Document: PLSERVER Purpose: Description of the GIPSY PLot SERVER. Category: GRAPHICS File: plserver.src Author: K.G. Begeman Description: The plserver is an X11 plot server, which can be started by grexec or by hand. Use: plserver -window DEVICENAME plserver allows the user to specify some defaults in the .Xdefaults or .Xresources file. The parameters which can be set are the following: plserver.plot_height: height of plotwindow in pixels. plserver.plot_width: width of plotwindow in pixels. plserver.plot_height_mm: height of plotwindow in mm. plserver.plot_width_mm: width of plotwindow in mm. plserver.font: font for info & menu windows. plserver.backgroundcolor: color for background. plserver.foregroundcolor: color for foreground. plserver.xposition: startup at this x position. plserver.yposition: startup at this y position. Updates: Sep 14, 1993: KGB, Document created. Jan 25, 1995: KGB, User defined back- & foregroundcolors. May 4, 2007: JPT, Included conditional code for Apple Mac. Jun 16, 2009: JPT, Disabled bzero() declaration (server_main_loop)