#!/usr/bin/env python #------------------------------------------------------------ # Purpose: Demonstrate that the scaled covariance errors for # weighted fits are comparable (or not) to errors we find with # a Jackknife method. # Vog, 09 Feb 2012 #------------------------------------------------------------ import numpy from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, show, rc from numpy.random import normal, randint from kapteyn import kmpfit def residuals(p, data): x, y, err = data a, b = p model = a + b*x return (y-model)/err N = 200 a0 = 0; b0 = 3 x = numpy.linspace(-5, 5.0, N) y = a0 + b0*x + normal(0.0, 0.8, N) # Mean,sigma,N err = normal(0.0, 2.0, N) fitobj_uw = kmpfit.Fitter(residuals=residuals, data=(x, y, 1.0)) fitobj_uw.fit(params0=[1,1]) if (fitobj_uw.status <= 0): print 'error message =', fitobj_uw.errmsg raise SystemExit print "\n\n======== Results kmpfit UNweighted fit =========" print "Params: ", fitobj_uw.params print "Errors from covariance matrix : ", fitobj_uw.xerror print "Uncertainties assuming reduced Chi^2=1: ", fitobj_uw.stderr print "Chi^2 min: ", fitobj_uw.chi2_min print "Reduced Chi^2: ", fitobj_uw.rchi2_min print "Iterations: ", fitobj_uw.niter print "Function ev: ", fitobj_uw.nfev print "Status: ", fitobj_uw.status fitobj = kmpfit.Fitter(residuals=residuals, data=(x, y, err)) fitobj.fit(params0=[1,1]) if (fitobj.status <= 0): print 'error message =', fitobj.errmsg raise SystemExit print "\n\n======== Results kmpfit weighted fit =========" print "Params: ", fitobj.params print "Errors from covariance matrix : ", fitobj.xerror print "Uncertainties assuming reduced Chi^2=1: ", fitobj.stderr print "Chi^2 min: ", fitobj.chi2_min print "Reduced Chi^2: ", fitobj.rchi2_min print "Iterations: ", fitobj.niter print "Function ev: ", fitobj.nfev print "Status: ", fitobj.status print "Covariance matrix: ", fitobj.covar A1, B1 = fitobj.params err *= numpy.sqrt(fitobj.rchi2_min) # Perfect weights -> chi^2_red = 1 # Plot results rc('legend', fontsize=8) fig = figure() frame = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) frame.errorbar(x, y, yerr=err, fmt='bo', label='Observed data') frame.plot(x, a0+b0*x, 'r', label='True model') frame.plot(x, A1+B1*x, '--c', alpha=0.5, lw=4, label='kmpfit weighted fit') frame.set_xlabel("X"); frame.set_ylabel("Y") frame.set_title("Jackknife with weighted and unweighted fits", fontsize=10) frame.grid(True) xr = x.copy() yr = y.copy() scaled_err = err.copy() #scaled_err *= numpy.sqrt(fitobj.rchi2_min) fitobj2 = kmpfit.Fitter(residuals=residuals, data=(xr, yr, scaled_err)) fitobj2.fit(params0=[1,1]) if (fitobj2.status <= 0): print 'error message =', fitobj2.errmsg raise SystemExit print "\n\n===== Results kmpfit weighted fit with reduced chi^2 forced to 1.0 =====" print "Params: ", fitobj2.params print "Errors from covariance matrix : ", fitobj2.xerror print "Uncertainties assuming reduced Chi^2=1: ", fitobj2.stderr print "Chi^2 min: ", fitobj2.chi2_min print "Reduced Chi^2: ", fitobj2.rchi2_min print "Iterations: ", fitobj2.niter print "Function ev: ", fitobj2.nfev print "Status: ", fitobj2.status xr2 = numpy.zeros(N-1) yr2 = numpy.zeros(N-1) scaled_err2 = numpy.zeros(N-1) col = ['y','g'] for k in [0,1]: if k == 0: fitobj2 = kmpfit.Fitter(residuals=residuals, data=(xr2, yr2, scaled_err2)) else: fitobj2 = kmpfit.Fitter(residuals=residuals, data=(xr2, yr2, 1.0)) slopes = [] offsets = [] trials = N for i in range(trials): # Start loop over pseudo sample xr2[:] = numpy.delete(x,i) # Delete one point yr2[:] = numpy.delete(y,i) scaled_err2[:] = numpy.delete(err,i) ok = True if (not ok): print "All elements are the same. Invalid sample." print xr, yr else: fitobj2.fit(params0=[1,1]) offs, slope = fitobj2.params # print offs, slope, fitobj2.rchi2_min slopes.append(slope) offsets.append(offs) if i == 0: if k == 0: frame.plot(x, offs+slope*x, col[k], alpha=0.5, label='Jackknife with weighted fits') else: frame.plot(x, offs+slope*x, col[k], alpha=0.5, label='Jackknife with unweighted fits') else: frame.plot(x, offs+slope*x, col[k], alpha=0.5) slopes = numpy.array(slopes) offsets = numpy.array(offsets) offdelta = numpy.sqrt(((offsets-offsets.mean())**2).sum() * (N-1)/N) slopedelta = numpy.sqrt(((slopes-slopes.mean())**2).sum() * (N-1)/N) if k == 0: print "Jackknife errors in A, B for procedure with weighted fits:", offdelta, slopedelta else: print "Jackknife errors in A, B for procedure with unweighted fits:", offdelta, slopedelta frame.legend(loc='upper left') show()