Name: grglun Purpose: get a Fortran logical unit number (Sun/Convex-UNIX) Category: GRAPHICS File: pgplot.src Author: T.J. Pearson Use: see description below. Description: SUBROUTINE GRGLUN(LUN) INTEGER LUN Get an unused Fortran logical unit number. Returns a Logical Unit Number that is not currently opened. After GRGLUN is called, the unit should be opened to reserve the unit number for future calls. Once a unit is closed, it becomes free and another call to GRGLUN could return the same number. Also, GRGLUN will not return a number in the range 1-9 as older software will often use these units without warning. Arguments: LUN : receives the logical unit number, or -1 on error. Updates: Oct 16, 1998: JPT automatically extracted from source.