#!/usr/bin/env python #------------------------------------------------------------ # Purpose: Program to straight line parameters # to data with errors in both coordinates. # Use the (famous) data set from Pearson with # weights from York # Vog, 12 Dec, 2011 # # The data for x and y are from Pearson # Pearson, K. 1901. On lines and planes of closest fit to systems # of points in space. Philosophical Magazine 2:559-572 # Copy of this article can be found at: # stat.smmu.edu.cn/history/pearson1901.pdf # # Pearson's best fit through (3.82,3.70) -> # a=5.7857 b=-0.546 # York added weights in # York, D. Can. J. Phys. 1968, 44, 1079-1086 # The Williamson Approach is also implemented. # The steps are described in Ogren, Paul J., Norton, J. Russel # Applying a simple Least-Squares Algorithm to Data # with Uncertainties in Both Variables, # J. of Chem. Education, Vol 69, Number 4, April 1992 # Best fit parameters for this method are: # a=5.47991022403 b=-0.48053340745 #------------------------------------------------------------ import numpy from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, show, rc from kapteyn import kmpfit def model(p, x): a, b = p return a + b*x def residuals(p, data): # Residuals function for data with errors in both coordinates a, b = p x, y, ex, ey = data w = ey*ey + ex*ex*b*b wi = numpy.sqrt(numpy.where(w==0.0, 0.0, 1.0/(w))) d = wi*(y-model(p,x)) return d def residuals2(p, data): # Residuals function for data with errors in y only a, b = p x, y, ey = data wi = numpy.where(ey==0.0, 0.0, 1.0/ey) d = wi*(y-model(p,x)) return d # Pearsons data with York's weights x = numpy.array([0.0, 0.9, 1.8, 2.6, 3.3, 4.4, 5.2, 6.1, 6.5, 7.4]) y = numpy.array([5.9, 5.4, 4.4, 4.6, 3.5, 3.7, 2.8, 2.8, 2.4, 1.5]) wx = numpy.array([1000.0,1000,500,800,200,80,60,20,1.8,1.0]) wy = numpy.array([1,1.8,4,8,20,20,70,70,100,500]) errx = 1/numpy.sqrt(wx) # We need the errors in the residuals functions erry = 1/numpy.sqrt(wy) N = len(x) # Prepare fit routine beta0 = [5.0, 1.0] # Initial estimates fitobj = kmpfit.Fitter(residuals=residuals, data=(x, y, errx, erry)) fitobj.fit(params0=beta0) print("\n\n======== Results kmpfit: weights for both coordinates =========") print("Fitted parameters: ", fitobj.params) print("Covariance errors: ", fitobj.xerror) print("Standard errors ", fitobj.stderr) print("Chi^2 min: ", fitobj.chi2_min) print("Reduced Chi^2: ", fitobj.rchi2_min) print("Iterations: ", fitobj.niter) # Prepare fit routine fitobj2 = kmpfit.Fitter(residuals=residuals2, data=(x, y, erry)) fitobj2.fit(params0=beta0) print("\n\n======== Results kmpfit errors in Y only =========") print("Fitted parameters: ", fitobj2.params) print("Covariance errors: ", fitobj2.xerror) print("Standard errors ", fitobj2.stderr) print("Chi^2 min: ", fitobj2.chi2_min) print("Reduced Chi^2: ", fitobj2.rchi2_min) # Unweighted (unit weighting) fitobj3 = kmpfit.Fitter(residuals=residuals2, data=(x, y, numpy.ones(N))) fitobj3.fit(params0=beta0) print("\n\n======== Results kmpfit unit weighting =========") print("Fitted parameters: ", fitobj3.params) print("Covariance errors: ", fitobj3.xerror) print("Standard errors ", fitobj3.stderr) print("Chi^2 min: ", fitobj3.chi2_min) print("Reduced Chi^2: ", fitobj3.rchi2_min) from scipy.odr import Data, Model, ODR, RealData, odr_stop # Compare result with ODR linear = Model(model) mydata = RealData(x, y, sx=errx, sy=erry) myodr = ODR(mydata, linear, beta0=beta0, maxit=5000, sstol=1e-14) myoutput = myodr.run() print("\n\n======== Results ODR =========") print("Fitted parameters: ", myoutput.beta) print("Covariance errors: ", numpy.sqrt(myoutput.cov_beta.diagonal())) print("Standard errors: ", myoutput.sd_beta) print("Minimum chi^2: ", myoutput.sum_square) print("Minimum (reduced)chi^2: ", myoutput.res_var) beta = myoutput.beta a,b = beta0 a_y = a; b_y = b ui = errx**2 vi = erry**2 n = 0 cont = True while cont: # Step 2: Use this slope to find weighting for each point wi = (vi+b*b*ui)**-1 # Step 3: Calcu;ate weighted avarages w_sum = wi.sum() x_av = (wi*x).sum() / w_sum x_diff = x - x_av y_av = (wi*y).sum() / w_sum y_diff = y - y_av # Step 4: Calculate the 'improvement' vector zi zi = wi*(vi*x_diff + b*ui*y_diff) b_will = (wi*zi*y_diff).sum()/ (wi*zi*x_diff).sum() cont = abs(b-b_will) > 1e-12 and n < 100 n += 1 b = b_will print("average x weighted, unweighted:", x_av, x.mean()) # Step 5: Repeat steps 2-4 until convergence # Step 6: Calculate 'a' using the averages of a and y a_will = y_av - b_will*x_av # Step 7: The variances wi = (vi+b_will*b_will*ui)**-1 w_sum = wi.sum() z_av = (wi*zi).sum() / w_sum zi2 = zi - z_av Q =1.0/(wi*(x_diff*y_diff/b_will + 4*zi2*(zi-x_diff))).sum() sigb2 = Q*Q * (wi*wi*(x_diff**2*vi+y_diff**2*ui)).sum() siga2 = 1.0/w_sum + 2*(x_av+2*z_av)*z_av*Q + (x_av+2*z_av)**2*sigb2 siga = numpy.sqrt(siga2) sigb = numpy.sqrt(sigb2) chi2 = (residuals(fitobj.params,(x,y,errx,erry))**2).sum() print("\n\n======== Results Williamson =========") print("Fitted parameters: ", [a_will, b_will]) print("Covariance errors: ", [siga, sigb]) print("Minimum chi^2: ", chi2) print("\n\nReference a b") print("-----------------------------------------------------------") print("Literature results:") print("Pearson unweighted 5.7857 -0.546") print("Williamson 5.47991022403 -0.48053340745") print("Reed 5.47991022723 -0.48053340810") print("Lybanon 5.47991025 -0.480533415") print() print("Practical results:") print("kmpfit unweighted %13.11f %13.11f"%(fitobj3.params[0],fitobj3.params[1])) print("kmpfit weights in Y only %13.11f %13.11f"%(fitobj2.params[0],fitobj2.params[1])) print("kmpfit effective variance %13.11f %13.11f"%(fitobj.params[0],fitobj.params[1])) print("ODR %13.11f %13.11f"%(beta[0],beta[1])) print("Williamson %13.11f %13.11f"%(a_will,b_will)) print() # Some plotting rc('font', size=9) rc('legend', fontsize=8) fig = figure(1) d = (x.max() - x.min())/10 X = numpy.linspace(x.min()-d, x.max()+d, 50) frame = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1, aspect=1, adjustable='datalim') frame.errorbar(x, y, xerr=errx, yerr=erry, fmt='bo') frame.plot(X, model(fitobj.params,X), 'c', ls='--', lw=2, label="kmpfit effective variance") frame.plot(X, model(fitobj2.params,X), 'g', label="kmpfit errors in y only") frame.plot(X, model(fitobj3.params,X), 'r', label="kmpfit unweighted") frame.plot(X, model((5.7857,-0.546),X), 'b', label="Pearson's values") frame.plot(X, model((5.463,-0.477),X), 'm', label="York's values") frame.set_xlabel("X") frame.set_ylabel("Y") frame.set_title("Pearson's data with York's weights") frame.grid(True) leg = frame.legend(loc=1) show()