Subroutine: XEQ Purpose: Send a task start command to HERMES. Category: SYSTEM, USER-INTERFACE File: srvreq.c Author: J.P. Terlouw Use: CALL XEQ( STRING, Input character IRC ) Output integer STRING Character variable containing the HERMES task start command. Example: CLEAR,MEM=1 IRC Return code containing information about the fate of the command. 1 successful execution -1 Hermes refused to execute command because of sytax error, too many tasks active, etc. -2 task exited before calling INIT -3 fatal execution error (i.e. CALL ERROR with a level at or above current error level) -4 task crashed -5 user abort Related docs: DEPUTY.DC2, XEQXIT.DC2 Updates: Aug 8, 1979: JPT, Original document. Feb 15, 1990: JPT, Portable version, rewritten in ANSI C. Dec 2, 1991: JPT, Return codes revised.