Papers in Scientific Journals

Papers in Scientific Journals, Books


Argo, M.K. et al. (including de Bruyn, A.G.), CLASS B0445+123: a new two-image gravitational lens system, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 338, 957–961, 2003.

Bemmel, I.M. van, Dullemond, C.P., New radiative transfer models for obscuring tori in active galaxies, Astron. Astrophys. 404, 1–19, 2003.

Bernard-Salas, J., Pottasch, S.R., Beintema, D.A., Wesselius, P.R., Erratum: The ISO-SWS spectrum of planetary nebula NGC 7027, Astron. Astrophys. 406, 175, 2003.

Bernard-Salas, J., Pottasch, S.R., Wesselius, P.R., Feibelman, W.A., Abundances of planetary nebulae BD+30 3639 and NGC 6543, Astron. Astrophys. 406, 165–174, 2003.

Biggs, A.D., et al. (including de Bruyn, A.G.), 0850+054: a new gravitational lens system from CLASS, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 338, 1084–1088, 2003.

Bignall, H.E., Jauncey, D.L., Lovell, J.E.J., Tzioumis, A.K., Kedziora-Chudczer, L., Macquart, J.-P., Tingay, S.J., Rayner, D.P., Clay, R.W., Rapid Variability and Annual Cycles in the Characteristic Timescale of the Scintillating Source PKS 1257-326, Astrophys. J. 585, 653–664, 2003.

Bottema, R., Simulations of normal spiral galaxies, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 344, pp. 358-384, 2003.

Browne, I.W.A. et al. (including de Bruyn, A.G., Koopmans, L.V.E.), The cosmic lens all-sky survey – II. Gravitational lens candidate selection and follow-up, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 341, 13–32, 2003.

Cappellaro, E., Baruffolo, A., Cascone, E., Greggio, L., Kuijken, K., Bender, R., Muschielok, B., Iwert, O., Mitsch, W., Nicklas, H., Valentijn, E.A., OmegaCAM at the VLT Survey Telescope, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana 74, p. 967, 2003.

Castro-Rodríguez, N., Aguerri, J.A.L., Arnaboldi, M., Gerhard, O., Freeman, K.C., Napolitano, N.R., Capaccioli, M., Narrow band survey for intragroup light in the Leo HI cloud. Constraints on the galaxy background contamination in imaging surveys for intracluster planetary nebulae, Astron. Astrophys. 405, 803–812, 2003.

Cazaux, S., Tielens, A.G.G.M., Ceccarelli, C., Castets, A., Wakelam, V., Caux, E., Parise, B., Teyssier, D., The hot core around the low-mass protostar IRAS 16293-2422: Scoundrels Rule!, Astrophys. J. 593, L51–55, 2003.

Ceccarelli, C., Maret, S., Tielens, A.G.G.M., Castets, A., Caux, E., Theoretical H2CO emission from protostellar envelopes, Astron. Astrophys. 410, 587–595, 2003. 

Chengalur, J.N., Kanekar, N., Widespread acetaldehyde near the Galactic Centre, Astron. Astrophys. 403, L43–46, 2003. 

Chengalur, J.N., Kanekar, N., Constraining the variation of fundamental constants using 18cm OH lines, Physical Review Letters 91, id. 241302, 2003. 

Choloniewski, J., Valentijn, E.A., Extinction in the galaxy from surface brightnesses of ESO-LV galaxies: Determination of AR/AB ratio, Acta Astro­nomica 53, 249–264, 2003. 

Choloniewski, J., Valentijn, E.A., Extinction in the galaxy from surface brightnesses of ESO-LV galaxies: Testing "standard" extinction maps, Acta Astronomica 53, 265–280, 2003. 

Dennett-Thorpe, J., de Bruyn, A.G., Annual modulation in the scattering of J1819+3845: Peculiar plasma velocity and anisotropy, Astron. Astrophys. 404, 113–132, 2003. 

