Function: GgiConfigure Purpose: Modify default Ggi configuration parameters Category: USER-INTERFACE, SYSTEM File: ggi.src Author: J.P. Terlouw Use: #include "ggi.h" char *appclass; int width, menuheight, remheight, buttheight; GgiConfigure(appclass, width, menuheight, remheight, buttheight); appclass - application class name width - task's window width in pixels menuheight - height in pixels of menu pane remheight - height of pane with non-menu, non-button elements buttheight - height of button pane Description: GgiConfigure modifies the application class name and a number of dimensions. The menu height and button height dimensions are only used when automatic layout of elements is in effect. When any argument is given as NULL or zero, the internal default remains in effect. GgiConfigure must be called before any element is created. Updates: Jan 13, 1998: JPT, Document created.