im2 = f2.Annotatedimage(frame2) im1.Image(); im1.Graticule() im2.Image(); im2.Graticule() im1.interact_imagecolors(); im1.interact_toolbarinfo() im2.interact_imagecolors(); im2.interact_toolbarinfo() im1.plot(); im2.plot() im1.fluxfie = lambda s, a: s/a im2.fluxfie = lambda s, a: s/a im1.pixelstep = 0.5; im2.pixelstep = 0.5 images = [im1, im2] shapes = shapes.Shapecollection(images, fig, wcs=True, inputwcs=True) """ #----------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, images, ifigure, wcs=True, inputfilename=None, inputwcs=False, gipsy=False): self.frames = [] self.images = images self.numberofimages = len(images) self.inputfilename = inputfilename self.inputwcs = inputwcs self.gipsy = gipsy self.wcs = wcs self.activeobject = None self.showactivestate = True self.currenttype = 0 self.canvas = ifigure.canvas self.numberoftypes = 5 self.shapetypes = [self.polygon, self.ellipse,, self.rectangle, self.spline] = list(range(self.numberoftypes)) # Extend the shape types by adding a variable and the number in self.numberoftypes self.maxindx = [-1]*self.numberoftypes # Initialize index for object sequences to -1 # A shape is repeated in all images. For this group of shapes we reserve an index self.currentobj = [-1]*self.numberoftypes self.shapes = [[]]*self.numberoftypes # A list with lists for each shape type # Order of elements: shapes[shapetype][currentobj][currentimage] self.currentimage = None self.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.key_pressed_global) self.cidmove = ifigure.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.motion_notify) # Here it seems that the order of connecting callbacks is important. # The module defines its own toolbar message for mouse motions # if we connect the motion_notify_event after the button_press_event, this backend # callback takes precedence over the one we defined in this module. # If you don't see a custom toolbar message then this could be a starting point # to search for a solution self.cidpress = self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.button_press) self.cidrelease = self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.button_release) #self.cidpick = self.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.on_pick) self.toolbar = get_current_fig_manager().toolbar for im in self.images: # Separate the frames from the images self.frames.append(im.frame) self.figure = ifigure self.shapedict = {'pol':self.polygon, 'ell':self.ellipse, 'cir', 'rec':self.rectangle, 'spl':self.spline} # Define some buttons #axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' #shaps = self.figure.add_axes([0.93, 0.85, 0.06, 0.14]) #radio = RadioButtons(shaps, ('pol', 'ell', 'cir', 'rec', 'spl')) #radio.on_clicked(self.setshape) self.figresult = figure(figsize=(6,5)) self.frameresult = self.figresult.add_subplot(1,1,1) self.frameresult.set_title("Flux as function of shape and image", y=1.05) self.results = False self.xstart = 0.0 # Values used to calculate displacement of a shape self.ystart = 0.0 ypos = 0.96; yhei = 0.03 self.graycol = 'chartreuse' quit_button = self.figure.add_axes([0.01, ypos, 0.11, yhei]) b0 = Button(quit_button, 'Quit') b0.on_clicked(self.doquit) result_button = self.figure.add_axes([0.13, ypos, 0.11, yhei]) b1 = Button(result_button, 'Plot Flux') b1.on_clicked(self.plotresults) save_button = self.figure.add_axes([0.25, ypos, 0.11, yhei]) b2 = Button(save_button, 'Save Flux') b2.on_clicked(self.saveresults) pol_button = self.figure.add_axes([0.74, ypos, 0.05, yhei]) b3 = Button(pol_button, 'Pol.') b3.on_clicked(self.setpoly) ell_button = self.figure.add_axes([0.79, ypos, 0.05, yhei]) b4 = Button(ell_button, 'Ell.') b4.on_clicked(self.setellipse) cir_button = self.figure.add_axes([0.84, ypos, 0.05, yhei]) b5 = Button(cir_button, 'Cir.') b5.on_clicked(self.setcircle) rec_button = self.figure.add_axes([0.89, ypos, 0.05, yhei]) b6 = Button(rec_button, 'Rec.') b6.on_clicked(self.setrectangle) spl_button = self.figure.add_axes([0.94, ypos, 0.05, yhei]) b7 = Button(spl_button, 'Spl.') b7.on_clicked(self.setspline) self.buttons = [b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7] for i, b in enumerate(self.buttons): if i > 3: b.setcolor(self.graycol) if i == 3: b.setcolor('r') b.label.set_fontsize(10) tdict = dict(color='g', fontsize=10, va='bottom', ha='left') helptxt = "SHAPES:\n" helptxt += "n=start new object -- a=add point -- d=delete point -- i=insert point\n" helptxt += "c=copy object -- e=erase object -- [=next shape in group -- ]=prev in gr.