Dolphin, A.E., Saha, A., Skillman, E.D., Dohm-Palmer, R.C., Tolstoy, E., Cole, A.A., Gallagher, J.S., Hoessel, J.G., Mateo, M., Deep Hubble Space telescope imaging of Sextans A. III. The star formation history, Astron. J. 126, 187–196, 2003. 

Dolphin, A.E., Saha, A., Skillman, E.D., Dohm-Palmer, R.C., Tolstoy, E., Cole, A.A., Gallagher, J.S., Hoessel, J.G., Mateo, M., Deep Hubble Space telescope Imaging of Sextans A. II. Cepheids and distance, Astron. J. 125, 1261–1290, 2003. 

Dominik, C., Dullemond, C.P., Cami, J., van Winckel, H., The dust disk of HR 4049. Another brick in the wall, Astron. Astrophys. 397, 595–609, 2003. 

Filho, M.E., Barthel, P.D., Ho, L.C., Erratum: The Radio properties of composite LINER/HII galaxies, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Series 144, 211, 2003. 

González-García, A.C., Albada, T.S. van, Mergers between elliptical galaxies and the thickening of the Fundamental Plane, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.  342, L36, 2003. 

Harwit, Martin, Spaans, Marco, Chemical composition of the Early Universe, Astrophys. J. 589, 53–57, 2003. 

Haverkorn, M., Katgert, P., de Bruyn, A.G., Characteristics of the structure in the Galactic polarized radio  background at 350 MHz, Astron. Astrophys. 403, 1045–1057, 2003. 

Haverkorn, M., Katgert, P., de Bruyn, A.G., Multi-frequency polarimetry of the Galactic radio background around 350  MHz. I. A region in Auriga around l = 161 deg, b = 16 deg, Astron. Astrophys. 403, 1031–1044, 2003. 

Higdon, S.J.U., Higdon, J.L., van der Hulst, J.M., Stacey, G.J., Infrared space observatory long-wavelength spectrometer spectroscopy of star-forming regions in M33, Astrophys. J. 592, 161–171, 2003. 

Hoekstra, H., Franx, M., Kuijken, K., Carlberg, R.G., Yee, H.K.C., Lensing by galaxies in CNOC2 fields, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 340, 609–622, 2003. 

Hony, S., Tielens, A.G.G.M., Waters, L.B.F.M., de Koter, A., The circumstellar envelope of the C-rich post-AGB star HD 56126, Astron. Astrophys. 402, 211–228, 2003. 

Ibata, R.A., Irwin, M.J., Lewis, G.F., Ferguson, A.M.N., Tanvir, N., One ring to encompass them all: a giant stellar structure that surrounds the Galaxy, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 340, L21–L27, 2003. 

Israel, F.P., Graauw de, Th., Johansson, L.E.B., Booth, R.S., Boulanger, F., Garay, G., Kutner, M.L., Lequeux, J., Nyman, L.A., Rubio, M., Results of the ESO-SEST Key Programme on CO in the Magellanic Clouds. IX. The giant LMC HII region complex N 11, Astron. Astrophys. 401, 99–111, 2003. 

Israel, F.P., Johansson, L.E.B., Rubio, M., Garay, G., Graauw de, Th., Booth, R.S., Boulanger, F., Kutner, M.L., Lequeux, J., Nyman, L.A., Results of the ESO-SEST Key Programme on CO in the Magellanic Clouds. X. CO emission from star formation regions in LMC and SMC, Astron. Astrophys. 406, 817–828, 2003. 

Jauncey, D.L., Johnston, H.M., Bignall, H.E., Lovell, J.E.J., Kedziora-Chudczer, L., Tzioumis, A.K., Macquart, J.-P., Interstellar scintillation and annual cycles in the BL Lac source PKS 1519–273, Astrophys. Space Science Vol. 288 , 63–68, 2003. 

