Source: PGPLOT Purpose: GIPSY version of PGPLOT Category: GRAPHICS File: pgplot.src Author: J. P. Terlouw Use: The PGPLOT routines with a dc2 document may be called by an application program (see pg*.dc2). All other routines are called by these PGPLOT routines and are of no interest for the application programmer. For a complete installation of PGPLOT in GIPSY it is necessary to install pgdriv.src also. This contains all drivers which are site specific (see pgdriv.dc3). The PGPLOT fonts are installed at the GIPSY installation and are stored in $gip_lib/grfont.dat by $gip_sys/pgpack.f. Description: Some PGPLOT routines were modified for use within GIPSY. For the application programmer the following changes may be of interest. PGBEG - device name must be a GIPSY device name. PGOPEN - device name must be a GIPSY device name. Extra routines: GGIXOR - non-destructive drawing for Ggi plot fields. PGCOLIM - color image with user supplied look up table. PGCOTIC - contour map, with blanking and ticks. PGGRAY1 - temporary alternative for PGGRAY. PGGRAY2 - gray-scale map with user supplied levels. PGPAT - set line style according to input pattern. PGSNCR - modify range of color indices. PGSBCI - set color index to be used for BLANK. PGQBCI - query color index to be used for BLANK. All modified routines have the text "GIPSY-modified" in the first line of the source, added routines have the text "GIPSY-private". The original source code of modified routines is kept in files with extension '.orig'. The subroutines PGCONX, PGFUNT, PGFUNX and PGFUNY are only callable from Fortran, not from C, because one or two arguments are external functions, a feature not supported by our f2cvv interface. The source contains the following maintenance utilities: -- create the all-encompassing pgplot.h file. -- useful for installing new PGPLOT versions. Makefile.uti -- makefile for packing the source. Updates: Oct 10, 1991: WZ Document created. Nov 9, 1998: JPT Complete new installation of version 5.2.0. Dec 3, 1998: JPT Removed obsolete routines, fixed PGOPEN bug. Sep 3, 1999: JPT Added PGSNCR. Sep 30, 1999: JPT Added PGSBCI and PGQBCI. Mar 7, 2000: JPT Modified PGLINE for skipping BLANKs. Apr 18, 2000: JPT Implemented interpolating PGIMAG Jun 20, 2007: JPT Fixed pgqhs_c declaration