#!/usr/bin/env python # Demonstrate regression through origin # 02-03-2012 import numpy from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, show, rc from numpy.random import normal from scipy.special import erfc from kapteyn import kmpfit def model(b, x): return b*x def residuals(p, data): # Needed for kmpfit x, y, err = data # arrays is a tuple given by programmer b = p return (y - model(b,x))/err def chauvenet(x, y, mean=None, stdv=None): #----------------------------------------------------------- # Input: NumPy arrays x, y that represent measured data # A single value of a mean can be entered or a # sequence of means with the same length as # the arrays x and y. In the latter case, the # mean could be a model with best-fit parameters. # Output: It returns a boolean array as filter. # The False values correspond to the array elements # that should be excluded # # First standardize the distances to the mean value # d = abs(y-mean)/stdv so that this distance is in terms # of the standard deviation. # Then the CDF of the normal distr. is given by # phi = 1/2+1/2*erf(d/sqrt(2)) # Note that we want the CDF from -inf to -d and from d to +inf. # Note also erf(-d) = -erf(d). # Then the threshold probability = 1-erf(d/sqrt(2)) # Note, the complementary error function erfc(d) = 1-erf(d) # So the threshold probability pt = erfc(d/sqrt(2)) # If d becomes bigger, this probability becomes smaller. # If this probability (to obtain a deviation from the mean) # becomes smaller than 1/(2N) than we reject the data point # as valid. In this function we return an array with booleans # to set the accepted values. # # use of filter: # xf = x[filter]; yf = y[filter] # xr = x[~filter]; yr = y[~filter] # xf, yf are cleaned versions of x and y and with the valid entries # xr, yr are the rejected values from array x and y #----------------------------------------------------------- if mean is None: mean = y.mean() # Mean of incoming array y if stdv is None: stdv = y.std() # Its standard deviation N = len(y) # Lenght of incoming arrays criterion = 1.0/(2*N) # Chauvenet's criterion d = abs(y-mean)/stdv # Distance of a value to mean in stdv's d /= 2.0**0.5 # The left and right tail threshold values prob = erfc(d) # Area normal dist. filter = prob >= criterion # The 'accept' filter array with booleans return filter # Use boolean array outside this function def h02age(h0): # Convert Hubble value to age eenMpc = 3.09E19 agesec = eenMpc / h0 ageyear = agesec / (3600*24*365) agebil = ageyear / 1e9 return agebil def lingres_origin(xa, ya, err): # Apply regression through origin N = len(xa) w = numpy.where(err==0.0, 0.0, 1.0/(err*err)) sumX2 = (w*xa*xa).sum() sumXY = (w*xa*ya).sum() sum1divX = (1/(w*xa)).sum() b = sumXY/sumX2 sigma_b = 1.0/sumX2 chi2 = (w*(ya-b*xa)**2).sum() red_chi2 = chi2 / (N-1) sigma_b_scaled = red_chi2 / sumX2 return b, numpy.sqrt(sigma_b), numpy.sqrt(sigma_b_scaled) do_chauvenet = True # Filter outliers # Data from student lab observations d0 = numpy.array([42, 6.75, 25, 33.8, 9.36, 21.8, 5.58, 8.52, 15.1]) v0 = numpy.array([1294, 462, 2562, 2130, 750, 2228, 598, 224, 971]) N0 = len(d0) # Here one can experiment with errors on the measured values err0 = numpy.zeros(N0) + normal(190.0, 1.0, N0) # Mean 200, sigma 1 # Hubble space telescope 2009: H0 = 74.2 +- 3.6 (km/s)/Mpc. H0_last = 74.2 # Filter possible outliers based on Chauvenet's criterion # Use the current literature value of the Hubble constant # to create a line which is used as a base to calculate # deviations. These offsets are distributed normally and we can # apply Chauvenet's criterion to filter outliers. print "\nPre filtering:" print "=================" paramsinitial = [70.0] fitobj = kmpfit.Fitter(residuals=residuals, data=(d0,v0,err0)) fitobj.fit(params0=paramsinitial) H0_fit0 = fitobj.params[0] H0_fit0_delta = fitobj.stderr print "H0 with unfiltered data: ", H0_fit0 # If you want to know which data would have been excluded if # you had a perfect fit with H0 = Ho_last, then use: mean = H0_last*d mean = H0_fit0*d0 # Use expression below for unit weighting. Otherwise use # the errors in the data as standard deviations. # stdv = numpy.sqrt(((v0-mean)**2).sum()/(N0)) stdv = err0 filter = chauvenet(d0, v0, mean=mean, stdv=stdv) print "Excluded data based on Chauvenet's criterion:", zip(d0[~filter], v0[~filter]) d = d0[filter]; v = v0[filter]; err = err0[filter] N = len(d) # Length could have been changed H0_fit, err_fit, err_fit_scaled = lingres_origin(d, v, err) print "\nResults analytical method:" print "============================" print "Best fit H0: ", H0_fit print "Asymptotic error: ", err_fit print "Standard error assuming red.chi^2=1: ", err_fit_scaled print "\nModel parameters straight line analytical method: " print "V = %f(+-%f)*D" % (H0_fit, err_fit_scaled) x1 = h02age(H0_fit) x2 = h02age(H0_fit+err_fit) print "Age from fitted H0=%.1f (+- %.1f): %.1f (+- %.1f billion year)" %\ (H0_fit, err_fit, x1, abs(x2-x1)) print "Age from literature H0=%.1f: %.1f (billion year)" %\ (H0_last, h02age(H0_last)) paramsinitial = [70.0] fitobj = kmpfit.Fitter(residuals=residuals, data=(d,v,err)) fitobj.fit(params0=paramsinitial) print "\nFit results filtered data:" print "============================" print "Best-fit parameters: ", fitobj.params print "Asymptotic error: ", fitobj.xerror print "Error assuming red.chi^2=1: ", fitobj.stderr print "Chi^2 min: ", fitobj.chi2_min print "Reduced Chi^2: ", fitobj.rchi2_min print "Iterations: ", fitobj.niter print "Number of function calls: ", fitobj.nfev print "Number of free pars.: ", fitobj.nfree print "Degrees of freedom: ", fitobj.dof print "Number of data points: ", len(d) print "Covariance matrix:\n", fitobj.covar varmod = (v0-model(H0_fit0,d0))**2.0 v0_av = v0.sum()/N0 vardat = (v0-v0_av)**2.0 vr0 = 100.0*(1-(varmod.sum()/vardat.sum())) print "\nVariance reduction unfiltered data: %.2f%%"%vr0 xf = numpy.zeros(N0-1) yf = numpy.zeros(N0-1) errf = numpy.zeros(N0-1) vrs = [] fitter = kmpfit.Fitter(residuals=residuals, data=(xf,yf,errf)) header = "%20s %10s %10s %10s"%('Excluded data', 'chi^2', 'red.chi^2', 'VR') print "\n", header, "\n", "="*len(header) for i in range(N0): xf[:] = numpy.delete(d0,i) # Delete one point yf[:] = numpy.delete(v0,i) errf[:] = numpy.delete(err0,i) fitter.fit(params0=paramsinitial) varmod = (yf-model(fitter.params,xf))**2.0 yf_av = yf.sum()/N0 vardat = (yf-yf_av)**2.0 vr1 = 100.0*(1-(varmod.sum()/vardat.sum())) # A vr of 100% implies that the model is perfect # A bad model gives much lower values (sometimes negative) t = (d0[i], v0[i], fitter.chi2_min, fitter.rchi2_min, vr1) print "(%8.2f, %8.2f) %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f"%t vrs.append([vr1,i]) print "="*len(header)+"\n" vrs.sort() i = vrs[-1][1] xf[:] = numpy.delete(d0,i) # Delete one point yf[:] = numpy.delete(v0,i) errf[:] = numpy.delete(err0,i) fitter.fit(params0=paramsinitial) H0_vr = fitter.params[0] H0_vr_delta = fitter.stderr print "H0 based on VR filter:", H0_vr # Plot results fig = figure() rc('legend', fontsize=7) frame = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) frame.errorbar(d, v, yerr=err, fmt='bo', label="Filtered data") frame.plot(d0[~filter], v0[~filter], 'ro', label="Excluded data") dd = numpy.linspace(0, 1.1*d0.max(), 20) # Sample the fit lines label = "Unfiltered: $H_0 = %.1f \pm %.1f (km/s)/Mpc$"%(H0_fit0, H0_fit0_delta) frame.plot(dd, dd*H0_fit0, '-m', label=label) label = "Filtered with Chauv.: $H_0 = %.1f \pm %.1f (km/s)/Mpc$"%(H0_fit, err_fit_scaled) frame.plot(dd, dd*H0_fit, '-y', label=label) label = "Filter based on VR: $H_0 = %.1f \pm %.1f (km/s)/Mpc$"%(H0_vr, H0_vr_delta) frame.plot(dd, dd*H0_vr, '-c', label=label) label="Literature: $H_0=74.2 \pm 3.6 (km/s)/Mpc$" frame.plot(dd, dd*H0_last, '-g', lw=2, label=label) frame.set_xlabel("D (Mpc)") frame.set_ylabel("V (Km/s)") frame.set_title("Hubble constant for filtered data") frame.set_xlim(0, dd.max()) frame.grid(True) frame.legend(loc='upper left') show()