from kapteyn import maputils, tabarray from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy f = maputils.FITSimage("m101.fits") fig = plt.figure() frame = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) annim = f.Annotatedimage(frame, cmap="binary") annim.Image() grat = annim.Graticule() #annim.Marker(pos="210.80 deg 54.34 deg", marker='o', color='b') annim.Marker(pos="pc", marker='o', markersize=10, color='r') annim.Marker(pos="14h03m30 54d20m", marker='o', color='y') annim.Marker(pos="ga 102.035415152 ga 59.772512522", marker='+', markersize=20, markeredgewidth=2, color='m') annim.Marker(pos="{ecl,fk4,J2000} 174.367462651 {} 59.796173724", marker='x', markersize=20, markeredgewidth=2, color='g') annim.Marker(pos="{eq,fk4-no-e,B1950,F24/04/55} 210.360200881 {} 54.587072397", marker='o', markersize=25, markeredgewidth=2, color='c', alpha=0.4) # Use pos= keyword argument to enter sequence of # positions in pixel coordinates. The syntax is described # in the module pos = "200+20*sin([100:199]/20), range(100,200)" annim.Marker(pos=pos, marker='o', color='r') # Use x= and y= keyword arguments to enter sequence of # positions in pixel coordinates. Note that this is not parsed by # module Here we need list comprehension to # get the same effect. xp = [400+20*numpy.sin(x/20.0) for x in range(100,200)] yp = range(100,200) annim.Marker(x=xp, y=yp, mode='pixels', marker='o', color='g') xp = yp = 150 annim.Marker(x=xp, y=yp, mode='pixels', marker='+', color='b') annim.plot() annim.interact_imagecolors() annim.interact_toolbarinfo()