\n" helptxt += "w=write shapes to disk -- r=read shapes from disk -- u=toggle markers\n" helptxt += "Mouse-left=drag and/or change shape --- Mouse-middle=select shape" ifigure.text(0.01,0.01, helptxt, tdict) helptxt = "COLOURS:\n" """helptxt += "Page-up=change colour map -- page-down=change colour map\n" helptxt += "Key 1=linear, 2=log, 3=exp, 4=sqrt, 5=square 9=inverse, 0=reset\n" helptxt += "b=change colour bad pixels -- m=save colour map to disk\n" helptxt += "Toggle keys h=histogram equalization -- z=smooth" """ helptxt += self.images[0].get_colornavigation_info() ifigure.text(0.5,0.01, helptxt, tdict) """ print(helptxt) stdout.flush() """ def setpoly(self, event): for i in range(3,len(self.buttons)): self.buttons[i].setcolor(self.graycol) self.buttons[3].setcolor('r') self.setshape('pol') def setellipse(self, event): for i in range(3,len(self.buttons)): self.buttons[i].setcolor(self.graycol) self.buttons[4].setcolor('r') self.setshape('ell') def setcircle(self, event): for i in range(3,len(self.buttons)): self.buttons[i].setcolor(self.graycol) self.buttons[5].setcolor('r') self.setshape('cir') def setrectangle(self, event): for i in range(3,len(self.buttons)): self.buttons[i].setcolor(self.graycol) self.buttons[6].setcolor('r') self.setshape('rec') def setspline(self, event): for i in range(3,len(self.buttons)): self.buttons[i].setcolor(self.graycol) self.buttons[7].setcolor('r') self.setshape('spl') def setshape(self, label): #---------------------------------------------------------- """ This is the callback function for the radio button with the selection of shapes. """ #---------------------------------------------------------- newtype = self.shapedict[label] if newtype < 0 or newtype >= len(self.shapetypes): # Does not represent a shape return oldtype = self.currenttype if oldtype == newtype: return # Nothing changed oldindx = self.currentobj[oldtype] newindx = self.currentobj[newtype] # Select a new group of shapes self.currenttype = newtype if self.maxindx[oldtype] >= 0: for obj in self.shapes[oldtype][oldindx]: # Make current group of objects inactive if obj.set_inactive() if not self.activeobject is None: frame = self.activeobject.frame else: frame = None if self.maxindx[newtype] >= 0: for obj in self.shapes[newtype][newindx]: # Make the objects of the current shape active if obj.frame is frame: self.activeobject = obj obj.set_active(markers=True) else: obj.set_active() self.canvas.draw() def getimage(self, event): image = None for ima in self.images: #if ima.frame is frame: if ima.frame.contains(event)[0]: image = ima break return image def getframenr(self, event): nr = None for i, fr in enumerate(self.frames): #if fr is frame: if fr.contains(event)[0]: nr = i break return nr def updatesplines(self): if self.activeobject is None: return xy = cubicspline(self.activeobject.xy, 10) if xy != None and self.activeobject.spline != None: self.activeobject.spline.xy = xy cindx = self.currentobj[self.currenttype] for obj in self.shapes[self.currenttype][cindx]: if not (obj is self.activeobject): if self.wcs: #proj1 = self.currentimage.projection #proj2 = self.images[obj.framenr].projection im1 = self.currentimage im2 = self.images[obj.framenr] obj.spline.xy = self.transformXY(self.activeobject.spline.xy, im1, im2) else: obj.spline.xy = self.activeobject.spline.xy def transformXY(self, xy1, im1, im2): #---------------------------------------------------------- """ Given one or a sequence of positions in pixels *xy* that belong to an image with world coordinate system *proj1*, we want the pixel values in another world coordinate system given by *proj2*. This second projection can differ in output sky system. We follow the next procedure to transform: * 1: If the sky systems are equal then we can transform the pixel coordinates without a sky transformation. * 2: If the sky systems differ, transform the pixel position in world coordinates in the first system with the sky system of the second system. * 3: Transform the world coordinates into pixels in the second system. These world coordinates are now given in the sky system of the second world coordinate system. Some remarks about compatible image axes. Markers from image im1 are copied to identical (i.e. in world coordinates) positions in im2. So the restriction is that the axes of both images allow world coordinate transformations. The axes can differ in sky system and/or spectral translation. Also the order of compatible axes can be swapped. So copying markers are possible in the following situations: (RA, DEC) -> (RA, DEC), (DEC, RA), (GLON, GLAT), (GLAT, GLON) etc. (RA, VOPT) -> (RA, VOPT), (VOPT, RA), (FREQ, RA), (RA, WAVE) etc. (and as function of a pixel coordinate for DEC) If X, Y are linear types then: (DEC, X) -> (DEC, X), (X, DEC) (and as function of a pixel coordinate for RA) (X, VOPT) -> (X, VOPT), (VOPT, X), (FREQ, X), (X, WAVE) etc. (X, Y) -> (X, Y), (Y, X) To verify these options we use the axis permutation array 'axperm' of the image object and the lonaxnum, lataxnum and specaxnum attributes of the projection object to inquire whether their axes have non linear transformations. """ #---------------------------------------------------------- ax1x = im1.wcstypes[0] ax1y = im1.wcstypes[1] ax2x = im2.wcstypes[0] ax2y = im2.wcstypes[1] possible = ax2x in [ax1x, ax1y] and ax2y in [ax1x, ax1y] if possible: # Is there a missing spatial axis? mixed = False if ax1x in ['lo','la'] and not ax1y in ['lo','la']: mixed = True if ax1y in ['lo','la'] and not ax1x in ['lo','la']: mixed = True if mixed: mixpix1 = im1.mixpix mixpix2 = im2.mixpix if mixpix1 is None or mixpix2 is None: # We really need a second spatial possible = False if not possible: # Incompatible axes if isinstance(xy1, tuple) and len(xy1) == 2: xy2 = (0, 0) else: xx = [0.0]*len(xy1); yy = [0.0]*len(xy1) xy2 = list(zip(xx, yy)) return xy2 # Is the order of the axes in the images the same? If not then swap swap = ax1x != ax2x # Is there a spectral axis involved? spectral = 'sp' in [ax1x, ax1y] proj1 = im1.projection proj2 = im2.projection # In principle we work with a two column zipped variable # but allow also a tuple with two elements # Convert this last type to the first to simplify the code below if isinstance(xy1, tuple) and len(xy1) == 2: twoelements = True xy1 = list(zip([xy1[0]], [xy1[1]])) # Upgrade to lists else: twoelements = False # Check 1: and 2: Change sky system if necessary and don't forget to reset # at the end of this method. We assume that skyout for spatial maps always # has a value different to None if proj1.skyout != proj2.skyout: proj1.skyout = proj2.skyout # We enter with a set of pixel coordinates belonging to an image # with sky definition skyout1 (proj1.skyout). When the axes of the image # are both spatial, then we make world coordinates of the current pixels # but these world coordinates are returned in the sky definition of # the second image skyout2 (proj2.skyout). These world coordinates # are now transformed to pixel coordinates using the projection # system of the second image (proj2) if not mixed: xyworld1 = proj1.toworld(xy1) # What if the axes order is not the same? if swap: xw, yw = list(zip(*xyworld1)) xyworld1 = list(zip(yw, xw)) # Swap the pixel coordinates then xy2 = proj2.topixel(xyworld1) else: # Add the pixel that sets the position on the 'missing' # spatial axis of the first set. Then transform x,y,z to # world coordinates. Strip the z value afterwards before # returning. Note that we use only the mixpix of the current # and not also the one of the destination image. If we applied # both, then the position in Ra and Dec would be correct, but # the pixel coordinate of the spatial axis will change. # If we have a spectral axis in both images, the output of # world coordinates of the first image should be in the # spectral translation of the second. Attribute 'altspecarg' # stores the (parsed, i.e. with extension as in VOPT-F2W) # spectral translation if spectral and proj1.altspecarg != proj2.altspecarg: proj1s = proj1.spectra(proj2.altspecarg) # proj1s is a real copy here else: proj1s = proj1 z = zeros(len(xy1)) + mixpix1 x, y = list(zip(*xy1)) t = list(zip(x, y, z)) xyworld1 = proj1s.toworld(t) n = len(xy1) unknown = zeros(n) + NAN zp = zeros(n) + mixpix2 xw, yw, zw = list(zip(*xyworld1)) if swap: world = (yw, xw, unknown) else: world = (xw, yw, unknown) pixel = (unknown, unknown, zp) # For the destination image we need to use the mixed method because # for a missing spatial axis we only have the pixel coordinate available. (world, pixel) = proj2.mixed(world, pixel) xy2 = list(zip(pixel[0], pixel[1])) proj1.skyout = None # Reset if twoelements: # Make tuple of two elements again xy2 = (xy2[0][0], xy2[0][1]) return xy2 def addnewobject(self, shapetype, x, y, framenr): # Add a new shape and copy to all images oldgroup = self.maxindx[self.currenttype] if oldgroup >= 0: for obj in self.shapes[self.currenttype][oldgroup]: if obj.set_inactive() self.currenttype = shapetype self.maxindx[self.currenttype] += 1 # Increase index because we add an object if not self.activeobject is None: self.activeobject.set_markers(False) objlist = [] # List with copy of flux object for each image obj = None; currentframe = self.frames[framenr] x1, x2 = currentframe.get_xlim() y1, y2 = currentframe.get_ylim() maj = abs(x2-x1)/5.0 min = abs(y2-y1)/8.0 baseobj = None # Make single and copy this later for other images active = markers = True xpb = ypb = 0.0 if self.currenttype == self.ellipse: baseobj = Ellipse(currentframe, framenr, active, markers, xpb, ypb, type=self.currenttype, r1=maj, r2=min) elif self.currenttype == self.polygon: baseobj = Poly(currentframe, framenr, active, markers, xpb, ypb, type=self.currenttype) elif self.currenttype == baseobj = Circle(currentframe, framenr, active, markers, xpb, ypb, type=self.currenttype, r1=min) elif self.currenttype == self.rectangle: baseobj = Rectangle(currentframe, framenr, active, markers, xpb, ypb, type=self.currenttype, r1=maj, r2=min) elif