#!/usr/bin/env python #------------------------------------------------------------ # Purpose: Program to straight line parameters # to data with errors in both coordinates. # Use data from Orear's article # Vog, 10 Dec, 2011 # # The data is from a real physics experiment. Orear, # Am. J.Phys., Vol.50, No. 10, October 1982, lists values # for a and b that are not comparable to what we find with # kmpfit. In an erratum # Am. J.Phys., Vol.52, No. 3, March 1984, he published new # values that are the same as we find with kmpfit. This # is after an improvement of the minimalization of the # objective function where the parameters and the weights # are iterated together rather than alternately. # The literature values are printed as output of this script. #------------------------------------------------------------ import numpy from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, show, rc from kapteyn import kmpfit def model(p, x): a, b = p return a*x - b/x def residuals(p, data): # Residuals function for data with errors in both coordinates a, b = p x, y, ex, ey = data w = ey*ey + ex*ex*(a+b/x**2)**2 wi = numpy.sqrt(numpy.where(w==0.0, 0.0, 1.0/(w))) d = wi*(y-model(p,x)) return d def residuals2(p, data): # Residuals function for data with errors in y only a, b = p x, y, ey = data wi = numpy.where(ey==0.0, 0.0, 1.0/ey) d = wi*(y-model(p,x)) return d def residuals3(p, data): # Minimum distance formula with expression for x_model a, b = p x, y, ex, ey = data wx = numpy.where(ex==0.0, 0.0, 1.0/(ex*ex)) wy = numpy.where(ey==0.0, 0.0, 1.0/(ey*ey)) df = a + b/(x*x) # Calculated the approximate values for the model x0 = x + (wy*(y-model(p,x))*df)/(wx+wy*df*df) y0 = model(p,x0) D = numpy.sqrt( wx*(x-x0)**2+wy*(y-y0)**2 ) return D # Create the data N = 20 beta0 = [0.1,650000] # Initial estimates y = numpy.array([-4.017, -2.742, -1.1478, 1.491, 6.873]) x = numpy.array([22000.0, 22930, 23880, 25130, 26390]) N = len(y) errx = numpy.array([440.0, 470, 500, 530, 540]) erry = numpy.array([0.5, 0.25, 0.08, 0.09, 1.90]) print("\Literature values:") print("===================") print("Orear's iteration method: a, b, min chi^2:", 1.0163e-3, 5.937e5, 2.187) print("Orear's exact method: a, b, min chi^2:", 1.0731e-3, 6.250e5, 2.134) # Prepare fit routine fitobj = kmpfit.Fitter(residuals=residuals, data=(x, y, errx, erry)) fitobj.fit(params0=beta0) print("\n\n======== Results kmpfit: weights for both coordinates =========") print("Params: ", fitobj.params) print("Covariance errors: ", fitobj.xerror) print("Standard errors ", fitobj.stderr) print("Chi^2 min: ", fitobj.chi2_min) print("Reduced Chi^2: ", fitobj.rchi2_min) print("Iterations: ", fitobj.niter) print("Status: ", fitobj.message) # Prepare fit routine fitobj2 = kmpfit.Fitter(residuals=residuals2, data=(x, y, erry)) fitobj2.fit(params0=beta0) print("\n\n======== Results kmpfit errors in Y only =========") print("Params: ", fitobj2.params) print("Covariance errors: ", fitobj2.xerror) print("Standard errors ", fitobj2.stderr) print("Chi^2 min: ", fitobj2.chi2_min) print("Reduced Chi^2: ", fitobj2.rchi2_min) # Prepare fit routine fitobj3 = kmpfit.Fitter(residuals=residuals3, data=(x, y, errx, erry)) fitobj3.fit(params0=beta0) print("\n\n======== Results kmpfit with distance formula =========") print("Params: ", fitobj3.params) print("Covariance errors: ", fitobj3.xerror) print("Standard errors ", fitobj3.stderr) print("Chi^2 min: ", fitobj3.chi2_min) print("Reduced Chi^2: ", fitobj3.rchi2_min) print("Iterations: ", fitobj3.niter) print("Status: ", fitobj3.message) # Some plotting rc('font', size=9) rc('legend', fontsize=8) fig = figure(1) frame = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) frame.errorbar(x, y, xerr=errx, yerr=erry, fmt='bo') frame.plot(x, model(fitobj.params,x), 'c', ls='--', lw=2, label="kmpfit errors in x and y") frame.plot(x, model(fitobj2.params,x), 'g', label="kmpfit errors in y only") frame.set_xlabel("X") frame.set_ylabel("Y") frame.set_title("$\mathrm{Orear's\ data\ and\ model:\ } y=a*x - b/x$") leg = frame.legend(loc=2) show()