Function: GDS___ERROR Purpose: Central error handler for GDS. Category: GDS Files: gds___error.c Author: J.P. Terlouw Use: CALL GDS___ERROR( CODE ) Input INTEGER CODE Error code (<0). The error is converted to an error message. If code<1000, then an extra message precedes the final message. This feature is used when a subroutine is called with the error code already <0, i.e. an error has occurred in a previous call and was not cleared. Notes: In most cases GDS___ERROR is called indirectly via GDS___CHECK. GDS___ERROR must be called directly when a routine is called with a wrong number of arguments. Updates: Apr 2, 1987: JPT, original document. Dec 21, 1989: JPT, GPS version. Jun 28, 1990: KGB, converted to C because of SUN f77. Mar 2, 1994: JPT, modified for GDS server. Apr 5, 2011: JPT, added code 72.