Jauncey, D.L., King, E.A., Bignall, H.E., Lovell, J.E.J., Kedziora-Chudczer, L., Tzioumis, A.K., Tingay, S.J., Macquart, J.-P., Variability in GPS Sources, Publ. of the Astronomical Society of Australia Vol. 20 , 151–155, 2003. 

Kanekar, N., Briggs, F.H., HI absorption in a gravitational lens at z ~ 0.7645, Astron. Astrophys. 412, L29–32, 2003. 

Kanekar, N., Chengalur, J.N., A deep search for 21-cm absorption in high redshift damped Lyman-alpha systems, Astron. Astrophys. 399, 857–868, 2003. 

Kanekar, N., Chengalur, J.N., de Bruyn, A.G., Narasimha, D., Detection of OH and wide HI absorption toward B0218+357, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 345, L7–11, 2003. 

Kanekar, N., Chengalur, J.N., de Bruyn, A.G., Narasimha, D., Detection of OH and wide HI absorption toward B0218+357, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 345, L7–L14, 2003. 

Kanekar, N., Subrahmanyan, R., Chengalur, J.N., Safouris, V., The temperature of the warm neutral medium in the Milky Way, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 346, L57–61, 2003. 

Kemper, F., Stark, R., Justtanont, K., de Koter, A., Tielens, A.G.G.M.,  Waters, L.B.F.M., Cami, J., Dijkstra, C., Mass loss and rotational CO emission from Asymptotic Giant Branch stars, Astron. Astrophys. 407, 609–629, 2003. 

Klöckner, H.-R., Baan, W.A., Garrett, M.A., Investigation of the obscuring circumnuclear torus in the active galaxy Mrk231, Nature 421, 821–823, 2003. 

Koopmans, L.V.E., Biggs, A., Blandford, R.D., Browne, I.W.A., Jackson, N.J., Mao, S., Wilkinson, P.N., de Bruyn, A.G., Wambsganss, J., Extrinsic radio variability of JVAS/CLASS gravitational lenses, Astrophys. J. 595, 712–718, 2003. 

Koshelets, V.P., Shitov, S.V., Dmitriev, P.N., Ermakov, A.B., Sobolev, A.S., Torgashin, M.Yu., Wesselius, P.R., Yagoubov, P.A., Mahaini, C., Mygind, J., Externally Phase-Locked Local Oscillator for Submm Integrated Receivers: Achievements and Limitations, ITAS 13, p. 1035–1038,, 2003. 

Kraemer, K.E., Shipman, R.F., Price, S.D., Mizuno, D.R., Kuchar, T, Carey, S.J., Observations of star-forming regions with the midcourse space experiment, Astron. J. 126, 1423–1450, 2003. 

Labiano, A., O'Dea, C.P., Gelderman, R., de Vries, W.H., Axon, D.J., Barthel, P.D., Baum, S.A., Capetti, A., Fanti, R., Koekemoer, A.M., Morganti, R. and Tadhunter, C.N., HST/STIS spectroscopy of CSS sources: Kinematics and ionisation of the aligned nebulae, Publ. of the Astronomical Society of Australia Vol. , 28–30, 2003. 

Leech, K., Kester, D., Shipman, R., Beintema, D., Feuchtgruber, H., Heras, A., Huygen, R., Lahuis, F., Lutz, D., Morris, P., Roelfsema, P., Salama, A., Schaeidt, S., Valentijn, E., Vandenbussche, B., Wieprecht, E., de Graauw, T., The ISO Handbook, Volume V - SWS - The Short Wavelength Spectrometer Version 2.0.1 (June, 2003) (eds. T.G. Mueller, J.A.D.L. Blommaert, and P. Garcia-Lario), ESA SP-1262 , European Space Agency, 2003. 

Leinert, Ch. et al. (including Pel, J.-W.), MIDI - the 10 μm instrument on the VLTI, Astrophys. and Space Science 286, 73–83, 2003. 

