Summary of My Research Interests

Cosmology and Structure formation in the Universe

    Cosmology is the science that studies the Universe as a physical entity and explores its overall properties, formation and evolution. During the very early stages of its evolution the Universe went through a phase of very rapid expansion (inflationary phase), which has, among other things, created the initial fluctuations in the cosmological density field. These fluctuations have grown to generate the enormous amount of complexity and diversity we currently see around us. My main interest in cosmology centres on the subfield that investigates the formation and evolution of the Large Scale Structure of the Universe. This is one of the most fundamental topics in modern cosmology.

    In order to understand the origin and evolution of the density fluctuations in the Universe, one has to address a wide range of topics. In my research I address the following fundamental questions: 1- What is the nature of the initial conditions from which structure has evolved? 2- What are the physical processes that govern the evolution of structrue at each stage? 3- What is the connection of structure formation to the background cosmology and how this connection could be used? 4- What is the nature and amount of the dark matter and the dark energy − which are the dominant components of the energy-density − in the Universe? 5- When and how the baryonis component (normal matter) have started playing a prominant role in structure formation in the Universe?

    Due to the tremendous improvement in the theory, data analysis techniques and the amount and diversity of the accumulated information, a serious examination of these issues has become feasible. In what follows I list − with some detail − the main research projects I have been involved with.

    1. The Epoch of Reionisation of the Universe
      (click here to download a semi-popluar article I wrote for European Physics News (2009))
      The Epoch of Reionisation (EoR) is a term used to describe the period during which the gas in the Universe went from being almost completely neutral to a state in which it became almost completely ionised. This watershed event - which has occurred when the Universe was a few hundred million years old (about a twentieth of its current age) and the first radiating objects formed - is intimately linked to many fundamental questions in cosmology and structure formation and evolution. Without a clear understanding of the EoR, we will not fully apprehend how the Universe evolved from its primordial condition to form the astrophysical object we routinely observe today.

      Despite its pivotal role, the EoR is one of the least understood epochs in the Universe's evolution. A large amount of theoretical effort, guided by very limited observational evidence, is currently dedicated to understanding the physical processes that trigger this epoch, govern its evolution, and what ramifications it had on subsequent structure formation. In the near future, the LOFAR telescope, which has the EoR as one of its key projects, is set to measure the neutral gas fraction in the Universe as a function of redshift and angular position through the hydrogen hypefine spin-flip 21 cm line. The 21 cm line is, probably, the only obervable tracers of the gas during the EoR. It allows detailed mapping the EoR as it progresses in time and space.

      Cartoon of the likely development of the EoR. About 500,000 years after the Big Bang (z ~ 1000) hydrogen recombined and remained neutral for a few hundred million years (the dark ages). At a redshift, z ~ 10, the first stars galaxies and quasars began to form, heating and reionising the hydrogen gas. The neutral intergalactic medium (IGM) can be observed with LOFAR through its redshifted 21cm spin-flip transition up to redshift 11.5. However, many atmospheric, galactic and extra-galactic contaminants corrupt the 21 cm signal.

      Currently, my main objective is to develop the necessary data-analysis and theoretical tools to, initially, prepare the ground and, subsequently, fully exploit the LOFAR-EoR data set, expected to be available within 3-4 years. The synergy between three independent areas of expetise: theory, observation and data analysis, will facilitate addressing the fundamental EoR related questions.

    2. The Nature of the Perturbation Field: The Universe's PDF.
      Determining the nature of the primordial fluctuation field is one the main goals of the study of Large Scale Structure. Its importance stems from its sensitivity to the prevailing physical processes in the very early Universe and its direct relation to the `linear' mass-density field. Unfortunately, however, recovery of the full probability distribution function from current data sets has proven difficult. Therefore two complementary approaches has been adopted. The first is to assume, as predicted by simple models of Cosmological-Inflation, that the probability distribution function of the primordial fluctuations is Gaussian and to measure its moments in real or Fourier space, especially the power spectrum. The second is to devise theoretical tests to challenge the Gaussian random field assumption.

