Function: gds___fail Purpose: verify condition and handle error when condition not met. Author: J.P. Terlouw Category: BASIC-GDS File: gdsd_basic.c Use: int gds___fail(int verify, fint erri, fint *erro) It is similar to GDS___CHECK. If "error" is present and is negative due to a previous error condition, 1000 is subtracted from it to indicate failure in a previous call and gds___error_c is called with this value. This causes the program to abort with an error message. If "verify" is true, gds___fail returns false. If "verify" is false, then the presence of "erro" is checked. If it is present, then "erri" is copied to "erro" and true is returned. If it is not present, then gds___error_c is called with "erri" as argument. Updates: 21-Dec-89 -- original document