Program: gftp Purpose: Retrieves GIPSY sources from the GIPSY source server. Category: MANAGEMENT File: gftp.c Author: K.G. Begeman Use: gftp contacts the GIPSY source server and obtains GIPSY sources for remote updates. The programme is usually started from compile. The file $gip_loc/server is read to get the name of the GIPSY source server. If $gip_loc/server is not present, $gip_sys/server.mgr is tried. When compiled with -DSRC_SERVER, the resulting executable will be the GIPSY source server. Updates: Mar 16, 1993: KGB, document created. Nov 30, 2000: JPT, changed for server's new source path. Dec 13, 2011: JPT, retry gethostbyname() with "localhost" if it fails with "normal" hostname.