      • On the Non-Gaussianity of the CMB: bispectrum analysis
        The CMB presents a very important probe of the background cosmology and of the distribution of dark and gaseous matter. In particular the imprint of physical and statistical characteristics of the fluctuation field on the last scattering surface provides a very direct and clean test to the Gaussianity of the primordial fluctuations field, an issue of great importance. Recently, three groups , independently and relying on different statistical estimates (reduced bispectrum, skewness in wavelet expansion coefficients and Minkowski functionals statistics), have reported detections of a non-Gaussian signal in the publicly available full sky CMB maps obtained by the DMR instrument aboard the COBE satellite. Together with A.J. Banday and K.M. Gorski (MPA), I have carried out an extensive study in order to examine whether the source of the reported non-Gaussianity is of cosmological origin. This study has resulted in plausible resolution to the problem, tracing the origin of the signal to a systematic effect in the data. Currently, as an associate of the Planck satellite science team, I am collaborating with others on developing more sensitive non-Gaussianity tests suitable for the data this future high resolution CMB mission will gather.

      • Large-Scale Power Spectrum from Peculiar Velocities: Likelihood analysis
        Within the framework of gravitationally induced clustering, velocities are direct tracers of the total mass density distribution. In collaboration with A. Dekel, Y. Hoffman (Jerusalem) and I. Zehavi (Fermilab), I have developed a likelihood technique for measuring the mass-density power spectrum from galaxy peculiar velocities data sets. The method has been applied to three galaxy peculiar velocity catalogs, two consisting mainly of spiral galaxies (Mark-III and SFI) and the third, in collaboration with L. da Costa (ESO) and his collaborators, consists of early-type galaxies (ENEAR). All three yield a value of the rms density fluctuations on the scale of 8 h-1Mpc of the order of ~1 and mass-density parameter ~Ω0.6 - both higher than values obtained from other types of data sets, e.g., redshift surveys. This discrepancy might be attributed to the complicated nature of galaxy biasing, dominant in redshift catalogs, or to an inaccuracy in one or more of the analysis method's assumptions.

      • Goodness-of-Fit Analysis of Radial Velocities: Principal Component Analysis
        In an effort to understand the origin of the aforementioned relatively high power spectrum amplitude Y. Hoffman (Jerusalem) and I have performed a Principal Component Analysis and found that the χ2 per degree of freedom in the uncorrelated eigenspace (defined by the principal components) is unacceptably low for most of the eigenmodes. This analysis has called into question our models either for the theoretical correlation of the radial peculiar velocities, our understanding of the nature of the measurement errors, or both.

    3. Reconstruction of the Large Scale Structure
      The reconstruction of the linear dynamical fields from various data sets is a matter of great importance. It enables a reliable comparison of the density fields obtained from various types of data, such as redshift galaxy catalogs and peculiar velocity catalogs. Such a comparison is instrumental in understanding how light traces matter, and for highlighting interesting areas of activity such as high density regions, structures obscured by the Galactic plane, etc. In collaboration with Y. Hoffman (Jerusalem), O. Lahav (IoA Cambridge) and K. Fisher (IAS, Princeton) I have extended the classical algorithm of Wiener filtering to perform, in addition to the standard noise suppression, predictions and dynamical reconstruction of the large scale structure dynamical fields.

      • Large Scale Structure from CMB, Redshift and Peculiar velocity Surveys
        In the standard cosmological model the primordial perturbation field is assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic. However, when viewed in redshift space the line of sight peculiar velocities distort the galaxy distribution and introduce anisotropy usually termed `redshift distortion'. Together with Y. Hoffman (Jerusalem), I have calculated a simple relation between the real and redshift space correlation functions. This has served as a probe of the density parameter Ω and the bias parameter.

        O. Lahav, D. Lynden-Bell (Cambridge), K. Fisher (Princeton), Y. Hoffman (Jerusalem), and I have used such a calculation in order to develop a general reconstruction method of the primordial perturbation from galaxy redshift surveys.

        Together with Y. Hoffman and A. Dekel (Jerusalem) I have applied Wiener filtering and a constrained realizations algorithm to the Mark-III peculiar velocities catalog. The method is used to perform high resolution reconstruction of the density and velocity fields. Analysis of the tidal velocity field obtained from the reconstruction reveals a very large bulk flow towards the Shapely concentration. Currently, I am applying this algorithm to other velocity data sets. Together with J. Silk (Oxford) and others, we have pioneered the application of Wiener filtering to CMB data sets, a method that has since become one of the standard tools in the field.

