Function: GgiList Purpose: Create a Ggi list element Category: USER-INTERFACE File: ggi.src Author: J.P. Terlouw Use: #include "ggi.h" ident list; char *keyword, **labels; int defcol; list = GgiList(keyword, defcol, labels); list - 'handle' by which element can be referenced. keyword - user input keyword. defcol - default number of columns (see below). labels - a NULL-pointer terminated list of pointers to the list entry texts. Description: GgiList creates a list element. A list element consists of a rectangular area containing a list of strings formatted in rows and columns. The 'defcol' argument determines the number of columns. When >0, it is hint which may or may not be used. When <0, the number of columns is fixed to the absolute value of the argument. When a list entry is selected, it is highlighted and the corresponding index is written to the keyword. (The first element corresponds with index zero.) Related document: GgiListLabels.dc2 Updates: Nov 2, 1999: JPT, Document created. Jul 19, 2000: JPT, Implemented fixed number of columns.