#!/usr/bin/env python #------------------------------------------------------------ # Script demonstrates how to interpolate irregular data so that # it can be used as input for gauest.py # Vog, 7 feb 2012, improved at 03-08-2019 #------------------------------------------------------------ import numpy from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, show, rc from kapteyn.profiles import gauest def my_model(p, x, ncomp, zerolev): #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # This describes the model and its parameters for which we want to find # the best fit. 'p' is a sequence of parameters (array/list/tuple). #----------------------------------------------------------------------- y = 0.0 for i in range(ncomp): A, mu, sigma = p[i*3:(i+1)*3] print("A, mu, sig=", A, mu, sigma) y += A * numpy.exp(-(x-mu)*(x-mu)/(2.0*sigma*sigma)) return y + zerolev # Artificial data est_zerolev = 10.0 N = 100 numpy.random.seed(0) x = numpy.random.random(N)*15 - 5 # Random numbers between -5 and +10 truepars1 = [10.0, 5.0, 1.0, 3.0, -1.0, 1.5, 0.0] y = my_model(truepars1, x, 2, est_zerolev) + 0.3*numpy.random.randn(len(x)) # Analysis of x. function gauest() requires data points yi sampled on # a regular grid (i.e. sorted and at equidistant x values) # It sets a flag that indicates whether an array must be sorted and # a flag is set when the sorted array x does not represent a regular # grid. Then interpolation is required. # These flags needs to set each time a new array 'x' is detected. sorted = numpy.all(numpy.diff(x) > 0) print("Is x sorted?", sorted) if sorted: xs = x ys = y else: sortindx = numpy.argsort(x) xs = x[sortindx] ys = y[sortindx] # Keep x and y in phase step = xs[1] - xs[0] equidis = numpy.all((numpy.diff(xs)-step)< 0.01*step) print("Are x values (almost) on regular grid? ", equidis) if not equidis: sizex = len(xs) delta = (xs[-1]-xs[0])/sizex xse = numpy.linspace(xs[0], xs[-1], sizex) yse = numpy.interp(xse, xs, ys) else: xse = xs yse = ys step = xse[1] - xse[0] equidis = numpy.all((numpy.diff(xse)-step)< 0.01*step) print("Test 2: Are x values (almost) on regular grid? ", equidis) # thresholds for gauest filters cutamp = 0.1*yse.max() cutsig = 5.0 rms = 0.3 # Gauest returns a list with up to ncomp tuples # of which each tuple contains the amplitude, # the centre and the dispersion of the gaussian, in that order. ncomps = 0 Q = 6 # Make all x positive and remove offset in y est_zerolev = yse.min() # Estimated base level from the data xse2 = xse-xse[0] yse2 = yse-est_zerolev while ncomps != 2 and Q < 15: # comp is (amplitude, center, dispersion) comps = gauest(xse2, yse2, rms, cutamp, cutsig, q=Q, ncomp=2) ncomps = len(comps) print("Finding {} components for Q={}".format(ncomps, Q)) Q += 1 if ncomps == 2: d = xse[1] - xse[0] p0 = [] for comp in comps: # Scale to real x range print(comp) p0.append(comp[0]) p0.append(xse[0] + comp[1]), p0.append(comp[2]) print("Gauest with cutamp, cutsig, rms", cutamp, cutsig, rms) print("Number of components found:", ncomps) print("Value of Q for which 2 comps. were found:", Q-1) print("Found ampl, center, dispersion:", p0) else: print("Could not find any components!") fig = figure() rc('legend', fontsize=8) frame = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) frame.scatter(x, y, marker='o', s=10, color='red', alpha=0.5, label="Data") frame.plot(xse, yse, 'g+', label="Interpolated data points\n on regular grid") frame.plot(xse, yse, 'g') frame.plot(xse, my_model(p0,xse,ncomps,est_zerolev), 'b', lw=2, label="Estimate with gauest()") leg = frame.legend(loc=2) show()