Script: gipenv Purpose: Set some GIPSY environment variables in .cshrc or .profile for process wide use. Category: MANAGEMENT File: gipenv.csh Author: K.G. Begeman Use: when running csh, execute this C shell script in .cshrc by the following statement: source $gip_root/sys/gipenv.csh when running sh, execute in .profile by the following statement: . $gip_root/sys/ Notes: 1) gip_root must have been defined before this statement and is system dependent. For example for the Kapteyn alliant gip_root must be defined as follows in .cshrc: setenv gip_root /dj3/users/gipsy and in .profile: gip_root=/dj3/users/gipsy; export gip_root 2) if a local setup file exists ($gip_root/loc/gipenv.csh or $gip_root/loc/, then the local file will be executed. Updates: Jun 30, 1990: KGB, Document created. Mar 22, 1993: KGB, also for sh. Apr 4, 1996: KGB, allowed local setup. Feb 12, 2003: JPT, suppress client error message. Nov 15, 2004: JPT, introduced generic per-architecture client. Jun 16, 2009: JPT, 64-bit generic clients added. x86_64 only. Mar 22, 2011: JPT, added command-line invokable task aliases.