Lovell, J.E.J., Jauncey, D.L., Bignall, H.E., Kedziora-Chudczer, L., Macquart, J.-P., Rickett, B.J., Tzioumis, A.K., First results from MASIV: The micro–arcsecond scintillation-induced variability survey, Astron. J. 126, 1699–1706, 2003. 

Maiolino, R., Comastri, A., Gilli, R., Nagar, N.M., Bianchi, S., Böker, T., Colbert, E., Krabbe, A., Marconi, A., Matt, G., Salvati, M., Elusive active galactic nuclei, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.  344, L59–L64, 2003. 

Maiolino, R., Juarez, Y., Mujica, R., Nagar, N.M., Oliva, E., Early star formation traced by the highest redshift quasars, Astrophys. J. 596, L155–L158, 2003. 

Marecki, A., Barthel, P.D., Polatidis, A., Owsianik, I., 245+676 – A CSO/GPS source being an extreme case of a double-double structure, Publ. of the Astronomical Society of Australia Vol. 20, p. 16–18, 2003. 

Marigo, P., Bernard-Salas, J., Pottasch, S.R., Tielens, A.G.G.M.,  Wesselius, P.R., Probing AGB nucleosynthesis via accurate Planetary Nebula abundances, Astron. Astrophys. 409, 619–640, 2003. 

Martín-Hernández, N.L., Bik, A., Kaper, L., Tielens, A.G.G.M., Hanson, M.M.. A VLT spectroscopic study of the ultracompact HII region G29.96-0.02, Astron. Astrophys. 405, 175–188, 2003. 

Martín-Hernández, N.L., van der Hulst, J.M., Tielens, A.G.G.M., A radio continuum and infrared study of Galactic HII regions, Astron. Astrophys. 407, 957–985, 2003. 

Meakin, C.A., Bieging, J.H., Latter, W.B., Hora, J.L., Tielens, A.G.G.M., Hubble Space Telescope/NICMOS Near-infrared imaging of the proto-planetary nebula OH 231.8+4.2, Astrophys. J. 585, 482–493, 2003. 

Merrett, H.R., Kuijken, K., Merrifield, M.R., Romanowsky, A.J., Douglas, N.G., Napolitano, N.R., Arnaboldi, M., Capaccioli, M., Freeman, K.C., Gerhard, O.,  Evans, N.W., Wilkinson, M.I., Halliday, C., Bridges, T.J., Carter, D., Tracing the star stream through M31 using planetary nebula kinematics, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 346, L62-66, 2003. 

Milgrom, M., Sanders, R.H., Modified Newtonian Dynamics and the "Dearth of Dark Matter in Ordinary Elliptical Galaxies", Astrophys. J. 599, L25–L28, 2003. 

Möller, O., Hewett, P., Blain, A.W., Discs in early-type lensing galaxies: effects on magnification ratios and measurements of H0, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.  345, 1-15, 2003. 

Morganti, R. Oosterloo, T.A., Emonts, B.H.C., van der Hulst, J.M., Tadhunter, C.N., Fast Outflow of Neutral Hydrogen in the Radio Galaxy 3C 293, Astrophys. J. 593, L69–L72, 2003. 

Morganti, R., Oosterloo, T., Holt, J., Tadhunter, C., van der Hulst, J.M., IC 5063: AGN driven outflow of warm and cold gas, The Messenger (Sept. 2003) No. 11, p. 67–70, 2003. 

Morganti, R., Oosterloo, T., Tadhunter, C., Emonts, B., Large-scale HI structures and the origin of radio galaxies, New Astronomy Reviews 47, 273–277, 2003. 

Myers, S.T. et al. (including de Bruyn, A.G., Koopmans, L.V.E.), The cosmic lens all-sky survey – I. Source selection and observations, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 341, 1–12, 2003. 