    4. The Question of Biasing: Unbiased Minimal Variance Estimator
      The accumulating large redshift surveys are the basic tool for quantifying the distribution of luminous matter. However, the galaxy distribution may be biased relative to the underlying mass distribution. In contrast, the peculiar velocities of galaxies are presumably honest tracers of the motion of the dark matter. Just as the rotation curves of galaxies tell us what the density profiles of the galaxy dark matter halos are, the large scale peculiar velocities tell us about the density fluctuations of the dark matter in between galaxies. Given a galaxy formation's recipe (i.e., biasing) and an assumed value for the matter density parameter, Ω, gravitational instability relates the two types of data, and permits an assessment of their mutual consistency. This offers the promise of constraining Ω and the biasing relation and, more ambitiously, of answering fundamental questions in cosmology. The simplest biasing scheme is to assume that the distribution of galaxies linearly follows the distribution of matter with a constant factor b, called biasing constant, connecting between them.

      One of the major unsettled issues in the study of the large scale distribution of the luminous matter relative to the mass distribution, is the inconsistency between the value of the &beta (= Ω0.6/b) parameter, which reflects the ratio of the distributions. The value of &beta inferred from comparing the density map, as constructed from galaxy redshift catalogs, with density map reconstructed from peculiar velocity catalogs is about 1; while the value of &beta estimated from a comparison of the radial velocities obtained from redshift catalogs and from peculiar velocity catalogs is about 0.5.

      In order to settle this issue, I have recently devised a new statistical reconstruction technique, called 'Unbiased Minimal Variance Estimation', that recovers the density and the 3D peculiar velocity fields given a radial peculiar velocity or redshift galaxy catalogs. Together with E. Branchini (Rome), L.N. da Costa (ESO) and Y. Hoffman (Jerusalem), I have applied this technique to reconstruct the smoothed density and peculiar velocity fields from the SEcat galaxy peculiar velocity catalog and compared them to the density and 3D peculiar velocity field reconstructed from the PSCz galaxy redshift catalog. These comparisons yield for the first time a consistent result for the value of the &beta parameter (&beta~0.55).

    5. Cosmological Parameters from Cluster Images: Back Projection
      A major source of uncertainty in determining the expansion rate of the Universe, set by the so called Hubble constant, from comparing various waveband mappings of rich galaxy clusters arises from the asphericity of the 3-dimensional structure of the density and temperature distributions of the hot gas. Together with G. Squires (Caltech), J. Silk (Oxford) and Y. Hoffman (Jerusalem), I have developed a new method of deprojecting 2-dimensional images assuming axial symmetry in the 3-dimensional structure. The cluster structures, as derived from the x-ray, Sunyaev-Zeldovich and gravitational lensing maps, are combined to constrain the inclination angle of elongated cluster with respect to the line-of-sight. In principle, for noise-free data, the gas temperature and density can be determined (non-parametrically) and compared with the deprojected matter distribution.

      It is crucial to investigate the applicability of the deprojection algorithm for real cluster images. Together with G. Evrard (Michigan) I have performed a study of the inversion algorithm on a set of realistic, high resolution, cluster simulations. The goal is to test the axisymmetric deprojection algorithm, using as input a representative realization of the cluster population. The method has performed convincingly on the simulated cluster images and we expect to soon start applying the method to real data.

    6. Temprature of the Universe & the Lyman-α Forest: Wavelet Analysis
      The physical picture emerging from high resolution hydrodynamic simulations is that the Lyman-a forest is produced mainly by gas with an overdensity of the order 10. The competition between photoionization heating and adiabatic cooling produces a very tight relation between the gas overdensity and temperature. This tight relation might be used as a very sensitive probe of the intergalactic medium temperature up to a redshift ~5. In particular, the UV photons emitted from high redshift quasars may have reionised the high-redshift Universe.

      Together with T. Theuns (IoA Cambridge), I have developed a novel multi-resolution (wavelet) method for analyzing the thermal evolution of the intergalactic medium from the observed Lyman-a forest. The method is designed to characterize he distribution of the Lyman-a line widths along the spectrum. These widths can be simply related to the intergalactic medium temperature. The method has been tested on simulated spectra and proven to work well.

      An application of the method to observed spectra convincingly shows a considerable evolution in the temperature of the intergalactic medium as a function of redshift. In addition, we have strong evidence for the occurrence of a substantial increase (about 60%) in the temperature of the IGM at z~[3-3.5] that is probably related to the formation of cosmological He-III regions prior to He-II reionization. We also use the temperature before this jump in order to constraint the epoch of H-I reionization. The last part of this work is carried out in collaboration with T-S Kim (ESO), P. Tzanavaris, R.F. Carswell (Cambridge) and J. Schaye (Princeton).