self.currenttype == self.spline: baseobj = Spline(currentframe, framenr, active, markers, xpb, ypb, type=self.currenttype, r1=maj, r2=min) baseobj.updatexy(list(zip(x, y))) # The position to start with if self.wcs: xyworld = self.images[framenr].toworld(baseobj.xy[:,0], baseobj.xy[:,1]) #proj1 = self.images[framenr].projection im1 = self.images[framenr] for i in range(self.numberofimages): active = True markers = False if i != baseobj.framenr: if self.wcs: #proj2 = self.images[i].projection im2 = self.images[i] xy = self.transformXY(baseobj.xy, im1, im2) else: xy = baseobj.xy obj = baseobj.copy(self.frames[i], i, xpb, ypb, xy, active, markers) else: obj = baseobj obj.set_active() objlist.append(obj) if len(objlist) > 0: numlists = len(self.shapes[self.currenttype]) #'shapes' is a list of lists of objects if numlists == 0: # List is still empty self.shapes[self.currenttype] = [objlist] else: self.shapes[self.currenttype].append(objlist) self.currentobj[self.currenttype] = numlists self.activeobject = baseobj self.activeobject.set_markers(True) if self.currenttype == self.spline: self.updatesplines() self.canvas.draw() def key_pressed_global(self, event): """This is the event handler for all types of supported shapes for which we want statistics""" if not event.inaxes: return if self.toolbar.mode != '': # Do nothing while in pan or zoom mode return if event.key is None: return # E.g. when caps lock is on self.currentimage = self.getimage(event) if self.currentimage == None: return xpb = event.xdata; ypb = event.ydata if self.wcs: #xw, yw = self.currentimage.projection.toworld((xpb,ypb)) xw, yw = self.currentimage.toworld(xpb,ypb) keypressed = event.key.lower() if keypressed in ['n', 'c']: if keypressed == 'c': if not self.activeobject: # User want a copy but from what? return if not self.activeobject.frame.contains(event)[0]: return # One can only copy in frame of active object if self.activeobject.shapetype != self.currenttype: return # Last object was of other type. Cannot copy. # Add a new shape and copy to all images oldgroup = self.maxindx[self.currenttype] if oldgroup >= 0: for obj in self.shapes[self.currenttype][oldgroup]: if obj.set_inactive() self.maxindx[self.currenttype] += 1 # Increase index because we add an object if self.activeobject: self.activeobject.set_markers(False) objlist = [] # List with copy of flux object for each image obj = None; x1, x2 = event.inaxes.get_xlim() y1, y2 = event.inaxes.get_ylim() maj = abs(x2-x1)/5.0 min = abs(y2-y1)/8.0 framenr = self.getframenr(event) baseobj = None if keypressed == 'n': # Make single and copy this later for other images active = markers = True if self.currenttype == self.ellipse: baseobj = Ellipse(event.inaxes, framenr, active, markers, xpb, ypb, type=self.currenttype, r1=maj, r2=min) elif self.currenttype == self.polygon: baseobj = Poly(event.inaxes, framenr, active, markers, xpb, ypb, type=self.currenttype) elif self.currenttype == baseobj = Circle(event.inaxes, framenr, active, markers, xpb, ypb, type=self.currenttype, r1=min) elif self.currenttype == self.rectangle: baseobj = Rectangle(event.inaxes, framenr, active, markers, xpb, ypb, type=self.currenttype, r1=maj, r2=min) elif self.currenttype == self.spline: baseobj = Spline(event.inaxes, framenr, active, markers, xpb, ypb, type=self.currenttype, r1=maj, r2=min) xyshift = baseobj.xy # Not shifted here if self.wcs: #xyworld = self.getimage(event).projection.toworld(xyshift) xyworld = self.getimage(event).toworld(xyshift[:,0], xyshift[:,1]) if keypressed == 'c': # Make single and copy this later for other images active = markers = True xyshift = self.activeobject.shiftxy(xpb, ypb) baseobj = self.activeobject.copy(event.inaxes, framenr, xpb, ypb, xyshift, active, markers) for i in range(self.numberofimages): active = True markers = False if not self.frames[i].contains(event)[0]: active = False if self.wcs: #proj1 = self.images[framenr].projection #proj2 = self.images[i].projection im1 = self.images[framenr] im2 = self.images[i] xy = self.transformXY(xyshift, im1, im2) x0, y0 = self.transformXY((xpb, ypb), im1, im2) else: xy = xyshift x0, y0 = xpb, ypb obj = baseobj.copy(self.frames[i], i, x0, y0, xy, active, markers) else: obj = baseobj obj.set_active() objlist.append(obj) if len(objlist) > 0: numlists = len(self.shapes[self.currenttype]) #'shapes' is a list of lists of objects if numlists == 0: # List is still empty self.shapes[self.currenttype] = [objlist] else: self.shapes[self.currenttype].append(objlist) self.currentobj[self.currenttype] = numlists self.activeobject = baseobj self.activeobject.set_markers(True) if keypressed == 'c' and self.currenttype == self.spline: self.updatesplines() self.canvas.draw() elif keypressed in ['[', ']']: # Change active object in current group (only) newgroup = oldgroup = self.currentobj[self.currenttype] if oldgroup == -1: return # Nothing to do, no object yet available if keypressed == '[': newgroup += 1 if newgroup > self.maxindx[self.currenttype]: newgroup = 0 else: newgroup -= 1 if newgroup < 0: newgroup = self.maxindx[self.currenttype] if newgroup == oldgroup: return if self.activeobject: self.activeobject.set_markers(False) for obj in self.shapes[self.currenttype][oldgroup]: if obj.set_inactive() # Make the objects of the current shape active for obj in self.shapes[self.currenttype][newgroup]: obj.set_active() if obj.frame.contains(event)[0]: self.activeobject = obj self.activeobject.set_markers(True) self.currentobj[self.currenttype] = newgroup self.canvas.draw() elif keypressed == 'a': """ Add a vertex for a polygon or spline. For the current object the spline interpolation points are calculated and they are transformed to pixel coordinates in other images. So for transformations between world coordinate systems, each spline does not get its own interpolation points. but transforms the interpolated positions from the active object. """ if self.activeobject: if not self.activeobject.frame.contains(event)[0]: return cindx = self.currentobj[self.currenttype] if cindx >= 0 and self.currenttype in (self.polygon, self.spline): framenr = self.getframenr(event) self.activeobject.addvertex(xpb, ypb, True) for obj in self.shapes[self.currenttype][cindx]: if not obj is self.activeobject: setmarker = False if self.wcs: #proj1 = self.images[framenr].projection #proj2 = self.images[obj.framenr].projection im1 = self.images[framenr] im2 = self.images[obj.framenr] xp, yp = self.transformXY((xpb,ypb), im1, im2) else: xp, yp = xpb, ypb obj.addvertex(xp, yp, setmarker) if self.currenttype == self.spline: self.updatesplines() #p = Polygon(self.activeobject.xy, closed=True, # alpha=0.1, edgecolor='r', picker=5) #self.activeobject.frame.add_patch(p) self.canvas.draw() elif keypressed == 'd': # Delete the closest marker in all images if self.activeobject is None: return # Nothing to do indx = self.activeobject.indexclosestmarker(event.x, event.y) if indx == None: return # Could not find a closest point cindx = self.currentobj[self.currenttype] if cindx >= 0 and self.currenttype in [self.polygon, self.spline]: for obj in self.shapes[self.currenttype][cindx]: obj.deletemarker(indx) if self.currenttype == self.spline: self.updatesplines() self.canvas.draw() elif keypressed == 'i': if self.activeobject is None: return # Nothing to do indx = self.activeobject.indexsegmentinrange(event.x, event.y) cindx = self.currentobj[self.currenttype] if cindx >= 0 and self.currenttype in [self.polygon, self.spline]: framenr = self.getframenr(event) for obj in self.shapes[self.currenttype][cindx]: if obj == self.activeobject: xp, yp = xpb, ypb else: #proj1 = self.images[framenr].projection #proj2 = self.images[obj.framenr].projection im1 = self.images[framenr] im2 = self.images[obj.framenr] xp, yp = self.transformXY((xpb,ypb), im1, im2) obj.insertmarker(xp, yp, indx) if self.currenttype == self.spline: self.updatesplines() self.canvas.draw() elif keypressed == 'e': # Erase current group of objects oldgroup = self.currentobj[self.currenttype] if oldgroup < 0: return #if self.currenttype in [self.polygon, self.ellipse]: for obj in self.shapes[self.currenttype][oldgroup]: obj.delete() del self.shapes[self.currenttype][oldgroup] self.maxindx[self.currenttype] -= 1 if self.maxindx[self.currenttype] < 0: # Cannot change to another group because there are no other groups self.currentobj[self.currenttype] = -1 newgroup = None for sh in self.shapetypes: if sh != self.currenttype: if self.currentobj[sh] != -1: self.currenttype = sh newgroup = self.currentobj[sh] break if newgroup == None: self.activeobject = None self.canvas.draw() else: newgroup = oldgroup - 1 if newgroup < 0: newgroup = self.maxindx[self.currenttype] self.currentobj[self.currenttype] = newgroup if newgroup >= 0: for obj in self.shapes[self.currenttype][newgroup]: obj.set_active() if obj.frame.contains(event)[0]: self.activeobject = obj self.activeobject.set_markers(True) self.canvas.draw() elif keypressed == 'w': # All markers of current image to one file. The first column sets the number of # the polygon it belongs. The format is: # polygon-number x-pixels y-pixels x-wcs y-wcs stamp ="%d%m%Y_%H%M%S") filename = "shapes_" + stamp + ".dat" f = open(filename, 'w') stamp ="! Saved at %A %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S\n") f.write(stamp) iminfo = "! Data saved for image: %s\n" % self.currentimage.sourcename f.write(iminfo) if self.currentimage.slicepos is None: iminfo = "! Image was not a slice from N-dim. data source (N>2)" else: iminfo = "! Axes in image: %s %s\n"%(self.currentimage.projection.ctype[0], self.currentimage.projection.ctype[1]) iminfo += "! Slice position(s) on %s: %s\n"%(self.currentimage.sliceaxnames, self.currentimage.slicepos) if self.gipsy and gipsymod: iminfo += "! The slice positions are in FITS pixels\n" iminfo += "! For GIPSY grid coordinates subtract CRPIX first\n" f.write(iminfo) f.write('! Format of this file:\n') f.write('! Shape # - object# - x pixel - y pixel - x world - y world\n') f.write('! ---------------------------------------------------------\n') for sh in self.shapes: for ol, objlist in enumerate(sh): for obj in objlist: #if obj.frame is self.currentimage.frame: if self.framesequal(obj.frame, self.currentimage.frame): im = self.images[obj.framenr] for mx, my in obj.xy: # Note that this is also valid for splines if (im.mixpix == None): xw, yw = im.projection.toworld((mx, my)) else: xw, yw, dum = im.projection.toworld((mx, my, im.mixpix)) f.write('%d %d %12f %12f %12f %12f\n' % (obj.shapetype, ol, mx, my, xw, yw)) f.close() mes = "Wrote shape data to file: %s" % filename # self.toolbar.set_message(mes) self.currentimage.messenger(mes) elif keypressed == 'r': # Read data from file. Select between pixel- or world # coordinates. First number in the file is an index for # the polygon the data belongs to. if self.inputfilename == None: #self.toolbar.set_message("No input file name specified!") self.currentimage.messenger("No input file name specified!") return im = self.currentimage framenr = self.getframenr(event) t = tabarray.tabarray(self.inputfilename) if not self.inputwcs: shapenr, polynr, x, y = t.columns((0, 1, 2, 3)) else: shapenr, polynr, xw, yw = t.columns((0, 1, 4, 5)) if (im.mixpix == None): x, y = im.projection.topixel((xw, yw)) else: x, y, dum = im.projection.topixel((xw, yw, im.mixpix)) smax = shapenr.max() omax = polynr.max() for sh in range(self.numberoftypes): for ob in range(int(omax)+1): # Number of object is unknown xlist = [] ylist = [] for s, o, x1, y1 in zip(shapenr, polynr, x,y): if s == sh and o == ob: xlist.append(x1) ylist.append(y1) if len(xlist): self.addnewobject(sh, xlist, ylist, framenr) mes = "Read data from file %s" % self.inputfilename #self.toolbar.set_message(mes) self.currentimage.messenger(mes) elif keypressed == 'u': # Toggle visibility markers etc. for plot purposes if self.activeobject: if self.showactivestate: self.activeobject.set_inactive() = True self.showactivestate = False else: self.activeobject.set_active(markers=True) self.showactivestate = True self.canvas.draw() """ def on_pick(self, event): thisline = event.artist #xdata, ydata = thisline.get_data() #ind = event.ind print('on pick line:', thisline) """ def button_press(self, event): # -A position pointed with the mouse could be within a polygon # Then activate that polygon and the associated polygons (group) if not event.inaxes: return if self.toolbar.mode != '': # Must be in zoom or pan mode, so do nothing return if not self.activeobject: # There is not an object selected to have interaction with return if event.button == 2: # Middle button for i, fr in enumerate(self.frames): if fr.contains(event)[0]: currentframe = i break x = event.xdata; y = event.ydata newgroup = None oldgroup = self.currentobj[self.currenttype] oldtype = self.currenttype self.activeobject.closestindx = self.activeobject.indexclosestmarker(event.x, event.y) oldactiveobject = self.activeobject for sh in self.shapes: # Loop over all shape types for group, objlist in enumerate(sh): obj = objlist[currentframe] if obj.inside(x, y): newgroup = group newtype = obj.shapetype self.activeobject = obj break if newgroup != None: break if newgroup == None: return for obj in self.shapes[oldtype][oldgroup]: if obj.set_inactive() for obj in self.shapes[newtype][newgroup]: markers = obj == self.activeobject obj.set_active(markers) self.currentobj[newtype] = newgroup self.currenttype = newtype self.canvas.draw() elif event.button == 1: self.xstart = event.xdata # For a move of an object, this is the start point self.ystart = event.ydata self.activeobject.closestindx = self.activeobject.indexclosestmarker(event.x, event.y) if self.activeobject.closestindx == None: if self.activeobject.inside(event.xdata, event.ydata): self.activeobject.closestindx = -1 # Not a marker, index can be used to move all markers return # Nothing changed def motion_notify(self, event): """ Move one marker or the whole object""" if not event.inaxes: return if self.toolbar.mode != '': return currentimage = self.getimage(event) if not self.activeobject: return # Remember: the shapes array is shapes[shapetype][currentobj][currentimage] # If we are in a different frame than the one of the active object # then we switch to the corresponding object in the current image. # if not self.activeobject.frame.contains(event)[0]: group = self.currentobj[self.currenttype] if group < 0: return framenr = self.getframenr(event) if framenr == None: # Perhaps a frame of a button etc. return