Program: MOMENTS2D Purpose: Calculate FWHM and position angle of an ellipse, that represents a 2-dim gaussian, using zero-th, first and second moments of a distribution. The program can find asymmetrical features in a data set. Category: ANALYSIS, CALCULATION File: moments2d.c Author: M.G.R. Vogelaar Keywords: INSET= Give set, subset: Maximum number of subsets is 1. BOX= Give box in ..... [entire subset] CLIPLO= Enter one or more lower clip values: To select a range of data which you want to include in the moments analysis, use keywords CLIPLO= and CLIPHI= The entries in both keywords correspond so e.g. CLIPLO=10 15 CLIPHI=20 40 means that the first range includes data with levels between 10 and 20 (in units of the input data) and the second range includes data with levels between 15 and 40. CLIPHI= Enter exactly ... values for the upper clip: See description at CLIPLO= You have to specify exactly the same amount of levels as in CLIPLO= ZEROLEVEL= Enter a value for the zero level of the data: [calc] For the Full Width Half Maximum values that are calculated using moments analysis, you need to define the intensity offset of your data. The default is that the program estimates this level by averaging the piixels on the border of the box in BOX=. If it cannot find any non-blank pixels on the border, the zero level is set to 0.0. MARKRANGE= Enter the clip range to mark in the plot: [none] If you enter two values here then all data displayed in gids with a value within this range, will be marked so that one can see which data is include in a moments analysis. If you enter just one value, then all pixels with values greater than this one will be marked. FILENAME= Enter a name or press return for log file only: [no file] If a name is specified, an ASCII file is created to store data. If you press carriage return, there will be no output to an ASCII file only the GIPSY screen and log file. Description: Using moments analysis, one can return an estimated center, the Full Width Half Maximum in x and y and the position angle of 2dim gaussian represented by data in a box that is set by BOX= Only data is used with levels in ranges defined by CLIPLO= and CLIPHI= The analysis method uses the zero-th, first and second moment of the data to estimate the parameters of the gaussian. The function can be represented by: z(x,y) = z0.exp[-{a(x-xc)^2+b(y-yc)^2+2c(x-xc)(y-yc)}]+o where 'o' is an offset in the data entered in ZEROLEVEL= xc and yc are the estimated centers and a,b,c are parameters that are converted to FWHM and position angle. Definition of the moments: First moment M0: M0 = SjSi Tji (S == Sigma character) For the peak position in grid coordinates we have: x_av = 1/M0.SjSi[xi.Tji] and y_av = 1/M0.SjSi[yi.Tji] Second moments Mxx = 1/M0.SjSi[xi^2.Mji] - x_av^2 Myy = 1/M0.SjSi[yi^2.Mji] - y_av^2 Mxy = 1/M0.SjSi[xi.yi.Mji] - y_av.x_av Note that calculations are done both in grids and arcsec. the grid parameters are used to plot an ellipse. The other parameters are only written to log file or file on disk. The conversions to FWHM and angle are given by the formulas: theta = 0.5 * atan(2.0*c/(a-b)); A dummy variable 'p' is defined as: p = sqrt( (a-b)*(a-b)+4.0*c*c ); then: FWHM in x = 2.0 * sqrt( 2.ln(2)/(a+b+p) ); FWHM in y = 2.0 * sqrt( 2.ln(2)/(a+b-p) ); or v.v. if b > a. The moments analysis can be used for instance to find asymmetric distributions in galaxies. The method is described in more detail in the documentation of GAUFIT2D. Overlays: ======== Ellipses are plotted in GIDS. If set. subset loaded in GIDS are the same as set and subset for this program, then ellipses are plotted over the map. Else, program VIEW is started to display the right set and subset. Notes: Example: Updates: Oct 09, 2000: VOG, Document created.