from kapteyn import maputils, wcs from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np # The data you want to re-project Basefits = maputils.FITSimage("m101.fits") hdrIn = Basefits.hdr projIn = Basefits.proj crvalsI = Basefits.proj.crval # We want to change the sky system, so we need to know the values of CRVAL in the new system trans = wcs.Transformation(projIn.skysys, skyout=wcs.galactic) crvalsO = trans(crvalsI) # Adjust the new header which was derived from the input hdrOut = hdrIn.copy() hdrOut['CTYPE1'] = 'GLON-SIN' hdrOut['CTYPE2'] = 'GLAT-SIN' hdrOut['CRVAL1'] = crvalsO[0] hdrOut['CRVAL2'] = crvalsO[1] # Get an estimate of the new corners by converting ALL boundary pixels of the input map naxis1 = hdrIn['NAXIS1'] naxis2 = hdrIn['NAXIS2'] x = np.concatenate([np.arange(1, naxis1+1), naxis1*np.ones(naxis1), np.arange(1, naxis1+1), np.ones(naxis1)]) y = np.concatenate([np.ones(naxis2), np.arange(1, naxis2+1), naxis2*np.ones(naxis1), np.arange(1, naxis2+1)]) x, y = projIn.toworld((x,y)) # But we need Galactic coordinates before converting to pixels # in the new system, not the original cooordinates: x, y = trans((x,y)) # Create a dummy object to calculate pixel coordinates in the new system. f = maputils.FITSimage(externalheader=hdrOut) px, py = f.proj.topixel((x,y)) pxlim = [int(min(px))-1, int(max(px))+1] pylim = [int(min(py))-1, int(max(py))+1] #print "New limits:", pxlim, pylim # Do the re-projection Reprojfits = Basefits.reproject_to(hdrOut, pxlim_dst=pxlim, pylim_dst=pylim) #Reprojfits.writetofits("reproj.fits", clobber=True) crpixs = Reprojfits.proj.crpix crvals = Reprojfits.proj.toworld(crpixs) #print "Check that crpix values in output are adjusted correctly:" #print "Crvals from initial transformation and from re-projection:", crvals, crvalsO # Some plotting to check the result fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,5)) frame1 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1) frame2 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2) im1 = Basefits.Annotatedimage(frame1) im2 = Reprojfits.Annotatedimage(frame2) im1.Image(); im1.Graticule() im2.Image(); im2.Graticule() im1.interact_toolbarinfo() im2.interact_toolbarinfo() im1.plot(); im2.plot() fig.tight_layout()