Program: IPACCAL Purpose: Program to calibrate IRAS data sets. Category: IRAS File: ipaccal.src Author: D.R.Boxhoorn Keywords: IRSETIN= Give set to be calibrated. ** CIPFIL= Directory with PRHF values [standard] ** CISFIL= Directory with SRHF values [standard] ** GAIN= Gain setting [standard] Choices are: Standard, High, Low ** VFET= File with vfet constants for standard gain [standard] ** LOVFET= File with vfet constants for low gain [standard] ** HIVFET= File with vfet constants for high gain [standard] ** TYPE2= File with type2 constants [standard] ** BBT= File with bias boost times [standard] ** UTCSFL= File with UTCS references [standard] UNITS= The units of the output IRDS [MJy/sr] Choices are: MJy/sr, W/m2, pW/m2 IRSETOUT= Give output set [IRSETIN] Description: The data from IRSETIN are calibrated with constants from various files peculiar to this IPAC calibration. Only raw data (with units DN-02) can be calibrated. The hidden GAIN keyword is used in case an AO that has been measured with a non-standard (e.g. low or high) gain has to be calibrated. You should know yourself when this has to be done. In that case the standard GAIN setting should give ridiculously low or high fluxes. The noise estimate from PLATE is converted to the units requested; the value of one digitization step is also converted and written to the irds under keyword DIGNOISE References: Former routine name: cimain. Example: 1) Inset and Outset are one and the same Set: IRSETIN=peer IRSETOUT= UNITS= ******************************************************* The inputset is peer The outputset is peer . . . The set will be calibrated in units of MJY/SR ******************************************************* IPACCAL +++ FINISHED +++ 2) Inset and Outset are different and Units are W/m2 IRSETIN=geishab4 IRSETOUT=cal4geisha UNITS=W COPY Version 1.0 Jan 29, 1990 Set geishab4 has 4 axes . . . ******************************************************* The inputset is geishab4 The outputset is cal4geisha . . . The set will be calibrated in units of W/M2 ******************************************************* IPACCAL +++ FINISHED +++ Updates: Apr 13, 1992: DRB, Document created. Oct 29, 1992: DK, conversion of noise nad digitization noise Feb 8, 1994: DRB, "inverted scans" bug fixed Apr 20, 1994: DK, inadvertent recursion in string operation removed.