Program: FITSREAD Purpose: Load FITS images from file or URL into a GIPSY set. Category: FITS, UTILITY File: fitsread.src Author: J.P. Terlouw Description: Simple FITS reader for images. It has been written in Python and is based on PyFITS. Keywords: FITSFILE= Filename or URL of the FITS file. HDU= If the FITS file contains more than one HDU, the HDU number. OUTSET= Name of the output set. Example: fitsread FITSREAD FITSFILE=aurora.fits Filename: aurora.fits No. Name Type Cards Dimensions Format 0 PRIMARY PrimaryHDU 125 (530, 530) int16 1 PHOTOMETRIC CALTABLE BinTableHDU 39 16R x 4C [1D, 1D, 1D, 1J] FITSREAD HDU=0 FITSREAD OUTSET=aurora FITSREAD +++ FINISHED +++ Updates: Feb 3, 2009: JPT, Document created. Aug 24, 2010: JPT, Set non-finite pixel values to GIPSY BLANK. Sep 16, 2014: VOG, Changed attributes key and ascard to keyword and cards (deprecation warnings) May 04, 2016: VOG, Import pyfits with try/except from astropy