self.activeobject.set_inactive() self.activeobject = self.shapes[self.currenttype][group][framenr] self.activeobject.set_active(markers=True) self.canvas.draw() return self.currentimage = self.getimage(event) if self.currentimage == None: return if event.button == 1: xp = event.xdata; yp = event.ydata group = self.currentobj[self.currenttype] if group < 0: return indx = self.activeobject.closestindx # currentimage = self.activeobject.image dx = xp - self.xstart dy = yp - self.ystart x0 = self.activeobject.x0 y0 = self.activeobject.y0 if indx is None: return if indx != -1: # Move one marker to the new position in pixel coordinates # but only for the active object self.activeobject.movemarker(xp, yp, indx) else: # Get shifted positions for the current shape that is # moved. This shift is in pixels coordinates for the current object # so that it preserves the shape. xy_shifted = self.activeobject.moveall(dx, dy) for obj in self.shapes[self.currenttype][group]: # Copy to other images if not (obj is self.activeobject): # Active object already has been updated if self.wcs: # Is a transformation in wcs needed? im1 = self.currentimage im2 = self.images[obj.framenr] if indx == -1: # This was a position inside the polygon but not close enough to a marker. # Then move the associated shapes to their new position if self.wcs: xy_other = self.transformXY(xy_shifted, im1, im2) x0_other, y0_other = self.transformXY((x0,y0) , im1, im2) obj.updatexy(xy_other, x0_other, y0_other) obj.updatexy(xy_other, x0_other, y0_other) else: obj.moveall(dx, dy) elif indx != None: # A position close enough to a marker was found. # Move this marker if the shape is an irregular polygon type. For other types # it has a different meaning. if self.wcs: if self.currenttype in (self.polygon, self.spline): # For irregulars just move one marker. Use world coordinates xp_new, yp_new = self.transformXY((xp, yp), im1, im2) obj.movemarker(xp_new, yp_new, indx) else: # For ellipses etc. we have already new data for the active object # Transform these in world coordinates for the other shapes xy_other = self.transformXY(self.activeobject.xy, im1, im2) x0_other, y0_other = self.transformXY((x0,y0) , im1, im2) obj.updatexy(xy_other, x0_other, y0_other) else: # In pixel mode, all objects get the same shift in pixel coordinates obj.movemarker(xp, yp, indx) self.xstart = xp self.ystart = yp if self.currenttype == self.spline: self.updatesplines() self.canvas.draw() def button_release(self, event): if not event.inaxes: return if self.toolbar.mode != '': return if not self.activeobject: # There is not an object selected to have interaction with return currentimage = self.getimage(event) if currentimage == None: return if event.button in [1,3]: self.activeobject.closestindx = None if event.button == 1 and self.currenttype == self.spline: self.updatesplines() self.canvas.draw() def framesequal(self, fr1, fr2): if fr1.get_position().x0 != fr2.get_position().x0: return False if fr1.get_position().x1 != fr2.get_position().x1: return False if fr1.get_position().y0 != fr2.get_position().y0: return False if fr1.get_position().y0 != fr2.get_position().y0: return False return True def plotresults(self, event): # Plot these values. Both as markers and with connecting lines markerlist = ['+' , ',' , '.' , '1' , '2' , '3' , '4', '<' , '>' , 'D' , 'H' , '^' , 'd', 'h' , 'o', 'p' , 's' , 'v' , 'x' , '|'] # For efficiency we need to calculate properties for all objects in one image # and repeat this for all images mes = "\nObject properties:" if self.gipsy and gipsymod: anyout(mes) else: print(mes) fluxlist = [] for i, im in enumerate(self.images): for sh in self.shapes: for ol, objlist in enumerate(sh): for obj in objlist: if self.framesequal(obj.frame, im.frame): if obj.allinsideframe(): if obj.spline: xy = obj.spline.xy else: xy = obj.xy obj.area, obj.sum = im.getflux(xy) obj.flux = im.fluxfie(obj.sum, obj.area) mes = "Object %d with shape %d in image %d has area=%g, sum=%g, flux=%g" % (ol, obj.shapetype, i, obj.area, obj.sum, obj.flux) if self.gipsy and gipsymod: anyout(mes) else: print(mes) fluxlist.append(obj.flux) else: mes = "Object %d with shape %d in image %d has pixels outside frame" % (ol, obj.shapetype, i) if self.gipsy and gipsymod: anyout(mes) else: print(mes) obj.area = obj.sum = obj.flux = None # Next we have the freedom to sort the data as we want. For a plot we want # to show the properties of each object as function of the image. mindx = 0 frameresult = self.frameresult frameresult.clear() for sh in self.shapes: for objlist in sh: x = []; y = [] for i, obj in enumerate(objlist): x.append(i) y.append(obj.flux) frameresult.plot(x,y, marker=markerlist[mindx], color='r', label=str(mindx)) frameresult.plot(x,y, '-', color='k') mindx += 1 if mindx == len(markerlist)-1: mindx = 0 if len(fluxlist) == 0: