from kapteyn import maputils from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy # This script shows that you can plot shapes that cross the pole. # A shape is plotted with respect to its center and the border points # are derived in a way that distance and angle are correct for a sphere. # This makes it impossible to have objects centered at the pole because at # the pole, longitudes are undefined. To avoid this problem, one can shift # the center of such shapes a little as we have done with pcra and # pcdec below. # The try excepts in this program is to catch problems with special # projections (e.g. NCP where dec > 0) delta = 0.0001 pcra = delta pcdec = 90. -delta def shapes(proj, fig, plnr, crval2=0.0, **pv): naxis1 = 800; naxis2 = 800 header = {'NAXIS': 2, 'NAXIS1': naxis1, 'NAXIS2': naxis2, 'CRPIX1': naxis1/2.0, 'CRPIX2': naxis2/2.0, 'CRVAL1': 0.0, 'CRVAL2': crval2, 'CDELT1': -0.5, 'CDELT2': 0.5, 'CUNIT1': 'deg', 'CUNIT2': 'deg', 'CTYPE1': 'RA---%s'%proj, 'CTYPE2': 'DEC--%s'%proj} if len(pv): header.update(pv) X = numpy.arange(0,390.0,30.0); Y = numpy.arange(-30,91,30.0) f = maputils.FITSimage(externalheader=header) frame = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, plnr) annim = f.Annotatedimage(frame) grat = annim.Graticule(axnum=(1,2), wylim=(-30.0,90.0), wxlim=(-180,180), startx=X, starty=Y) grat.setp_gratline(color='0.75') if plnr in [1,2]: grat.setp_axislabel(plotaxis='bottom', visible=False) print "Projection %d is %s" % (plnr, proj) # Ellipse centered on crossing of two graticule lines try: annim.Skypolygon("ellipse", cpos="5h00m 20d0m", major=50, minor=30, pa=-30.0, fill=False) print "Plotted ellipse with cpos='5h00m 20d0m', major=50, minor=30, pa=-30.0, fill=False" except: print "Failed to plot ellipse" # Ellipse at given pixel coordinates try: cpos = "%f %f"%(naxis1/2.0+20, naxis2/2.0+10) annim.Skypolygon("ellipse", cpos=cpos, major=40, minor=10, pa=0.0, fc='m') print "Plotted ellipse major=40, minor=10, pa=-30.0, fc='m'" except: print "Failed to plot ellipse" # Circle with radius in arc minutes try: annim.Skypolygon("ellipse", xc=pcra, yc = pcdec, #cpos="0 deg 60 deg", major=30, minor=30, fc='g', alpha=0.3, lw=3, ec='r') print "Plotted red circle, green with red border transparent" except: print "Failed to plot circle" # Rectangle at the projection center try: annim.Skypolygon("rectangle", xc=pcra, yc=pcdec, major=50, minor=20, pa=30.0, ec='g', fc='b', alpha=0.3) print "Plotted blue rectangle at projection center" except: print "Failed to plot blue rectangle at projection center" # Square centered at 315 deg -45 deg and with size equal # to distance on sphere between 300,-30 and 330,-30 deg (=25.9) try: annim.Skypolygon("rectangle", cpos="315 deg -45 deg", major=25.9, minor=25.9, pa=0.0, ec='g', fc='#ff33dd', alpha=0.8) print "Plotted square with color #ff33dd" except: print "Failed to plot square" # Regular polygon with 6 angles at some position in galactic coordinates try: annim.Skypolygon("npoly", cpos="ga 102d11m35.239s ga 59d50m25.734", major=20, nangles=6, ec='g', fc='y', alpha=0.3) print "Plotted npoly in yellow" except: print "Failed to plot regular polygon" # Regular polygon as a triangle try: annim.Skypolygon("npolygon", cpos="ga 0 ga 90", major=70, nangles=3, ec='g', fc='c', alpha=0.7) print "Plotted npoly triangle in cyan" except: print "Failed to plot triangle" # Set of (absolute) coordinates, no prescription lons = [270, 240, 240, 270] lats = [-30, -30, 0, 0] try: annim.Skypolygon(prescription=None, lons=lons, lats=lats, fc='r', alpha=0.9) print "Plotted polygon without prescription" except: print "Failed to plot set of coordinates as polygon" grat.Insidelabels(wcsaxis=0, world=range(0,360,30), constval=0, fmt='Hms', color='b', fontsize=5) grat.Insidelabels(wcsaxis=1, world=[-60, -30, 30, 60], constval=0, fmt='Dms', color='b', fontsize=5) annim.interact_toolbarinfo() annim.interact_writepos(wcsfmt="%f",zfmt=None, pixfmt=None, hmsdms=False) frame.set_title(proj, y=0.8) annim.plot() fig = plt.figure() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.03, bottom=0.05, right=0.97, top=0.97, wspace=0.02, hspace=0.02) shapes("STG", fig, 1, crval2=90) shapes("ARC", fig, 2, crval2=90) pvkwargs = {'PV2_0' : 0.05, 'PV2_1' : 0.975, 'PV2_2' : -0.807, 'PV2_3' : 0.337, 'PV2_4' : -0.065, 'PV2_5' : 0.01, 'PV2_6' : 0.003,' PV2_7' : -0.001} shapes("ZPN", fig, 3, crval2=90, **pvkwargs) shapes("NCP", fig, 4, crval2=90) #xi = -1/numpy.sqrt(6); eta = 1/numpy.sqrt(6) #shapes("SIN", fig, 4, crval2=90, PV2_1=xi, PV2_2=eta)