Nagar, N.M., Wilson, A.S., Falcke, H., Veilleux, S., Maiolino, R., The AGN content of ultraluminous IR galaxies: High resolution VLA imaging of the IRAS 1 Jy ULIRG sample, Astron. Astrophys. 409, 115–121, 2003. 

Napolitano, N.R., Pannella, M., Arnaboldi, M., Gerhard, O., Aguerri, J.A.L., Freeman, K.C., Capaccioli, M., Ghigna, S., Governato, F., Quinn, T., Stadel, J., Intracluster stellar population properties from N-body cosmological simulations. I. Constraints at z = 0, Astrophys. J. 594, 172–185, 2003. 

O'Dea, C.P., de Vries, W.H., Koekemoer, A.M., Baum, S.A., Axon, D.J., Barthel, P.D., Capetti, A., Fanti, R., Gelderman, R., Morganti, R., Tadhunter, Jet-Cloud Interactions in Compact Steep Spectrum Radio Sources, Publ. of the Astronomical Society of Australia Vol. 20, 88–93, 2003. 

Oomens, J., Tielens, A.G.G.M., Sartakov, B.G., von Helden, G., Meijer, G., Laboratory Infrared Spectroscopy of Cationic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Molecules, Astrophys. J. 591, 968-985, 2003. 

Paardekooper, S.J., van der Hucht, K.A., van Genderen, A.M., Brogt, E., Gieles, M., Meijerink, R., New type of brightness variations of the colliding wind WO4 + O5((f)) binary WR 30a, Astron. Astrophys. 404, L29-L32, 2003. 

Parise, B., Simon, T., Caux, E., Dartois, E., Ceccarelli, C., Rayner, J., Tielens, A.G.G.M., Search for solid HDO in low-mass protostars, Astron. Astrophys. 410, 897–904, 2003. 

Pelupessy, F.I., Schaap, W.E., van de Weygaert, R., Density estimators in particle hydrodynamics. DTFE versus regular SPH, Astron. Astrophys. 403, 389, 2003.Pontoppidan, K.M., Fraser, H.J., Dartois, E., Thi, W.-F., van Dishoeck, E.F., Boogert, A.C.A., d'Hendecourt, L., Tielens, A.G.G.M., Bisschop, S.E., A 3–5 μm VLT spectro­scopic survey of embedded young low mass stars I. Structure of the CO ice, Astron. Astrophys. 408, 981–1007, 2003. 

Pottasch, S.R., Bernard-Salas, J., Beintema, D.A., Fiebelman, W.A., Abundances of planetary nebulae NGC 40 and NGC 6153, Astron. Astrophys. 409, 599–609, 2003. 

Pottasch, S.R., Hyung, S., Aller, L.H., Beintema, D.A., Bernard-Salas, J., Feibelman, W.A., Klöckner, H.R., Abundances of the planetary nebula Hu 1–2, Astron. Astrophys. 401, 205–214, 2003. 

Pozzi, F., Ciliegi, P., Gruppioni, C., Lari, C., Héraudeau, P., Mignoli, M., Zamorani, G., Calabrese, E., Oliver, S., Rowan-Robinson, M., On the nature of the ISO-selected sources in the ELAIS S2 region, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.  343, 1348–1364, 2003. 

Pritzl, B.J., Knezek, P.M., Gallagher, J.S., III; Grossi, M., Disney, M.J., Minchin, R.F., Freeman, K.C., Tolstoy, E., Saha, A., Anomalous evolution of the dwarf galaxy HIPASS J1321–31, Astrophys. J. 596, L47–L50, 2003. 

Quadri, R., Möller, O., Natarajan, P., Lensing effects of misaligned disks in dark matter halos, Astrophys. J. 597, 659–671, 2003. 

Rolleston, W.R.J., Venn, K., Tolstoy, E., Dufton, P.L., The present-day chemical composition of the SMC from UVES spectra of the sharp-lined, B-type dwarf AV 304, Astron. Astrophys. 400, 21–30, 2003. 

