Program: PROFIL Purpose: Creates an integrated line profile over a selected area of an input data cube Category: COMBINATION File: profil.shl Author: C. G. De Pree (resp. M. Vogelaar) Adapted from the aid.shl file, and the PROFIL program created by M. Goss. Keywords: INSET= Input set (and subsets). Maximum number of subsets is 2048. In general this is the LINE data set. BOX= Frame for input subsets. [entire subset] SETX= Set name and subset(s) which operate on the input set. This is in general the CONTINUUM data set. BOXX= The axis sizes of the subset box of 'SET' have to be equal to the axis sizes of the subset box of 'SETX'. If using comparable subsets (i.e. same axis names, same grids and origins), this keyword is hidden. OUTSET= Output set and subset(s) for the result. The output set has the size of the selected BOX. The result of PROFIL is placed in the lower left hand corner of the OUTSET box. WTYPE= The weighting type chosen by the user. Line data may be weighted in the following ways: [0] No weighting. Creates an integrated profile in the specified box [1] Continuum weighting. Creates an integrated profile in the specified box weighted by the continuum image. [2] Continuum squared. As above, but with weighting by the square of the continuum. [3] Mean. Creates a mean line profile in the specified box. For all of the weighting types, a continuum cutoff may be specified. LC= [Y/N] For weight types 1, 2, and 3, user may request that a line to continuum ratio profile be generated. If LC=N, then PROFIL will simply print a line to continuum ratio normalization factor (appropriate to the weighting selected) to the HERMES window at the completion of the PROFIL task. Then the peak value may be divided by this factor to simply derive line to continuum ratio. MASK= [Y/N] User may request that the line profile only be integrated in regions above a specified threshold level in the continuum image. THRESHOLD= User specified threshold level (Jy) of the continuum image. The line profile is integrated only in pixels that have continuum flux density above the specified cutoff. Description: PROFIL is a task designed to generate integrated line profiles over a specified box in a data cube. The user enters a LINE image, a CONTINUUM image, and a box in which to integrate. PROFIL then requests a weighting type (see above) and whether or not the user wants to use a continum threshold. If a continuum threshold is requested, PROFIL asks for a cutoff level (in Jy) that should be used. The pixels tested for cutoff are in the continuum image. PROFIL then generates an integrated line profile and places the result in the lower left hand corner pixel of the output data set. The OUTSET has the size of the requested box, with the number of channels of the INSET. This output set can then be viewed with PPLOT (by specifying the lower left corner pixel), or fit with PROFIT. Remarks: Input and file combination routines are adapted from the aid.shl file Original PROFIL program created by W.M. Goss Updates: June 23, 1994: Document created. July 1, 1994: Documentation added Mar 10, 1998, VOG: Replaced constant 1 in gdsd_write by variable. Jul 15, 2002, VOG: Repaired bug in wtype prompt. Changed usertext by userlog. Declaration of parameters: Declarations for GDSINP: Declarations for GDSBOX: Declarations for GDSOUT: Functions: Variables for the algorithms: Declarations for the counters in the summation loop Continuum threshold level Miscellaneous: The size of the input set will be copied to the output set. It is possible to work on a smaller area. Therefore we need the grid coordinates of the frame ('Fedge') and the coordinates of the user defined box ('Bedge'). Options in GDSBOX: 1 box may exceed subset size 2 default is in BLO 4 default is in BHI 8 box restricted to size defined in BHI These codes work additive.