Program: GAUSSCUBE Purpose: Making the full datacube of the results of a gaussfit. Category: MODELS, FITTING File: gausscube.f Author: F.J. Sicking Keywords: INSET= The set that contains the data. It is used to get the coordinate system. The axis along which the subsets are specified is used as 'gaussfit' axis. PARSET= The set containing the parameters found by the gaussfit. It must be a set with the subsets defined along a parameter axis. The parameters are the baselevel (may be absent), the normalization, the mean and the width of the gaussian components. The subsets of this set must have the same coordinate system and size as the subsets of inset. The number of subsets determines the number of gauss components and if the baselevel was fitted. As number of components, the integer division of the number of subsets and three is used. The remainder of this division indicates if baselevels are present or not. If it is one, they are, if zero, they are not, and otherwise an error message is returned. The subsets are used as follows: (subset 1 : baselevel. (It does not need to be in PARSET. If it is not the baselevels are assumed to be zero.)) subset 2 : normalization of the first component. (If the baselevels are not present the normalization will be taken from subset 1 etc.) subset 3 : mean value of the first component. subset 4 : width of the first component. subset 5 : normalization of the second component. Etc. BOX= Area of operation. [entire subset] OUTSET= The set the routine uses for the output, the model datacube. AMPLITUDE= Specifies whether the normalization is the amplitude [y] or the intensity (n). (amplitude=intensity/(sqrt(2*pi)*sigma)) FWHM= Specifies if the width is the full width half maximum [y] or the dispersion (n). (FWHM=2.35482*sigma). Description: The general idea is making a data cube of a function that depends on: the physical coordinate along which the subsets are defined, the datavalues and npar parameters which may be dependent on position in the subsets. The most common case, for which this routine is made, is making the full data cube of the results of a gaussfit. This datacube then can be subtracted from the original data to get the residuals which can be studied to see if the gaussfit was succesful. Updates: Jul 23, 1992: FJS, Document created. Dec 1, 1992: VOG, Category added. Sep 10, 1993: FJS, Box option implemented.