Name: GRPOCL Purpose: polygon clip Category: GRAPHICS File: pgplot.src Author: T.J. Pearson Use: see description below. Description: SUBROUTINE GRPOCL (N,PX,PY, EDGE, VAL, MAXOUT, NOUT, QX, QY) INTEGER N, NOUT, EDGE, MAXOUT REAL PX(*), PY(*), QX(*), QY(*) REAL VAL Clip a polygon against a rectangle: Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm. this routine must be called four times to clip against each of the edges of the rectangle in turn. Arguments: N (input, integer): the number of vertices of the polygon (at least 3). PX, PY (input, real arrays, dimension at least N): world coordinates of the N vertices of the input polygon. EDGE (input, integer): 1: clip against left edge, X > XMIN=VAL 2: clip against right edge, X < XMAX=VAL 3: clip against bottom edge, Y > YMIN=VAL 4: clip against top edge, Y < YMIN=VAL VAL (input, real): coordinate value of current edge. MAXOUT (input, integer): maximum number of vertices allowed in output polygon (dimension of QX, QY). NOUT (output, integer): the number of vertices in the clipped polygon. QX, QY (output, real arrays, dimension at least MAXOUT): world coordinates of the NOUT vertices of the output polygon. Updates: Oct 16, 1998: JPT automatically extracted from source.