Program: DISK Purpose: DISK lists the contents of the current directory and lists some properties of GIPSY sets. Category: UTILITY File: disk.c Author: M. Vogelaar Keywords: ** PRINTER= Give printer number: Select destination of output. If user selects nothing, all data is written to the terminal. Else if a number is given and the corresponding printer exist, the data is directed to the selected printer. If the number does not correspond to a printer, a menu with available printers and their characteristics is presented. To be sure to get this menu, type PRINTER=0 at the start of the program. If for some reason no printers can be found, an error message is given. ** ALL= List ALL directory entries? Y/[N] (with size in bytes) in the current directory. Output of the list is to the screen only. ** DIR= Give directory: [current] List contents of this directory. ** INSET= Give set to examine: [list all sets] If you do NOT want a list of sets, but detailed information about a particular set, use the hidden keyword INSET= It will skip the list of sets. You cannot use the wildcard character '*' to select sets. INSET= Give set to examine: [stop] After DISK listed all GIPSY sets, it is possible to get some extra information about a set. This keyword is repeated until carriage return is pressed. You can use the wildcard character '*' to select sets. Description: The utility DISK displays a list of the sets in the CURRENT directory. The size of the files is displayed in kilobytes. It is possible to get more detailed information about a set with the keyword INSET= The complete directory contents (files and sizes) can be obtained (ALL=Y), but this extension produces output that can be sent to the screen only and not to the printer. Notes: 1) A message is generated if a descriptor is found but the file is corrupted, incompatible or another GDS error was encountered. 2) The INSET= info is obtained by deputying HEADER. If a printer is selected then also the header info will be sent to printer, but on separate pages. Example: disk Updates: 26 Feb, 1991: VOG, Document created. 4 Dec, 1991: VOG, Using new gds_exist for corrupted descr. 26 Apr, 1995: VOG, Print all GDS errors from gds_exist 19 Jun, 1995: VOG, Changed storage of strings. 12 Oct, 1995: VOG, Improved 'compare' routine to sort file names with many digits. 23 Mar, 2011: JPT, Use 64 bit numbers for file sizes.