Program: KAPTEYNPACKAGE Purpose: Kapteyn Package checking program. Category: SYSTEM File: kapteynpackage.src Author: J.P. Terlouw Description: Running this program displays a message about the current version of the Kapteyn Package. The main purpose of installing this program is to install the Kapteyn Package within GIPSY. This is done as a side-effect of the installation. The installation procedure first fetches the package's distribution from the web using wget and then installs it under $gip_exe using the package's normal install script If problems have ocurred with the package's installation, more information can be found in GIPSY's update log file. If this is not available, running the following command from the GIPSY account will show this information again: p -rebuild kapteynpackage.src The download program wget or one or more prerequisites may be missing, such as Python, WCSLIB and NumPy. Of the latter, also their header (.h, "include") files need to be present. Those are usually provided by the respective development packages of your system's distribution. After correcting the problem, repeating the rebuild command will install the package. If you need to use the Kapteyn Package outside GIPSY, and if it is not installed in another way, you can point the environment variable PYTHONPATH to $gip_exe: setenv PYTHONPATH $gip_exe after which it can be used normally. More information about the Kapteyn Package can be found on the webpage Updates: Jun 14, 2010: JPT, Document created.