Name: GRCHAR Purpose: draw a string of characters Category: GRAPHICS File: pgplot.src Author: T.J. Pearson Use: see description below. Description: SUBROUTINE GRCHAR (IDENT,CENTER,ORIENT,ABSXY,X0,Y0,STRING) GRPCKG: Draw a string of characters. The plot is not windowed in the current subarea, but in the full plotting area. Arguments: IDENT (input, integer): plot identifier, as returned by GROPEN. CENTER (input, logical): if .TRUE., the first character of the string is centered at (X0,Y0); otherwise the bottom left corner of the first character is placed at (X0,Y0). ORIENT (input, real): the angle in degrees that the string is to make with the horizontal, increasing anticlockwise. ABSXY (input, logical): if .TRUE., (X0,Y0) are absolute device coordinates; otherwise they are world coordinates (the scaling transformation is applied). X0, Y0 (input, real): position of first character (see CENTER). STRING (input, character): the string of ASCII characters; control characters 0-20 have special representations; all other non-graphic characters are plotted as blank spaces. (1-Feb-1983) Updates: Oct 16, 1998: JPT automatically extracted from source.