Romanowsky, A.J., Douglas, N.G., Arnaboldi, M., Kuijken, K., Merrifield, M.R., Napolitano, N.R., Capaccioli, M., Freeman, K.C., A dearth of dark matter in ordinary elliptical galaxies, Science 301, 1696–1698, 2003. 

Sanders, R.H., Clusters of galaxies with modified Newtonian dynamics, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 342, 901–908, 2003. 

Setia Gunawan, D.Y.A., de Bruyn, A.G., van der Hucht, K.A., Williams, P.M., A WSRT 1400- and 350-MHz survey of Cygnus OB2. In search of massive colliding wind binaries, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Series 149, 123–156, 2003. 

Shetrone, M., Venn, K.A., Tolstoy, E., Primas, F., Hill, V., Kaufer, A., VLT/UVES abundances in four nearby dwarf spheroidal galaxies. I. Nucleosynthesis and abundance Ratios, Astron. J. 125, 684–706, 2003. 

Skillman, E.D., Tolstoy, E., Cole, A.A., Dolphin, A.E., Saha, A., Gallagher, J.S., Dohm-Palmer, R.C., Mateo, M., Deep Hubble Space Telescope imaging of IC 1613. II. The star formation history, Astrophys. J. 596, 253–272, 2003.

Sloan, G.C., Kraemer, K.E., Price, S.D., Shipman, R.F., Uniform database of 2.4-45.4 micron spectra from the Infrared Space Observatory Short Wave­length Spectrometer, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Series 147, 379–401, 2003. 

Smits, J.M., Stappers, B.W., Macquart, J.-P., Ramachandran, R., Kuijpers, J., On the search for coherent radiation from radio pulsars, Astron. Astrophys. 405, 795–801, 2003. 

Spoon, H.W.W., Moorwood, A.F.M., Pontoppidan, K.M., Cami, J., Kregel, M., Lutz, D., Tielens, A.G.G.M., Detection of strongly processed ice in the central starburst of NGC 4945, Astron. Astrophys. 402, 499–507, 2003. 

Thim, F., Tammann, G.A., Saha, A., Dolphin, A., Sandage, A., Tolstoy, E., Labhardt, L., The Cepheid Distance to NGC 5236 (M83) with the ESO Very Large Telescope, Astrophys. J. 590, 256, 2003. 

Tielens, A.G.G.M., Peering into stardust, Science 300, 68, 2003. 

Tolstoy, E., Venn, K.A., Shetrone, M., Primas, F., Hill, V., Kaufer, A., Szeifert, T., VLT/UVES abundances in four nearby dwarf spheroidal galaxies. II. Implications for understanding galaxy evolution, Astron. J. 125, 707–726, 2003. 

van Dishoeck, E.F., Dartois, E., Pontoppidan, K.M., Thi, W.F., D'Hendecourt, L., Boogert, A.C.A., Fraser, H.J., Schutte, W.A., Tielens, A.G.G.M., Origin and Evolution of Ices in Star-Forming Regions: A VLT-ISAAC 3-5 microns Spectroscopic Survey, The Messenger No.113 (September 2003) , p. 49-55, 2003. 

Venn, K.A., Tolstoy, E., Kaufer, A., Skillman, E.D., Clarkson, S.M., Smartt, S.J., Lennon, D.J., Kudritzki, R.P.,  The chemical composition of two supergiants in the dwarf irregular galaxy WLM, Astron. J. 126, 1326–1345, 2003. 

Vermeulen, R.C., et al. (including Barthel, P.D.), Observations of HI absorbing gas in compact radio sources at cosmological redshifts, Astron. Astrophys. 404, 861, 2003. 

Wolfire, M.G., McKee, C.F., Hollenbach, D., Tielens, A.G.G.M., Neutral atomic phases of the interstellar medium in the galaxy, Astrophys. J. 587, 278–311, 2003.

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