Function: GgiTextField Purpose: Create a text input Ggi element Category: USER-INTERFACE File: ggi.src Author: J.P. Terlouw Use: #include "ggi.h" ident textfield; char *keyword, *message; int size; textfield = GgiTextField(keyword, message, size); textfield - 'handle' by which element can be referenced. keyword - user input keyword. message - help text which pops up when the pointer stays in the input area for some time. size - approximate size of the input field in characters. ( actually: pixel_size = (size+1)*7 ) Description: GgiTextField creates a text input element. On the screen is consists of a label field and right to this the actual text input field. The supplied keyword is taken as the label's default text. When typed into, it writes its contents to the keyword by calling wkey_c(); This can be read by any appropriate user input routine. If there is an error in the input which causes it to be rejected, an error message is displayed below the input field. The keyboard focus of multiple text input fields can be traversed by pressing the TAB key or the up and down arrows. The traversal order is the same as the order in which the elements were created. Updates: Jan 13, 1998: JPT, Document created.