self.figresult.canvas.draw() self.results = False return # No objects found fluxlist = asarray(fluxlist) ymin = fluxlist.min() ymax = fluxlist.max() d = (ymax-ymin)/20.0 frameresult.set_ylim(ymin-d, ymax+d) frameresult.set_xlim(-0.5, self.numberofimages-1+0.5) frameresult.set_title("Flux as function of shape and image") xticks = list(range(self.numberofimages)) # Only the image numbers as labels frameresult.set_xticks(xticks) frameresult.set_xlabel("Image number") frameresult.set_ylabel("Flux") frameresult.legend() self.results = True self.figresult.canvas.draw() def doquit(self, event): if self.gipsy and gipsymod: finis() else: exit() # Exit program def saveresults(self, event): # Save the flux results to file on disk if not self.results: self.plotresults(event) #print "Calculate results first with button 'plot results'" #return stamp ="%d%m%Y_%H%M%S") filename = "flux_" + stamp + ".dat" f = open(filename, 'w') stamp ="! Saved at %A %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S\n") f.write(stamp) f.write('! sh: 0=polygon 1=ellipse 2=circle 3=rectangle 4=spline\n') f.write('! obj: object number\n') for i, im in enumerate(self.images): iminfo = "! im %d = %s\n" % (i, im.basename) f.write(iminfo) f.write('!\n') f.write("! %4s %4s %4s %16s %16s %16s\n" % ("sh", "obj", "im", "sum", "area", "flux")) line = '!' + '='*78 + '\n' f.write(line) for sh in self.shapes: for ol, objlist in enumerate(sh): for obj in objlist: if obj.area != None: f.write(' %4d %4d %4d %16g %16g %16g\n' % (obj.shapetype, ol, obj.framenr, obj.sum, obj.area, obj.flux)) f.close() mes = "Wrote flux results to file: %s" % filename #self.toolbar.set_message(mes) self.currentimage.messenger(mes) if self.gipsy and gipsymod: anyout(mes)
# Adding areas for which we want to calculate flux: # Starting point is a canvas with a number of images. Each image is associated with # an Axes object (frame). A user either starts with no flux objects at all # or reads objects from a file. Assume there are no flux objects yet. Then we need # a 'key_pressed' callback that creates an object of a certain type. e.g. # 1) Start polygon: notify user and change key_pressed callback to that of the polygon object # 2) Start ellipse: display a default ellipse which can be moved and modified, # notify user and change key_pressed callback to that of the ellipse object # 3) Spline -in fact a polygon with more vertices than control points # 4) Rectangle -in fact a polygon with 4 vertices # # Note that we need to identify the frame in which the polygon is drawn. For that frame the # coordinate system is pixels. A change in a polygon must propagate into the other frames. # If these frames have different wcs's (world coordinate system), we need to convert # a pixel position into a world coordinate and to update the polygon in the other frames we # need to convert the world coordinate to pixels in the system of the other images. # Therefore each shape should know to which image it belongs and which projection object # (to transform pixels to world coordinates vv) it should use. # # As soon we initialized a flux object, the key-pressed callback changes. # In this stage a shape contains zero, one, two or more than two vertices. # Then there must be keys and buttons to modify this shape. These can be different for different # shapes. # Also the key-pressed callback that belongs to the flux object should allow a user to select # another object in the same frame or in another frame with an image. # Next part sets the environment (figure, frame) and shows the images def main(): fig = figure(figsize=(10,10), facecolor="#fff07e") frames = [None, None, None, None] frames[0] = fig.add_subplot(2,2,1, aspect=1, adjustable='box', autoscale_on=False) frames[1] = fig.add_subplot(2,2,2, aspect=1, adjustable='box', autoscale_on=False) frames[2] = fig.add_subplot(2,2,3, aspect=1, adjustable='box', autoscale_on=False) frames[3] = fig.add_subplot(2,2,4, aspect=1, adjustable='box', autoscale_on=False) frames[0].set_xlim(0,10) frames[0].set_ylim(0,10) frames[1].set_xlim(0,8) frames[1].set_ylim(0,7) frames[2].set_xlim(0,8) frames[2].set_ylim(0,11) frames[3].set_xlim(0,8) frames[3].set_ylim(0,7) names = ['m101', 'M1', 'L1', 'NGC2323'] # Just dummies class Projection(object): def __init__(self, name): = name def toworld(self, xy): if != 'L1': xyw = asarray(xy)*2.0 else: xyw = xy return xyw def topixel(self, xy): if != 'L1': xyp = asarray(xy)/2.0 else: xyp = xy return xyp class Image(object): def __init__(self, name, frame): = name self.frame = frame self.projection = Projection(name) def positionmessage(self, x, y): return "%g %g" % (x, y) def getflux(xy,pixelstep=0.2): return 10, 3 # Just dummies images = [] for n,f in zip(names,frames): im = Image(n,f) images.append(im) shapes = Shapecollection(images, fig, wcs=True) show() if __name__ == "__main__": main()