#!/usr/bin/env python #------------------------------------------------------------ # Script which demonstrates how to use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov # goodness of fit test # # Vog, 17 Feb 2012 #------------------------------------------------------------ import numpy from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, show, rc from kapteyn import kmpfit def func(p, x): # Model function is a gaussian A, mu, sigma, zerolev = p return( A * numpy.exp(-(x-mu)*(x-mu)/(2*sigma*sigma)) + zerolev ) def residuals(p, data): # Return weighted residuals x, y, err = data return (y-func(p,x)) / err def cdf(dat1, dat2): cdfnew = [] n = len(dat2) for yy in dat1: fr = len(dat2[dat2 <= yy])/float(n) cdfnew.append(fr) return numpy.asarray(cdfnew) # Create data N = 30 x = numpy.linspace(-5,10,N) # Parameters: A, mu, sigma, zerolev truepars = [10.0, 4.0, 2.5, 0.0] p0 = [10, 4.5, 0.8, 0] y = func(truepars, x) + numpy.random.normal(0, 0.8, N) err = numpy.random.normal(0.0, 0.6, N) # Do the fit fitter = kmpfit.Fitter(residuals=residuals, data=(x,y,err)) #fitter.parinfo = [{}, {}, {}, {'fixed':True}] # Take zero level fixed in fit fitter.fit(params0=p0) if (fitter.status <= 0): print("Status: ", fitter.status) print('error message = ', fitter.errmsg) raise SystemExit print("\n========= Fit results ==========") print("Initial params:", fitter.params0) print("Params: ", fitter.params) print("Iterations: ", fitter.niter) print("Function ev: ", fitter.nfev) print("Uncertainties: ", fitter.xerror) print("dof: ", fitter.dof) print("chi^2, rchi2: ", fitter.chi2_min, fitter.rchi2_min) print("stderr: ", fitter.stderr) print("Status: ", fitter.status) # Create the ECDF and the model CDF data1 = numpy.asarray(y) data1 = numpy.sort(data1) n1 = len(data1) cdf_data_high = numpy.arange(1.0, N+1.0)/N cdf_data_lo = numpy.arange(0.0, 1.0*N)/N X = numpy.linspace(min(x), max(x), 300) data_hypo = func(fitter.params, X) data_hypo.sort() cdf_hypo = cdf(data1, data_hypo) # Find biggest distance between cumulative functions DD = cdf_data_high - cdf_hypo Dip = DD.argmax() Dplus = DD[Dip] DD = cdf_hypo - cdf_data_lo Dim = DD.argmax() Dmin = DD[Dim] if Dplus >= Dmin: Di = Dip else: Di = Dim Dmax = max(Dplus, Dmin) header = "\n============= Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics =============" print(header) from scipy.stats import kstwobign # Routine based on NR. It's a good approximation for N>4 dist = kstwobign() alphas = [0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.01] # Select significance level for rejecting null hypothesis alpha = 0.05 # 10% for a in alphas: Dn_crit = dist.ppf(1-a)/numpy.sqrt(N) print("Critical value of D at alpha=%.3f(two sided): %g"%(a, Dn_crit)) print("Selected alpha: :", alpha) print("This implies that in %d%% of the time we reject H0 while it is true."%(alpha*100)) Dn_crit = dist.ppf(1-alpha)/numpy.sqrt(N) print("\nCritical value of D from kstwobign() at alpha=%g(two sided): %g"%(alpha, Dn_crit)) print("Dplus, Dmin :", Dplus, Dmin) print("Dmax :", Dmax) print("Confidence level kstwobign() :", dist.sf(Dmax*numpy.sqrt(N))) if Dmax > Dn_crit: print("We REJECT the hypothesis that the data is consistent with the model") else: print("We ACCEPT the hypothesis that the data is consistent with the model") # Compare to SciPy's kstest() from scipy.stats import kstest d, prob = kstest(data1, cdf, args=(data_hypo,)) print("\nCompare to SciPy's kstest():") print("Dmax :", d) print("Confidence level :", prob) print("This probability from SciPy's kstest() is equal") print("or close to the value from kstwobign()") print("="*len(header)+"\n\n") # Plot the result rc('legend', fontsize=8) fig = figure(figsize=(7.2,10), tight_layout=True) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5) frame1 = fig.add_subplot(3,1,1) xd = numpy.