Program: HEADER Purpose: Display header information Category: HEADER, UTILITY File: header.c Author: M. Vogelaar Keywords: INSET= Give set (, subsets) to work on: Maximum number of subsets is 2048. ** MODE= Output mode (Formatted/List/Axes/General/Hist/Res) [F] ** FILENAME= Name of file for header output: Write HEADER output only to a file and do not ask for a printer destination. ** PRINTER= Select destination of output. If user selects nothing, all data is written to the terminal. Else if a number is given and a corresponding printer exist, the data is directed to the selected printer. If the number does not correspond to a printer, a menu with available printers and their characteristics is presented. To be sure to get this menu, type PRINTER=0 at the start of the program. If for some reason no printers can be found, an error message is given. ** HISTORY= Print history and comments? [Y]/N Disable/enable printing history and comments found in the header of the set. This keyword overrules the history setting in the MODE= keyword. ** NOREJECT= Return at keyword rejection in input: Y/[N] Added to be able to avoid rejection for an invalid INSET= Description: This program is used to check the contents of the header of your data. The header determines how your data is organized, and what information it contains. In a GDS-data structure, a header item may refer to the structure as a whole, or to a specific substructure. At the INSET= key, you may thus give a structure name only, or a structure name and a substructure specification. If you specify the structure name only, you will get the items defined at the top level, that is: for the structure as a whole. If you specify one or more substructures, you will get, for each substructure, the items as they are defined at the level of that substructure or at a higher level. Searching at a higher level can be prevented by specifying MODE=R. Using the keyword MODE=, you can determine how the header is displayed. #begin section mode OUTPUT MODES ============ It is possible to combine more modes at the same time by specifying more characters, for example: MODE=AFG MODE=A The name, range, grid spacing and projection type of each axis is shown. MODE=F If you choose MODE=F (default) you will be given a standard, formatted header. For each substructure, you will be supplied with: - A general formatted header in any case, except for an IRDS set (raw IRAS data). (proj. centre, coordinate axes, maximum value etc). - If possible, a special radio or IRAS header. - For an IRDS set a special header is given. If the SNIP axis is given as the subset axis, additional information on these subsets is given. MODE=G All available header items are sorted and displayed in FITS style i.e. with keyword, contents and comment. If no comment was part of the header information, comment is searched in a list with general descriptor items. MODE=H Print the HISTORY and COMMENT fields at set/subset level. MODE=R Restrict the information for substructures to the given level by ignoring information found at higher levels. The headers then will contain only substructure information. This output mode is used in combination with the modes F, A or G. MODE=L Generate a list with general, or common, descriptor items. #end section mode Notes: If possible, physical coordinates are converted to natural units (example: Mhz in header is converted to natural units Hz). Example: Updates: ??? ??, 1990: VOG, Document created. Jun 24, 1991, FL, formatted header for raw IRDS data added, Jun 10, 1993, VOG, Radio telescope names added. Oct 24, 1994, VOG, HISTORY= keyword implemented Sep 25, 1999, VOG, Display entire CTYPE name for parameter type axes. Jul 07, 2000, VOG, Added FILENAME= functionality. Jul 27, 2000, VOG, Replaced deg2hms_dms routine by hms, dms routines because of sign problems for declinations < 0 and > -1. Apr 12, 2009, VOG, Changed grid for projection center (see code near 'at grid: ..') to make it compatible with other definitions of macro NINT for coordinates (e.g. cotrans.c, reproj.c, slice.c etc.). Dec 01, 2011, VOG, Removed bugs with strings that were too short. Aug 02, 2012, VOG, Added NOREJECT keyword Dec 19, 2012, VOG, Increased value of BIGSTORE (after crash on Macs)