from kapteyn import maputils from numpy import arange from matplotlib import pyplot as plt dec0 = 89.9999999999 # Avoid plotting on the wrong side header = {'NAXIS' : 2, 'NAXIS1' : 100, 'NAXIS2': 80, 'CTYPE1' : 'RA---TAN', 'CRVAL1' : 0.0, 'CRPIX1' : 50, 'CUNIT1' : 'deg', 'CDELT1' : -5.0, 'CTYPE2' : 'DEC--TAN', 'CRVAL2' : dec0, 'CRPIX2' : 40, 'CUNIT2' : 'deg', 'CDELT2' : 5.0, } X = arange(0,360.0,15.0) Y = [20, 30,45, 60, 75] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,6)) frame = fig.add_axes((0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8)) f = maputils.FITSimage(externalheader=header) annim = f.Annotatedimage(frame) grat = annim.Graticule(wylim=(20.0,90.0), wxlim=(0,360), startx=X, starty=Y) grat.setp_gratline(color='0.75') lon_world = range(0,360,30) lat_world = [20, 30, 60, 90] grat.setp_lineswcs1(20, color='g', linestyle='--') # Plot labels inside the plot lon_constval = None lat_constval = 20 lon_kwargs = {'color':'r', 'fontsize':15} lat_kwargs = {'color':'b', 'fontsize':10} grat.Insidelabels(wcsaxis=0, world=lon_world, constval=lat_constval, fmt="Dms", **lon_kwargs) grat.Insidelabels(wcsaxis=1, world=lat_world, constval=lon_constval, fmt="Dms", **lat_kwargs) annim.plot() # Set title for Matplotlib titlepos = 1.02 title = r"Gnomonic projection (TAN) diverges at $\theta=0^\circ$. (Cal. fig.8)" t = frame.set_title(title, color='g') t.set_y(titlepos)