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), 200) frame1.errorbar(x, y, yerr=numpy.abs(err), fmt='bo', ms=3, alpha=0.7, label="data") label = "Model" frame1.plot(xd, func(fitter.params,xd), 'g', label=label) frame1.set_xlabel("$x$") frame1.set_ylabel("$y$") vals = (fitter.chi2_min, fitter.rchi2_min, fitter.dof) title = r"$\mathrm{Fit\ with\ } \chi^2=%g \mathrm{\ and\ } \chi^2_{\nu}=%g \,(\nu=%d)$"%vals frame1.set_title(title, y=1.05) frame1.grid(True) leg = frame1.legend(loc=2) frame2 = fig.add_subplot(3,1,2) xdist = numpy.linspace(0.1*Dmax, max(Dmax*2, Dn_crit+Dmax/10.), 100) ydist = dist.pdf(xdist*numpy.sqrt(N)) ydist /= max(ydist) delta = (xdist.max()-xdist.min())/40.0 frame2.plot(xdist, ydist, 'm', label="Two sided KS-test (kstwobign), N=%d"%(N)) frame2.set_xlabel("$D$") frame2.set_ylabel("$\mathrm{Probability\ density}$") frame2.set_title("$\mathrm{Probability\ density\ function\ for\, } N=%d$"%N) frame2.plot((Dmax,Dmax),(0,ydist.max()), 'g', label="D max (fit) = %g"%Dmax) frame2.plot((Dn_crit,Dn_crit),(0,ydist.max()), 'r', label="D max threshold = %g"%Dn_crit) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="larrow,pad=0.2", fc="cyan", ec="b", lw=2) t = frame2.text(Dn_crit-delta, ydist.max()/2.0, "Accept", ha="right", va="center", size=12, bbox=bbox_props) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="rarrow,pad=0.2", fc="red", ec="b", lw=2) t = frame2.text(Dn_crit+delta, ydist.max()/2.0, "Reject", ha="left", va="center", size=12, bbox=bbox_props) frame2.grid(True) frame2.set_ylim(-0.01,1.01) leg = frame2.legend(loc=1) ydist = dist.cdf(xdist*numpy.sqrt(N)) frame3 = fig.add_subplot(3,1,3) frame3.plot(xdist, ydist, 'm', label="Cdf of kstwobign(), N=%d"%(N)) frame3.set_xlabel("$D$") frame3.set_ylabel("$\mathrm{Cumulative\ probability}$") frame3.plot((Dmax,Dmax),(0,ydist.max()), 'g', label="D max (fit) = %g"%Dmax) frame3.plot((Dn_crit,Dn_crit),(0,ydist.max()), 'r', label="D max threshold = %g"%Dn_crit) frame3.plot((0,Dn_crit),(1-alpha,1-alpha), 'r', ls='--', label="Threshold for alpha = %g (=1-%g)"%(alpha,1-alpha)) frame3.set_title("$\mathrm{Cumulative\ distribution\ function\ for\, } N=%d$"%N) frame3.grid(True) frame3.set_ylim(-0.01,1.01) leg = frame3.legend(loc=4) # Make a plot of the ECDF and the CDF of the model fig = figure(2) frame = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) frame.plot(data1, cdf_data_high, 'mx', ms=6, label="Upper values step function") frame.plot(data1, cdf_data_lo, 'm*', ms=6, label="Lower values step function") frame.step(data1, cdf_data_high, where='pre', color='#1122ff', label='data lower step') frame.step(data1, cdf_data_high, where='post',color='#aabb77', linestyle='--', label='data upper step') frame.step(data1, cdf_data_lo, color='#33bb7c', linestyle='--') frame.set_title("Empirical and model CDF's") cdf_hypo_all = cdf(data_hypo, data_hypo) frame.plot(data_hypo, cdf_hypo_all, 'go', alpha=0.1, label="Hypothesized distribution $F_0(x)$") cdf2 = cdf(data1, data_hypo) frame.plot(data1, cdf2, 'mo', ms=2, label="$F_0(x)$ where $x$ are the Y values of sample") frame.set_xlabel("Y values of sample") frame.set_ylabel("Cumulative probability") label="Dmax=%4f (Dcrit=%4f)"%(Dmax, Dn_crit) if Dplus >= Dmin: cdfdat = cdf_data_high else: cdfdat = cdf_data_lo frame.plot((data1[Di],data1[Di]), (cdfdat[Di],cdf_hypo[Di]), 'r', label=label) frame.set_ylim(-0.05,1.05) frame.grid(True) leg = frame.legend(loc=2) show()