Publications (recent)


Cosmic Foam Review:

    van de Weygaert R., 2002,
       Froth Across the Universe, Dynamics and the Stochastic Geometry of the Cosmic Foam,
        review, invited for Proceedings 2nd Hellenic Cosmology Workshop,
        eds. M. Plionis, S. Cotsakis, I. Georgantopoulos, Kluwer, 153 pp.
        warning: huge *.ps.gz file, 14.5 Mbyte !!!:
        astroph version: (astro-ph/0206427), many figures compressed

Cosmic Foam & Voronoi Models :

   van de Weygaert R., 2003/2001,
       the Cosmic Foam: Stochastic Geometry and Spatial Clustering across the Universe,
        invited contribution in Proceedings ``Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy III'',
        eds. E.D. Feigelson & G.J. Babu, Springer-Verlag, pp. 175-196

   van de Weygaert R., 2001,
       Superclustering and the Cosmic Foam: a geometric biasing effect ?,
        contributed talk in Proceedings ``Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Galaxy Clusters'',
        eds. S. Borgani, M. Mezzetti, R. Valdarnini, ASP, 8 pp.

Void Hierarchy

   Sheth R., van de Weygaert R., 2004,
       Much Ado About Nothing: A Hierarchy of Voids,
        MNRAS, in press (also see astro-ph/0311260)

    van de Weygaert R., Sheth R., 2003,
       Void Hierarchy and Cosmic Structure,
        contribution in Proceedings Conference "Multiwavelength Cosmology",
        Mykonos, Greece, June 17-June 20, 2004, ed. M. Plionis, 4 pp. (Kluwer)

Delaunay Tessellation Field Estimator:

    Schaap W., van de Weygaert R., 2000,
       Continuous fields and discrete samples: reconstruction through Delaunay tessellations,
        Astronomy & Astrophysics, 363, L29

    van de Weygaert R., Schaap W., 2001,
       Tessellation Reconstruction Techniques,
        contribution in Proceedings ``Mining the Sky'', MPA/ESO/MPE Joint Astronomy Conference,
        Garching, Germany, July 31-August 4, 2000, eds. A. Banday et al., 8 pp. (Springer Verlag)

    Schaap W., van de Weygaert R., 2001,
       Reconstructing cosmological fields using tessellation methods,   (with      dtfemarsl2001.figure2.gif)
        in ``Where's the Matter? Tracing Dark and Bright Matter with the New Generation of Large Scale Surveys'',
        eds. Treyer & Tresse, Frontier Group, 2 pp.

    Schaap W., van de Weygaert R., 2001,
       Delaunay recovery of cosmic density and velocity probes,
        contribution in ``Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy III'',
        eds. G.J. Babu & E.D. Feigelson, Springer-Verlag, 2 pp

    van de Weygaert R., 2001,
       Spatial Statistics and the Galaxy Distribution,
        commentary in ``Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy III'',
        eds. G.J. Babu & E.D. Feigelson, Springer-Verlag, 4 pp


    Pelupessy, I., Schaap W., van de Weygaert R., 2003,
       Density estimators in particle hydrodynamics. DTFE versus regular SPH,
        Astronomy & Astrophysics, 403, 389

Local Supercluster Dynamics:

    Romano-Diaz E., Branchini E., van de Weygaert R., 2001,
       The cosmic flow in the Local Supercluster:
        Tracing PSCz tidal influence through optimized Least Action Principle
        in ``Where's the Matter ? Tracing Dark and Bright Matter with the New Generation of Large Scale Surveys'',
        eds. Treyer & Tresse, Frontier Group, 2 pp.

Conference Summary:

    van de Weygaert R., 2002,
       Report to Anaximander: A Dialogue on the Origin of the Cosmos in the Cradle of Western Civilization,
        conference summary in Proceedings 2nd Hellenic Cosmology Workshop,
        eds. M. Plionis, S. Cotsakis, I. Georgantopoulos, Kluwer, 26 pp.

