Edwin A. Valentijn's publications on further results from ISO

  1. Resolved 200mum images of nearby galaxies - evidence for an extended distribution of cold dust
    P.B.Alton, M.Trewhella, J.I. Davies, R.Evans, S.Bianchi, W.Gear, H. Thronson, E.A. Valentijn and A. Witt
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    1998 Astron. Astrophys. 335, 807-822 abstract

  2. First extragalactic direct detection of large scale Molecular Hydrogen in the disk of NGC 891
    E.A. Valentijn, and P.P. van der Werf
    1999, ApJ Letters 522, L29
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  3. The ISO-SWS Survey for Molecular Hydrogen in Galaxies
    E.A. Valentijn and P.P. van der Werf
    1999, Proceedings of the Conference "The Universe as seen by ISO", Paris, France, 20-23 October 1998, Edts P.Cox, M.F. Kessler, Publ. by ESA - ESA SP-427
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