O m e g a C A M

Tuesday 4 Sept 2001 meeting NOVA team in Groningen

11:00 - - 16:00   Kapteyn Room second floor

 1) Adoption of Agenda

 2) latest news

 3) action items/ reports

 4) DID (Danny)

 5) FDR

 6) Oracle 9i vs Objectivity/db   7) Dec/alpha Support for ASTRO-WISE pipeline

  8) Cluster at Kapteyn
  9) Update of workplan
  10)  AOB


Old action items:
        - coding standards (Erik)
        - satellite tracks/ Benoit v Damme (Kor)
        - test cases/deliveries:  Readout/noise (Danny);  zeropoint 563 (Roeland)
        - a-priori distortion matrix for astrometry (Erik)
        - 11/4/01 Sent lists of TSFs to Andrea (Roeland)
        - 11/4/01 Mail Andrea about  our vision on INS,PRO,DPR etc (Danny)
        - 11/4/01 write par for ICD on header descriptor items