#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, show from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d from scipy.optimize import fmin def chi2(pars, x, ydata): a = pars[0] b = pars[1] d = b*x + a - ydata d *= d return d.sum() def chi2X(pars, x, ydata): f = pars[0] g = pars[1] d = g*ydata + f - x d *= d return d.sum() def chi2pp(pars, x, ydata): a = pars[0] b = pars[1] p2 = b*b + 1.0 p1 = ydata - a - b*x d2 = p1 * p1 return d2.sum() / p2 def chi2robust(pars, x, ydata): a = pars[0] b = pars[1] d = abs(b*x + a - ydata) return d.sum() # Create 'real' data. i.e. use known parameters for straight line and add noise sc1, sc2 = eval(input('Enter scaling factors random noise as s1,s2: ')) no = eval(input('Number of real data points: ')) A,B = eval(input('Enter offset a and slope b as a,b: ')) x = numpy.linspace(0.0, 10.0, no) nsey = sc1 * numpy.random.randn(len(x)) ydata = A + B*x + nsey nsex = sc2 * numpy.random.randn(len(x)) x += nsex s = input("Add outlier x, y or press return to skip: ") if s: ox, oy = eval(s) x[-1] = ox ydata[-1] = oy # The line is written as Y = a + bX. We want to plot the chi2 landscape # for a range of values of a and b. nx = 100 ny = 100 aa = numpy.linspace(A-5,A+5,nx) bb = numpy.linspace(B-3,B+3,ny) Z = numpy.zeros( (ny,nx) ) Z2 = numpy.zeros( (ny,nx) ) Z3 = numpy.zeros( (ny,nx) ) # Get the Chi^2 landscape. Un-optimized code i = -1 for a in aa: i += 1 j = -1 for b in bb: j += 1 Z[j,i] = chi2( [a,b], x, ydata ) / (no-2) # Get reduced chi2 Z2[j,i] = chi2pp( [a,b], x, ydata ) / (no-2) Z3[j,i] = chi2robust( [a,b], x, ydata ) / (no-2) print("Minimum in reduced chi^2 landscape for standard merit function:",Z.min(), Z.max()) print("Minimum in reduced chi^2 landscape for perpendicular merit function:",Z2.min(), Z2.flatten().max()) print("Minimum in reduced chi^2 landscape for robust merit function:",Z3.min(), Z3.max()) XY = numpy.meshgrid( aa, bb ) XY0 = [0,0] (m1,fmi,p2,p3,p4) = fmin( chi2, XY0, args=(x,ydata), full_output=1, retall=0 ) print("\nFit deviations in Y:", m1) XY0 = [0,0] m2 = fmin( chi2pp, XY0, args=(x,ydata) ) print("\nFit orthogonal deviations:", m2) XY0 = [0,0] m3 = fmin( chi2X, XY0, args=(x,ydata) ) bm4 = 1/m3[1]; am4 = -m3[0]/m3[1] print("\nFit deviations in X: ", am4, bm4) XY0 = [0,0] m_rob = fmin(chi2robust, XY0, args=(x,ydata) ) print("\nFit absolute deviations in Y:", m_rob) # Plotting fig1 = figure(1) frame = fig1.add_subplot(111, projection='3d', azim=-41, elev=21) frame.plot_surface( XY[0], XY[1], Z3, color='g', alpha=0.8) frame.set_xlabel('a (offset)') frame.set_ylabel('b (slope)') frame.set_zlabel('$Z=\\chi^2_{\\nu}$') fig1.savefig('lsqfit.chi2landscape.png') V = [1.0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.5, 2.0, 5, 10, 15, 20] fig2 = figure(2) fontsize_title = 8 fig2.suptitle('Standard Chi2 contours') frame2 = fig2.add_subplot(2,2,2) cs = frame2.contour(XY[0], XY[1], Z, sorted(V)) zc = cs.collections[2] zc.set_color('red') zc.set_linewidth(2) frame2.clabel(cs, V, inline=False, fmt='%1.1f', fontsize=fontsize_title, colors='k') frame2.plot((A,),(B,), 'bo') frame2.plot((m1[0],),(m1[1],), 'ro') frame2.plot((m2[0],),(m2[1],), 'go') frame2.plot((am4,),(bm4,), 'mo') frame2.plot( (m_rob[0],),(m_rob[1],), 'co') frame2.set_xlabel( 'a (offset)') frame2.set_ylabel( 'b (slope)') frame2.set_title('$\\chi^2_{\\nu}\, \\rm{deviates\, in\, Y\, only}$', fontsize=fontsize_title) frame3 = fig2.add_subplot(2,2,3) cs = frame3.contour(XY[0], XY[1], Z2, sorted(V)) zc = cs.collections[2] zc.set_color('red') zc.set_linewidth(2) frame3.clabel(cs, V, inline=False, fmt='%1.1f', fontsize=fontsize_title) frame3.plot((A,),(B,), 'bo') frame3.plot((m1[0],),(m1[1],), 'ro') frame3.plot((m2[0],),(m2[1],), 'go') frame3.plot((am4,),(bm4,), 'mo') frame3.plot((m_rob[0],),(m_rob[1],), 'co') frame3.set_xlabel('a (offset)') frame3.set_ylabel('b (slope)') frame3.set_title('$\\chi^2_{\\nu}\, \\rm{Orthogonal\, deviates}$', fontsize=fontsize_title) frame4 = fig2.add_subplot(2,2,4) cs = frame4.contour(XY[0], XY[1], Z3, sorted(V)) zc = cs.collections[2] zc.set_color('red') zc.set_linewidth(2) frame4.clabel(cs, V, inline=False, fmt='%1.1f', fontsize=fontsize_title) frame4.plot((A,),(B,), 'bo') frame4.plot((m1[0],),(m1[1],), 'ro') frame4.plot((m2[0],),(m2[1],), 'go') frame4.plot((am4,),(bm4,), 'mo') frame4.plot((m_rob[0],),(m_rob[1],), 'co') frame4.set_xlabel('a (offset)') frame4.set_ylabel('b (slope)') frame4.set_title('$\\chi^2_{\\nu}\, \\rm{Absolute\, deviates}$', fontsize=fontsize_title) frame1 = fig2.add_subplot(2,2,1) frame1.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') frame1.scatter(x, ydata, color='blue', s=10, label='Observed data') frame1.plot(x, A + B*x, 'b', label='True model') frame1.plot(x, m1[1]*x+m1[0], 'r', label='Deviations in Y only') frame1.plot(x, m2[1]*x+m2[0], 'g', label='Perpendicular distance') frame1.plot(x, bm4*x+am4, 'm', label='Deviations in X only' ) frame1.plot(x, m_rob[1]*x+m_rob[0], 'c', label='Absolute deviations') leg = frame1.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize="4") frame1.set_xlabel('X') frame1.set_ylabel('Y') t = '$\\rm{Real\, data\, and\, fitted\, parameters:}\, Y = %.2f + %.2f*X$' % (A,B) frame1.set_title(t, fontsize=fontsize_title) fig2.tight_layout() fig2.savefig('merit_functions.png') # Goodness of fit from scipy.special import gammainc N = no M = 2 degfreedom = N - M Q = gammainc( 0.5*degfreedom, 0.5*fmi ) print("deg of freedom: ", degfreedom) print("Chi2 min: ", fmi) print("Goodness of fit: gammainc(%f,%f) = %f" % (0.5*degfreedom, 0.5*fmi, Q)) show()