Preparation for Ubuntu

For Ubuntu systems, you find your version with command:
$ lsb_release -a
The output is for example:
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Release:	22.04
Codename:	jammy

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

To explore installing GIPSY on Ubuntu 22.05 LTS, we installed a minimal set of software.

Python environment

We need curl to download a recent, but not the latest version of Anaconda.
sudo apt-get install curl
With curl, we download the Anaconda distribution:
curl -O
Then install it with:
I gave it the install directory /home/myusername/anaconda3.
In your .bashrc you append, for instance with editor nano, the line:
export PATH="/home/myusername/anaconda3/bin/:$PATH"
If you type on the command line which python, you should see the right path to the interpreter.
Now we need Cython, which is a Python Package that is needed to create the GIPSY Python binding. The version that works for the installed Python version must be lower than 3.0.
pip install "cython<3"
Note that with a newer version of Anaconda (with Python 3.11) we could not find a Cython version able to compile the GIPSY Python binding. Cython is frequently updated so this situation may change.

System packages needed to install GIPSY

Check whether a package has been installed or not with for example:
dpkg -s gfortran
Install missing packages from the list below:
sudo apt install gfortran
sudo apt install make
sudo apt install tcsh
sudo apt install libxt-dev
sudo apt install libncurses-dev
sudo apt install xaw3dg
sudo apt install xaw3dg-dev
sudo apt install libxaw7-dev
Now get the GIPSY installer, either via the link on the download and installation page or use this for a direct download:
curl -O
and install GIPSY with:

Ubuntu 20.04

If you installed all the requirements and still getting compile errors about missing include files, you can find the package you need to install with the following steps (with option search in the example below, we find the package that provides Xaw3d):
sudo apt-get install apt-file
sudo apt-file update
sudo apt-file search Xaw3d
apt-file is a software package that indexes the contents of packages in your available repositories and allows you to search for a particular file among all available packages. For the requirements, see the next section. Note that you need Python version higher than 3.8

Packages to install

To fulfill all Python related dependencies (Python 3, Matplotlib, NumPy, SciPy and several others) we advise to install Anaconda3 and select the right installer for your system.

GIPSY is a system that will be build from source so you need a rich set of packages for developers.
The list with missing software tends to frow because newer Linux distributions tend to
include less material for developers

You can check whether a package has been installed with for example:
dpkg -s gcc
For a freshly installed system, the following extra packages need to be installed using Ubuntu's package manager: There is no need to start the tc-shell first of you are in Bash if you only want to start GIPSY (i.e. not need to use command line versions like visions or skycalq):
Define an alias in .bashrc
alias   gipsy='tcsh -c gipsy'
and put the following alias in your .cshrc:
setenv gip_root /home/gipsy; source $gip_root/sys/gipenv.csh

Ubuntu 19.04

Packages to install

For a freshly installed system, the following extra packages need to be installed using Ubuntu's package manager:
sudo apt install gfortran
sudo apt install tcsh
sudo apt install libxt-dev
sudo apt install libncurses-dev
sudo apt install xaw3dg
sudo apt install xaw3dg-dev
sudo apt install libxaw7-dev
Install the latest Anaconda distribution for Python 2.7. If you need to edit files on the command line and do not want to use vi, then use nano or install MicroEmacs with:
sudo apt install mg 

Ubuntu 18.04.2

Packages to install

For a freshly installed system, the following extra packages need to be installed using Ubuntu's package manager: Install the latest Anaconda distribution for Python 2.7. If you need to edit files on the command line and do not want to use vi, then use nano or install MicroEmacs with:
sudo apt install mg 

July 10, 2019